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다음 檢索語가 强調標示되었습니다: forbidden love 2004
Islamic Love Stories: How Indonesian Soap Opperas Presented Islamic Version of Romantic Love in the 2000s
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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
Islamic Love Stories: How Indonesian Soap Opperas Presented
Islamic Version of Romantic Love in the 2000s
Wina Sumiati, Dept. History, Faculty of Art and Social Science, The Australian
National University, Canberra, ACT
Corresponding Author: &
Received: May 20, 2023
Accepted: June 25, 2023
Published: June 30, 2023
Copyright@2023 (author)
This work is licensed under a
During Ramadhan month in the 2000s, most Indonesian TV stations used to air Islamic-
themed soap operas. However, the stories of those soap operas did not represent Islamic values.
Rather than showing Islamic messages in their stories, most scenes of those soap operas were all
about melodrama and mysticism. This research aims to analyze and compare two Islamic-labeled
soap operas, Lorong Waktu 3 (2002) and Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2005), claimed as the real
Islamic stories by Dedi Mizwar. While I intend to prove Mizwar's claim, I also will focus on
examining the romantic scenes in both soap operas. I use qualitative methods to analyze the research
objective by collecting primary sources digitally on YouTube and secondary sources in online-offline
libraries. The videos of Mizwars' soap operas are available and open-accessed on YouTube, so
obtaining the relevant primary sources is effortless. After researching, I found that melodrama and
mysticism popularities of many Islamic labeled soap operas did not influence the romantic love stories
of Mizwar's production. Both Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat beautifully convey how
Islam confines a romantic relationship to Indonesian Muslim society. All in all, this research shows
the filmmaker succeeded in criticizing and changing the image of most soap opera characters that
previously did not represent Islamic lessons.
Keywords: Islam, Indonesia, Love, Soap Opera
Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan di tahun 2000-an, banyak stasiun TV di Indonesia yang
menayangkan sinetron Islami. Namun sayangnya, banyak cerita di sinetron tersebut tidak
merepresantasikan nilai-nilai Islam dan malah berisi tentang melodrama dan mistis. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan dua sinetron Islami Lorong Waktu 3 (2002)
dan Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2005) dari sisi cerita romantisnya yang diklaim Dedi Mizwar sebagai
sinetron yang benar-benar Islami. Selain terfokus pada perbandingan kedua sinetron, Penulis juga
akan menganalisis segmen-segmen romantis dari kedua cerita tersebut. Untuk menganalisis objek
penelitian ini, Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan cara mengumpulkan berbagai
sumber primer secara digital melalui YouTube, dan juga sumber sekunder dari perpustakaan.
Video-video sinetron karya Dedi Mizwar sendiri tersedia dan sangat mudah untuk didapatkan di
YouTube, sehingga tidak ada kendala yang berarti untuk memperoleh sumber primer. Hasil
penelitian menunjukan bahwa kedua sinetron tersebut tidak terpengaruhi genre melodrama dan
mistis dari sinetron Islami yang marak waktu itu. Baik Lorong Waktu 3 (2002) maupun
Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2005), keduanya menyampaikan kepada masyarakat Muslim Indonesia

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Vol. 21, No. 1, January-June 2023
bagaimana seharusnya hubungan cinta yang baik dalam Islam. Singkatnya, produser sinetron
tersebut berhasil mengkritisi dan mengubah imej kebanyakan sinetron berlabel Islami yang tidak
memberikan pesan-pesan Islam secara benar.
Kata Kunci: Islam, Indonesia, Cinta, Sinetron
Islamic Soap Operas, Ramadhan, and Muslim Film Maker
The popularity of Islamic soap operas in Indonesia began in the 2000s when
almost all commercial TV stations had at least one Islamic-themed soap opera. The
first popular religious soap opera was Doaku Harapanku which was aired during the
Muslim fasting month ( Ramadhan ) and succeeded in attracting many Muslim viewers
in Indonesia. The success of Doaku Harapanku inspired many filmmakers to produce
Islamic soap operas with a similar genre: melodrama but labeled as Islamic-theme
soap operas, including Doa Membawa Berkah , Hikmah , and Jihan . 1
Since the emergence of the first Islamic soap opera, Ramadhan month has
become the time to air Islamic programs. For Kusri Budiasih, this phenomenon
happens because the character of holiness for Indonesian Muslims could be related
to Ramadhan when all Muslim people are encouraged to be more pious and religious
than in their previous months, so the show of Islamic soap operas during the fasting
month is in good timing. 2 From the perspective of commercial Islam, many assess
Ramadhan month as a more pious market than other times of the year. Claudia Nef-
Saluz, for instance, sees that many producers of soap operas use this opportunity to
sell Islamic theme soap operas to target the majority of Muslims in Indonesia. 3 These
producers represent middle-class Muslim expansion to create Islamic consumerism
through Islam-themed TV programs. The producers boost religious sentiment
through Islamic soap operas, generating an "emotional bond between viewers and
their programs." 4
An example of a Muslim middle-class who expresses Islam through Islamic
soap operas is Dedi Mizwar. His two Islamic soap opera products that become my
research objects are Lorong Waktu and Kiamat Sudah Dekat . Mizwar is a filmmaker and
a PT Demi Gisela Citra Sinema founder who commits to only creating Islamic films
and soap operas. 5 However, he aims to criticize many past Islamic soap operas and
films that do not represent Islam. Mizwar claims that both Lorong Waktu 3 and
Kiamat Sudah Dekat are the answer to convincing Indonesian Muslims that there are
still real Islamic-themed soap operas and used Islamic lessons in their stories. 6 To
ascertain Mizwar's claim, I will examine whether Mizwar's soap operas tell their
1 Yuswohadi, Marketing to The Middle-Class Muslim , (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 2014), pp. 124-6. And, See also Herfanda and Kelana, Inspiring Stories , pp. 69-70.
2 Kunsri Budiasih, Penuntun Berani Nolak TV? , Bandung: Mizan, 2004 , pp. 143-4.
3 Claudia Nef-Saluz, “Islamic Pop Culture in Indonesia,” Universitat Bern , 2007, pp.
4 Gareth Barkin, “Commercial Islam in Indonesia: How Television Producers
Mediate Religiousity Among National Audiences,” International Journal of Asia Studies , 11, 1
(2014), pp. 1-15.
5 Ahmad Yosi Herfanda and Irwan Kelana, Inspiring Stories: 30 Kisah Para Beken yang
Menggugah , Solo: Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, 2008, pp. 69-70.
6 Ariel Heryanto, Identitas dan Kearifan: Politik Budaya Layar Indonesia (Jakarta:
Kepustakaan Popular Gramedia, 2015, p. 100.

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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
stories based on Islamic guidance, and specifically, I will analyze the romantic love
stories in his Islamic soap operas. In specific, the central question of this study is:
"How did the producer of both Islamic-themed soap operas Lorong Waktu 3 (2002)
and Kiamat Sudah Dekat (2005) convey romantic love based on Islamic values?"
This research uses historical methods, including collecting historical sources
( heuristic ), choosing the historical evidence based on its authenticity and credibility
( criticism ), interpreting and analyzing the facts of history, and historiography. Because
the research is about soap operas, the primary sources could be easily accessed on
YouTube. Almost all episodes of soap operas are available there. Meanwhile, many
secondary sources are articles and books from online journals and on-site libraries.
In doing the research, I used a qualitative approach to collect and verify
sources. Arditya Prayogy, in his article, states that the qualitative approach is
commonly used in humanities and social science research. A variety of methods in
qualitative research generally are observations, textual and visual analysis, and
interviews. 7 Both visual and textual analysis is used in this research. I found that the
primary sources relating to the study could be easily accessed on YouTube. The film
production company, PT. Gisela Citra Sinema provides the documentation of Kiamat
Sudah Dekat on its YouTube channel. Almost all episodes of soap operas are available
Meanwhile, the series of Lorong Waktu is available on other channels. Several
non-official channels have uploaded the Lorong Waktu in their channels without
changing the series' credibility. To fix the credibility and originality of the videos, I
compare many series of Lorong Waktu from one YouTube channel to others, such as
WAQOF GERBO channel to irinhd and KUTIPAN INFO channels. The result
shows their videos of Lorong Waktu are similar.
Meanwhile, many secondary sources are articles and books from online
journals and on-site libraries. Several writers have done some research about film and
soap operas, including Rachman Ida in her Imagine Muslim Women in Indonesian
Ramadhan Soap Operas, Muzayin Nazaruddin, who wrote an article on Islam in the
Indonesian Religious Soap Opera: Faithfulness for the Sake of Commodification , and many
more. Their writings could be references in analyzing my research study of love
stories of the Islamic TV series in the 2000s Indonesia. Nazaruddin uses the term
"soap opera" rather than "TV series" to analyze Islamic-mystic TV series in the
2000s. The meaning between soap opera and TV series, by definition, is almost
similar. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, soap opera is "a serial drama
performed originally on a daytime radio or television program and chiefly
characterized by tangled interpersonal situations and melodramatic or sentimental
treatment." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Melodrama and sentimental situations are
the characteristics of soap opera. A TV series is a group of episodes of a television
program, but there is no accentuation of melodrama and sentimental treatment (IGI-
Global Dictionary). Therefore, "TV series" is more suitable for Kiamat Sudah Dekat
and Lorong Waktu .
During the research, some questions were raised in this study. Firstly, does
the filmmaker succeed in bringing a romantic relationship packed in Islamic-themed
7 Arditya Prayogi, “Pendekatan Kualitatif dalam Ilmu Sejarah: Sebuah Telaah
Konseptual,” Historia Madania, Volume 5 (2) 243-244.

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Vol. 21, No. 1, January-June 2023
soap operas? Secondly, are romantic love stories affected by the genre of many
religious soap operas at that time, such as melodrama and mysticism? Thirdly, what
kinds of Islamic symbols on these Islamic soap operas represent Islamic-theme? All
the answers to the above questions I explain in this article.
The Popular Genre During the Release of Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah
Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat were Mizwar's products shown on
the Indonesian commercial TV stations in different times and situations. Lorong
Waktu 3 was aired in 2002 when many Islamic soap operas had a melodrama genre. 8
To criticize those Islamic melodrama soap operas, Mizwar offered Lorong Waktu 3,
although it was a continuity of the previous Lorong Waktu 1 and 2 . Just like other
Islamic soap operas, Lorong Waktu 3 was aired during Ramadhan month. The stories
of Lorong Waktu 3 were about Muslims' problems in their everyday life, such as
poverty, a relationship between children and parents, and romantic love conflicts, but
they were sometimes packed with comedy. To show that Lorong Waktu 3 is a genuine
Islamic soap opera, Mizwar positioned Islam as the solution to overcome all
Muslims' problems.
Interestingly, the way to solve a problem is by inviting the person to a
particular time through a time machine. That future life would remind the person
about their problem, and at the same time, he/she would find the solution. Unlike
other Islamic soap operas then, Lorong Waktu 3 did not show the high difference
between the good and the evil character among the actors and actresses.
Meanwhile, Kiamat Sudah Dekat emerged in 2005 when the mysticism genre
dominated Islamic-themed soap operas. 9 Kiamat Sudah Dekat itself was adopted from
the film of the same title in 2003. Like the characteristic of Mizwar's other soap
operas, Kiamat Sudah Dekat had Islamic stories interspersed with comedy. The re-
emergence of Kiamat Sudah Dekat is also a critique of the domination of Islamic
mystic soap operas in 2005. The story of Kiamat Sudah Dekat itself is about the
struggle of a young man to marry a pious person's daughter. Although it is about a
love story, the soap opera is not categorized as melodrama because there is no
conflict between the pious and the evil within the story. Also, many stories of Kiamat
Sudah Dekat relate to the daily life problems in Indonesia. It seems that both Kiamat
Sudah Dekat and Lorong Waktu 3 have the same genre of comedy and daily life stories
packed with the representation of Islam as the only solution for all human problems.
Nevertheless, the stories of Lorong Waktu 3 vary compared to the domination of the
love story of Kiamat Sudah Dekat .
The table below shows several soap operas dominated by the genre of
melodrama and Islamic-mystic in the 2000s:
Title of the Soap Opera
Year released
Doaku Harapanku
8 Rachman Ida, Imagine Muslim Women in Indonesian Ramadhan Soap Operas , Chiang
Mai: Silkworm Books, 2009.
9 Muzayin Nazaruddin, “Islam in the Indonesian Religious Soap Opera: Faithfulness
for the Sake of Commodification,” SHS Web of Conferences 33 , 00068 (2017), pp. 1-8.

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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
Lorong Waktu 1
Doa Membawa Berkah 2
Lorong Waktu 2
Doa dan Anugrah
Lorong Waktu 3
Titipan Ilahi
Rahasia Ilahi
Kiamat Sudah Dekat ( the series )
Kuasa Ilahi
Suratan Takdir
Takdir Ilahi
Source : data collected and arranged by the researcher
It shows on the table that since the Reformation era, many Islamic titled soap
operas have come out in Indonesia. Started from Doaku Harapanku aired in
Ramadhan month 1998 to the domination of Islamic mystic series in 2005. The data
above explain the kind of favorite soap opera genre of Indonesia's Muslim majority.
Rahasia Ilahi , for instance, succeeded in getting the highest rate of TV viewers in
2005. 10 This popularity was then followed by the release of other Islamic-titled soap
operas and TV series, such as Takdir Ilahi , Kiamat Sudah Dekat , Kuasa Ilahi , etc. Lorong
Waktu and Kiamat Sudah Dekat emerged amid the popularity of those Islamic-titled
soap operas and series. Later in the subsequent discussion, I will explain the love
story specifically in both Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat, whether
Mizwar's claim about his real Islamic themed soap operas corresponds with its
Romantic Relationship in Lorong Waktu 3
On Lorong Waktu 3 , each episode has a different story about a conflict in
Muslim life that is overcome at the end of that episode. Several episodes show some
problems in marriage, such as a misunderstanding between a husband and a wife and
divorce. In all 59 episodes of Lorong Waktu 3 , none stories are about a romantic
relationship between an unmarried woman and man, which is forbidden in Islamic
law. For instance, the first episode of the soap opera directly shoots the acting of a
wedding party of Addin and Sabrina. The story's beginning, after Addin and Sabrina's
marriage, shows how a romantic relationship should be between a husband and a
wife. As a wife, Sabrina shows her respect to her husband by kissing Addin's hand
10 Nazaruddin, Muzayin. (2008). Sinetron Religius: Sinetron Islami?. Jurnal
Komunikasi, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 312-313.

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before her husband leaves home. In the middle of the story, this new married couple
faces their first problem of a misunderstanding when Addin knows the wife, Sabrina,
feels disgusted to wash his underwear, even though they are already a legitimized
couple. At the end of the story, the problem is solved through the help of a senior
religious man, Pak Haji ( Haji is a label given to a Muslim who has completed the last
principle of Islam: going to Mecca, Saudi Arabia) who invites him to visit a particular
time through the time machine. At that unknown time and place, Addin gets a story
of a couple who has an attitude of forgiving each other. Because of that story, Addin
feels guilty and gets home soon to see his wife.
The above story explains how the producer shows the romantic relationship
of a married couple which is relevant according to Islamic guidance. In Islam, the
definition of romantic love is the heterosexual love between a man and a woman that
must happen after marriage because a close relationship between them can lead to a
sexual desire. Hence, the lovers are strangers to each other before a wedding party
happens. 11 Therefore, the story of romantic love in Lorong Waktu 3 shows an
Islamic message for Muslim audiences enjoying the soap opera. Such a story indicates
that the producer, Dedi Mizwar, successfully brought a real Islamic soap opera that
conveys the Islamic mission ( dakwah ) to the Indonesian public. It proves that his
Lorong Waktu 3 is different from other Islamic soap operas at that time.
However, the romantic relationship between a husband and a wife in Lorong
Waktu 3 can raise a question, especially in how the producer shows the woman's
position on the screen. The producer shows Addin's wife as a homemaker who stays
at home doing household work and waiting for the husband from his job. To analyze
the woman's position in this soap opera, we can see it from the cultural and Islamic
lenses, which most people in Indonesia understand. Firstly, in Indonesian culture,
many writers have concluded the domination of the male position in a family
compared to females. Based on Alfy Amaliananda's finding of gender portrayal in
Indonesia, most Indonesian people still regard women as the main actors doing
household chores. At the same time, men have a responsibility to earn money for the
family. Amaliananda believed that most soap opera stories on TV could represent the
reality of gender roles in Indonesia. 12 In his Women's Role in Indonesia , Pedersen also
adds that Indonesian society's understanding of defining women's place in a family
hinders female empowerment. 13 Pedersen's argument is unsurprising, given that most
Indonesian women do not complete tertiary education. Specifically, Ariane Utomo
recorded data from the 2010 population census in Indonesia that 'there were 76
tertiary-educated men for every 100 tertiary-educated women. The data from 2010
that shows how male domination was still high that year indirectly explains that the
number of uneducated women in 2002 (when Lorong Waktu 3 aired) was higher. 14
These arguments are the main reason for the domination of Indonesian men as
As most Indonesians are Muslims, their views on placing women in a family
are also based on Islamic culture and law. In Islamic tradition, men are the head of a
11 “Islamic Ideas of Love,” in Romantic Love in Cultural Context , by Victor
Karandashev, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 7-11.
12 Alfy Amaliananda, et. al., “Gender-Role Portrayals in Indonesian Movies,” Faculty
of Psychology, YARSI University , pp. 1-6.
13 Jon Andre Pedersen, “Women’s Role in Indonesia,” Intercultural Communication for
the Global Workplace , 1009IBA, 30 April 2012, pp. 1-11, published in .
14 Ariane Utomo, “A Woman’s Place,” Inside Indonesia , 120: April-June 2015.

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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
family, which is why they should become money providers for their wives and
children. In one of the Qur'an sections: An-Nisa: 34, it is said that "men are
protectors of women, for Allah has made some of them excel others and because
they spend their wealth on them," which means men have more significant
responsibility for either fulfilling household's needs than women or protecting their
family. 15 It is unsurprising if some scholars, like Shamim Samani and Farhad Kazemi,
claim that the Islamic tradition discriminates against women in some aspects,
including inheritance, divorce, and marriage. 16
However, the writer, like Alicia Izharuddin, is against the above views. Alicia
Izharuddin believed that women's status as housewives is shown in most soap operas
because of the Indonesian Muslim's conservative interpretation of women. 17
Although she agrees that Islamic law orders women to be subservient to their
husbands, it does not mean suppression for women. Several Qur'an sections and
Islamic history explain how husband and wife should respect each other and how
children should be more subservient to mothers than to fathers. 18 These opinions can
assess the wife's position in Lorong Waktu 3, that the soap opera producer
interpreted women's submission to their husbands based on the combination of the
Indonesian traditional culture and conservative Islamic views.
Forbidden Love in Kiamat Sudah Dekat
Compared to Lorong Waktu 3 , Kiamat Sudah Dekat tells a love story starting
from the struggle of a young man, Fandi, to marry Sarah, a daughter of a pious
elderly Muslim. Although the feeling of love in this soap opera exists before the
legitimized marriage, there is no scene about Fandi's and Sarah's close relationship
because Sarah's father always protects her from making a friend with any non-mahram
men (not close relatives). Therefore, the soap opera rarely shows Sarah going outside,
except for studying on campus and doing household chores, such as drying clothes
and cleaning the house's yard. As a pious Muslim woman, Sarah never meets Fandi
because it is also not allowed in Islam. Fandi, a rocker who grew up in America, is
described as having a bad attitude and nothing he knows about Islamic knowledge.
This problem worries Sarah's father, especially when he knows that Fandi intends to
marry his religious daughter. Each soap opera episode describes the continuity of
Fandi's struggle, from his first meeting until his successful effort to learn Islamic
knowledge and marry Sarah. Again, the producer shows that romantic relationships
between Muslim women and men should happen after marriage.
How the producer describes the forbidden love in Islam appears in several
scenes. First, the producer shows that all of Fandi's best friends have a girlfriend and
do not care about the barrier between a man and a woman before marriage.
Interestingly, those bad attitudes men use to drink alcohol, while the women are not
wearing hijab (veil). In the Indonesian Muslim culture, to measure a woman's
15 Al-Qur’an in the Letter of An-Nisa: 34.
16 See Shamim Samani, “Between Texts and Contexts: Contemporary Muslim
Gender Roles,” Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations , volume 27, 2016, Issue 3, 15 March 2016,
pp. 319-332. And, Farhad Kazemi, “Gender, Islam, and Politics,” Social Research , Vol. 67, No.
2, Iran: Since the Revolution (SUMMER 2000), pp. 453-474.
17 A. Izharuddin, “Visualising Muslim Women and Men: A Longue Duree,” in
Gender and Islam in Indonesian Cinema , Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017, pp: 63-96.
18 See al-Qur’an Letter of Al-Rum: 21 and Al-Baqara: 187, and Hadith from Al-
Tabarani about the paradise lies under mother’s feet.

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righteousness can be seen from her appearance, including hijab and clothes that cover
all parts of the body. When Fandi tries to change his attitude to be more pious, he
encourages all his friends and older sister to break their relationship with their non-
legitimized couple and start to learn Islam. The producer of this soap opera shows us
that one way to be more pious in Islam is by leaving disgraceful acts, including
having a non-legitimized lover.
Figure 1. Sarah's unfriendly expression when
approached by Fandi
Figure 2. Marriage proposal event between
Sarah's and Fendi's families
Source :
cited May 17, 2022
Source : Gisela Citra channel,
2V0 , cited May 17, 2022
Second, Fandi attempts to have a close relationship with Sarah through
several steps: Fandi asks for Sarah's father's permission to marry Sarah, then Fandi
struggles to fulfill any requirements to be Sarah's husband-to-be, including by
learning Islam. In Islam, Fandi's intention to get close to Sarah is not dating but
ta'aruf (an Arabic word that means 'introduction'). Ta'aruf is different from dating
because a man who intends to marry a woman should meet her family first, and ask
for any information about the woman's characteristics, then finally marry her no
longer after the process of ta'aruf is conducted. During the ta'aruf itself, the man is
forbidden to have dating with the woman unless close relatives accompany them.
The concept of ta'aruf as part of the producer's description of romantic love
before marriage is adopted from the Islamic tradition instead of Indonesian Muslim
culture. It is essential to know that up to 2018, the Indonesian Islamic Council never
issued a rule to forbid dating before marriage. Meanwhile, in the Indonesian law
passed in 1999-2000, the criminal act refers to an adultery case for married people, as
long as there is a report about the case. 19 If the Indonesian culture allows dating, so is
the passionate love in Kiamat Sudah Dekat 's story entirely inspired by Islamic law?
Besides the explanation of ta'aruf , many Islamic laws are about prohibitions for
dating before marriage. Several sections of the Qur'an forbid Muslims to be close to
non-Muhrim (not close relatives), including verses in an-Nur: 2-3 , al-Israa : 32, al-Furqan:
19 Indonesian Criminal Law, article 284 KUHP (Kitab Undang-undang Hukum
Pidana, Criminal Law Book) about Adultery.

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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
68-69 , and al-Muntahanah: 12 . 20 Those Qur'an sections explain that Muslims are
forbidden to have a date because dating closes to adultery, while adultery is one of
the major sins in Islam. 21 All these prohibitions reflect on the love story of Kiamat
Sudah Dekat .
The Islamic message of Kiamat Sudah Dekat is based on Islamic law, and it
shows that what we see in the Indonesian soap opera does not always reflect its
culture. Still, it can be based on the filmmaker/producer's goal and imagination. The
producer aims to make his soap operas as part of Islamic mission ( dakwah ) on TV. 22
The theme of Kiamat Sudah Dekat itself is an Islamic story aired during the Muslim
holy month, so it is not surprising if the producer wants to give the Muslim audience
stories based on Islamic law. While the producer's goal relates to dakwah , it is also
possible that his soap opera's story is because of marketing strategy. Like many
critiques of Islamic soap operas that are not 'Islamic' enough, Kiamat Sudah Dekat
offers its audience to watch the real Islamic message on the soap opera. 23
Islamic Representation in Both Soap Operas
In my previous discussion, I explained the stories of Lorong Waktu 3 and
Kiamat Sudah Dekat, which are based on Islamic tradition and laws. The
representation of those Islamic stories shows that both soap operas deserved to be
labeled as Islamic-themed. However, the next question is whether the Islamic theme
of these soap operas can be seen in their Islamic symbols. What kinds of symbols on
these soap operas represent the Islamic theme?
Many film and soap opera scholars have made several formulas to identify
Islamic theme soap operas, including veils 24 , mosques, Muslim preachers/religious
men ( kyai or haji ), and Islamic worship. 25 Most Islamic symbols appear in every scene
and episode of Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat . First, the leading actress of
both soap operas is wearing a veil. Sabrina (Addin's wife on Lorong Waktu 3 ) and
Sarah (the pious woman on Kiamat Sudah Dekat ) are described as religious women
who are respectively obedient to their husbands and father. Veiling is a symbol of
their purity in these soap operas. Claudia Nef-Saluz, in her Islamic Pop Culture in
Indonesia, believed that veiled women on the Indonesian soap operas "equals good
woman, and unveiled woman equals bad woman." 26 Therefore, in Islamic soap
operas, the producer shows the religious women wearing the veils to ensure that they
are based on Islamic guidance, as Islam requires Muslim women to cover their heads
with veils.
20 See Al-Qur’an Letter of An-Nur: 2-3, al-Israa: 32, al-Furqan: 68-69, and al-
Muntahanah: 12.
21 See Al-Qur’an Letter of An-Nur: 2-3, al-Israa: 32, al-Furqan: 68-69, and al-
Muntahanah: 12.
22 Ahmad Yosi Herfanda and Irwan Kelana, Inspiring Stories: 30 Kisah Para Beken yang
Menggugah , Solo: Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, 2008, pp. 66-70.
23 Inaya Rakhmani, “Fifteen Years of Sinetron Religi,” in Inside Indonesia , published
on November 17, 2014, published in Journal Sosiologi Masyarakat , Universitas Indonesia.
24 Gender through an Islamic Cinematic Lens,” in Gender and Islam in Indonesian
Cinema by Alicia Izharuddin, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 86.
25 Alicia Izharuddin, “Dakwah at the Cinema: Identifying the Generic Parameters of
Islamic Films,” in Gender and Islam in Indonesian Cinema , Macmillan: Palgrave, 2017, p. 40.
26 Claudia Nef-Saluz, “Islamic Pop Culture in Indonesia,” Universitat Bern , 2007, pp.

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Vol. 21, No. 1, January-June 2023
Figure 3. Veiled woman in Kiamat Sudah
Figure 4. Veiled Woman in Lorong Waktu 3
Source :
cited May 17, 2022
Source : Irinhd TV YouTube channel,
vC6uH9Y8 cited May 17, 2022
Second, the mosque becomes the setting of both soap operas. Especially in
Lorong Waktu 3 , many scenes take place in the mosque. In this soap opera, the
mosque becomes the place to discuss and solve the problem. The elderly religious
man, Pak Haji , lives in a room beside the mosque in which many people whose
various issues visit Pak Haji in that mosque. Furthermore, the existence of pious
people is the next character of both soap operas. Pak Haji, in these soap operas,
becomes a respected religious person in society. He often gives people advice based
on his Islamic knowledge. Not only spiritual, he is also described as a well-to-do man
who can help the poor in his area.
Nevertheless, the scenes of worship as another symbol of most Islamic soap
operas are not dominant in both. In Lorong Waktu 3 , only a few scenes shoot a
Muslim who is praying. That is when a woman asks for God's guidance to decide his
choice whether she has to accept her ex-husband again or refuse him. Most of the
scenes in Lorong Waktu 3 are about Muslims' problems that can be solved through
visiting time passage. Meanwhile, the acting of worship in Kiamat Sudah Dekat only
happens when the leading actor, Fandi, learns how to pray in Islam. The few scenes
of worship in both soap operas might be because these soap operas are not
melodrama genres. In many melodrama-Islamic soap operas, praying becomes the
way of a suppressed woman complaining about her sad story to God because she has
no one except God. It differs from both Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat, in
which the religious man plays a vital role in helping people solve their problems. For
instance, a prayer scene on Lorong Waktu 3 is shown after the woman gets advice to
ask for God's help with her problem.
The analysis of two Islamic soap operas, Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah
Dekat, led to several conclusions. Firstly, Dedi Mizwar, the producer of these Islamic
soap operas, has succeeded in bringing Islamic messages through romantic love
stories. However, the love stories in each soap opera are different. Lorong Waktu 3
tells about the relationship between a husband and his wife, so their romantic love
happens after marriage. On Kiamat Sudah Dekat , the love story is shown between an

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Tsaqofah: Jurnal Agama dan Budaya
unmarried man and woman, but they have not been a couple until the man marries
his idol woman. Although the love stories differ, the producer's message in both
soap operas is clear Islam forbids a romantic relationship before marriage. Secondly,
although Lorong Waktu 3 was aired in 2002 when many Islamic soap operas were
melodrama, and Kiamat Sudah Dekat was produced during the popularity of Islamic
mysticism soap operas, Mizwar's soap operas were not influenced by melodrama and
mystic genre. In Lorong Waktu 3 and Kiamat Sudah Dekat, neither superstition
scenes nor women's suffering (melodrama) appears in these soap operas.
The research on Islamic soap operas shows what Islamic soap operas should
be. However, numerous Islamic-claimed soap operas in the 2000s still did not convey
Islamic values in their scenes. Mysticism and lack of Islamic symbols still became the
trends of soap operas in the 2000s in Indonesia. The truly Islamic values are not the
main aim of airing soap operas. The target of viewers and market demands were on
the top mind of many producers to release the soap opera genre.
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