Daniel Day-Lewis

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Sir Daniel Day-Lewis
Day-Lewis at a 2013 Jaguar Mille Miglia event
Born Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis
( 1957-04-29 ) 29 Aprile 1957 (age 67)
Lunnon, Ingland
Residence Annamoe , County Wicklow , Ireland [1]
Alma mater Bristol Old Vic Theatre School
Thrift Actor
Years active 1970?2012 (on hiatus)
Hauf-marrae(s) Rebecca Miller ( m.  1996)
Pairtner(s) Isabelle Adjani (1989?95)
Bairns 3
Pawrents Cecil Day-Lewis
Jill Balcon
Kin Michael Balcon (grandfaither)
Tamasin Day-Lewis (sister)

Sir Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis (born 29 Aprile 1957) is a Breetish actor. [2]

References [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

  1. Day Lewis Given Freedom of Wicklow
  2. "Daniel Day-Lewis Spoofs Clint Eastwood's Obama Chair Routine at Britannia Awards" . Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 19 April 2013. "I know as an Englishman it's absolutely none of my business."