?umadija Destrict

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?umadijski okrug
Шумади?ски округ
Location o Šumadija Destrict in Serbie
Location o ?umadija Destrict in Serbie
Kintra   Serbie
Caipital Kragujevac
 ? Commissioner n/a
 ? Total 2,387 km 2 (922 sq mi)
  (2011 census)
 ? Total 290,900
 ? Density 121.8/km 2 (315/sq mi)
Municipalities 6 an 1 ceety
Settlements 174
- Ceeties an touns 5
- Veelages 169

The ?umadija Destrict (Шумади?ски округ, ?umadijski okrug ) is locatit in the central pairt o Serbie . It haes a population o 290,900, an the destrict seat is the ceety o Kragujevac . It is namit efter the lairger region o ?umadija .

Municipalities [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

?umadija Destrict is dividit intae 6 municipalities an Ceety o Kragujevac , which is dividit intae 5 municipalities: Municipalities o the destrict are:

Cairt o the ?umadija Destrict

Ceety o Kragujevac is dividit intae municipalities o:

Ethnic groups (2002 census) [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

Cultur an history [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

In the vicinity o Kragujevac staund several medieval monasteries, includin the Annunciation monastery Divostin frae the thirteent century; the St. Nicholas monastery, believit tae hae existit at the time o the Battle o Kosovo in 1389 ; an the Dra?a monastery frae unkent times.

In 1833 the Kragujevac Grammar School, the first Serb-leid grammar schuil sooth o the Sava an Danube rivers, wis foondit in Kragujevac. Ower the last fifty years this ceety o Serbie schuilin haes borne a seembol o grief: in the Memorial Pairk in ?umarice staunds a monument tae the pupils an teachers o this grammar schuil who wur executit in World War II . Seekin tae set a frichtenin ensaumple for aw Serbie, German fascists executit 7,000 ceetizens in Kragujevac ower the course o a single day, 21 October 1941. Amang them wur aboot 300 pupils an 18 teachers, includin 15 boys frae the ages o 8 tae 15.

Economy [ eedit | eedit soorce ]

The day Kragujevac is a modren industrial centre o Serbie. The maist famous business is the Zastava caur factory, nou pairt o FIAT , which producit the famous Yugo automobile. An aw prominent are the "21 Oktobar" factory which produces spare caur pairts, an the Zastava Arms fireairms manufacturer.

See an aw [ eedit | eedit soorce ]