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Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
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Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Lvmin Zhang, Anyi Rao, and Maneesh Agrawala
Stanford University
{lvmin, anyirao, maneesh}
Input Canny edge
“masterpiece of fairy tale, giant deer, golden antlers”
Input human pose
“chef in kitchen”
“…, quaint city Galic”
“Lincoln statue”
Figure 1: Controlling Stable Diffusion with learned conditions. ControlNet allows users to add conditions like Canny edges
(top), human pose (bottom), etc., to control the image generation of large pretrained diffusion models. The default results use
the prompt “a high-quality, detailed, and professional image”. Users can optionally give prompts like the “chef in kitchen”.
We present ControlNet, a neural network architecture to
add spatial conditioning controls to large, pretrained text-
to-image diffusion models. ControlNet locks the production-
ready large diffusion models, and reuses their deep and ro-
bust encoding layers pretrained with billions of images as a
strong backbone to learn a diverse set of conditional controls.
The neural architecture is connected with “zero convolutions”
(zero-initialized convolution layers) that progressively grow
the parameters from zero and ensure that no harmful noise
could affect the finetuning. We test various conditioning con-
trols, e.g., edges, depth, segmentation, human pose, etc., with
Stable Diffusion, using single or multiple conditions, with
or without prompts. We show that the training of Control-
Nets is robust with small (<50k) and large (>1m) datasets.
Extensive results show that ControlNet may facilitate wider
applications to control image diffusion models.
1. Introduction
Many of us have experienced flashes of visual inspiration
that we wish to capture in a unique image. With the advent
of text-to-image diffusion models [ 54 , 61 , 71 ], we can now
create visually stunning images by typing in a text prompt.
Yet, text-to-image models are limited in the control they
provide over the spatial composition of the image; precisely
expressing complex layouts, poses, shapes and forms can be
difficult via text prompts alone. Generating an image that
accurately matches our mental imagery often requires nu-
merous trial-and-error cycles of editing a prompt, inspecting
the resulting images and then re-editing the prompt.
Can we enable finer grained spatial control by letting
users provide additional images that directly specify their
desired image composition? In computer vision and machine
learning, these additional images (e.g., edge maps, human
pose skeletons, segmentation maps, depth, normals, etc.)
are often treated as conditioning on the image generation
process. Image-to-image translation models [ 34 , 97 ] learn
This ICCV paper is the Open Access version, provided by the Computer Vision Foundation.
Except for this watermark, it is identical to the accepted version;
the final published version of the proceedings is available on IEEE Xplore.

Page 2
the mapping from conditioning images to target images. The
research community has also taken steps to control text-
to-image models with spatial masks [ 6 , 20 ], image editing
instructions [ 10 ], personalization via finetuning [ 21 , 74 ], etc.
While a few problems (e.g., generating image variations,
inpainting) can be resolved with training-free techniques
like constraining the denoising diffusion process or edit-
ing attention layer activations, a wider variety of problems
like depth-to-image, pose-to-image, etc., require end-to-end
learning and data-driven solutions.
Learning conditional controls for large text-to-image dif-
fusion models in an end-to-end way is challenging. The
amount of training data for a specific condition may be sig-
nificantly smaller than the data available for general text-to-
image training. For instance, the largest datasets for various
specific problems (e.g., object shape/normal, human pose
extraction, etc.) are usually about 100K in size, which is
50,000 times smaller than the LAION-5B [ 78 ] dataset that
was used to train Stable Diffusion [ 81 ]. The direct finetun-
ing or continued training of a large pretrained model with
limited data may cause overfitting and catastrophic forget-
ting [ 31 , 74 ]. Researchers have shown that such forgetting
can be alleviated by restricting the number or rank of train-
able parameters [ 14 , 25 , 31 , 91 ]. For our problem, designing
deeper or more customized neural architectures might be
necessary for handling in-the-wild conditioning images with
complex shapes and diverse high-level semantics.
This paper presents ControlNet, an end-to-end neural
network architecture that learns conditional controls for large
pretrained text-to-image diffusion models (Stable Diffusion
in our implementation). ControlNet preserves the quality
and capabilities of the large model by locking its parameters,
and also making a trainable copy of its encoding layers.
This architecture treats the large pretrained model as a strong
backbone for learning diverse conditional controls. The
trainable copy and the original, locked model are connected
with zero convolution layers, with weights initialized to zeros
so that they progressively grow during the training. This
architecture ensures that harmful noise is not added to the
deep features of the large diffusion model at the beginning
of training, and protects the large-scale pretrained backbone
in the trainable copy from being damaged by such noise.
Our experiments show that ControlNet can control Sta-
ble Diffusion with various conditioning inputs, including
Canny edges, Hough lines, user scribbles, human key points,
segmentation maps, shape normals, depths, etc. (Figure 1 ).
We test our approach using a single conditioning image,
with or without text prompts, and we demonstrate how our
approach supports the composition of multiple conditions.
Additionally, we report that the training of ControlNet is
robust and scalable on datasets of different sizes, and that for
some tasks like depth-to-image conditioning, training Con-
trolNets on a single NVIDIA RTX 3090Ti GPU can achieve
results competitive with industrial models trained on large
computation clusters. Finally, we conduct ablative studies to
investigate the contribution of each component of our model,
and compare our models to several strong conditional image
generation baselines with user studies.
In summary, (1) we propose ControlNet, a neural network
architecture that can add spatially localized input conditions
to a pretrained text-to-image diffusion model via efficient
finetuning, (2) we present pretrained ControlNets to control
Stable Diffusion, conditioned on Canny edges, Hough lines,
user scribbles, human key points, segmentation maps, shape
normals, depths, and cartoon line drawings, and (3) we val-
idate the method with ablative experiments comparing to
several alternative architectures, and conduct user studies
focused on several previous baselines across different tasks.
2. Related Work
2.1. Finetuning Neural Networks
One way to finetune a neural network is to directly continue
training it with the additional training data. But this approach
can lead to overfitting, mode collapse, and catastrophic for-
getting. Extensive research has focused on developing fine-
tuning strategies that avoid such issues.
HyperNetwork is an approach that originated in the Natural
Language Processing (NLP) community [ 25 ], with the aim
of training a small recurrent neural network to influence the
weights of a larger one. It has been applied to image gener-
ation with generative adversarial networks (GANs) [ 4 , 18 ].
Heathen et al. [ 26 ] and Kurumuz [ 43 ] implement HyperNet-
works for Stable Diffusion [ 71 ] to change the artistic style
of its output images.
Adapter methods are widely used in NLP for customiz-
ing a pretrained transformer model to other tasks by em-
bedding new module layers into it[ 30 , 83 ]. In computer
vision, adapters are used for incremental learning [ 73 ] and
domain adaptation [ 69 ]. This technique is often used with
CLIP [ 65 ] for transferring pretrained backbone models to
different tasks [ 23 , 65 , 84 , 93 ]. More recently, adapters have
yielded successful results in vision transformers[ 49 , 50 ]
and ViT-Adapter [ 14 ]. In concurrent work with ours, T2I-
Adapter [ 56 ] adapts Stable Diffusion to external conditions.
Additive Learning circumvents forgetting by freezing the
original model weights and adding a small number of new pa-
rameters using learned weight masks [ 51 , 73 ], pruning [ 52 ],
or hard attention [ 79 ]. Side-Tuning [ 91 ] uses a side branch
model to learn extra functionality by linearly blending the
outputs of a frozen model and an added network, with a
predefined blending weight schedule.
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) prevents catastrophic for-
getting [ 31 ] by learning the offset of parameters with low-
rank matrices, based on the observation that many over-

Page 3
parameterized models reside in a low intrinsic dimension
subspace [ 2 , 47 ].
Zero-Initialized Layers are used by ControlNet for con-
necting network blocks. Research on neural networks has
extensively discussed the initialization and manipulation of
network weights [ 36 , 37 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 75 , 82 , 94 ]. For exam-
ple, Gaussian initialization of weights can be less risky than
initializing with zeros [ 1 ]. More recently, Nichol et al. [ 58 ]
discussed how to scale the initial weight of convolution lay-
ers in a diffusion model to improve the training, and their
implementation of “zero module” is an extreme case to scale
weights to zero. Stability’s model cards [ 82 ] also mention
the use of zero weights in neural layers. Manipulating the
initial convolution weights is also discussed in ProGAN [ 36 ],
StyleGAN [ 37 ], and Noise2Noise [ 46 ].
2.2. Image Diffusion
Image Diffusion Models were first introduced by Sohl-
Dickstein et al. [ 80 ] and have been recently applied to
image generation[ 17 , 42 ]. The Latent Diffusion Models
(LDM) [ 71 ] performs the diffusion steps in the latent image
space[ 19 ], which reduces the computation cost. Text-to-
image diffusion models achieve state-of-the-art image gen-
eration results by encoding text inputs into latent vectors
via pretrained language models like CLIP [ 65 ]. Glide [ 57 ]
is a text-guided diffusion model supporting image genera-
tion and editing. Disco Diffusion [ 5 ] processes text prompts
with clip guidance. Stable Diffusion[ 81 ] is a large-scale
implementation of latent diffusion [ 71 ]. Imagen [ 77 ] directly
diffuses pixels using a pyramid structure without using latent
images. Commercial products include DALL-E2 [ 61 ] and
Midjourney [ 54 ].
Controlling Image Diffusion Models facilitate personal-
ization, customization, or task-specific image generation.
The image diffusion process directly provides some control
over color variation [ 53 ] and inpainting [ 66 , 7 ]. Text-guided
control methods focus on adjusting prompts, manipulating
CLIP features, and modifying cross-attention [ 7 , 10 , 20 , 27 ,
40 , 41 , 57 , 63 , 66 ]. MakeAScene [ 20 ] encodes segmentation
masks into tokens to control image generation. SpaText [ 6 ]
maps segmentation masks into localized token embeddings.
GLIGEN [ 48 ] learns new parameters in attention layers of
diffusion models for grounded generating. Textual Inver-
sion [ 21 ] and DreamBooth [ 74 ] can personalize content in
the generated image by finetuning the image diffusion model
using a small set of user-provided example images. Prompt-
based image editing [ 10 , 33 , 85 ] provides practical tools to
manipulate images with prompts. Voynov et al. [ 87 ] propose
an optimization method that fits the diffusion process with
sketches. Concurrent works [ 8 , 9 , 32 , 56 ] examine a wide
variety of ways to control diffusion models.
trainable copy
zero convolution
zero convolution
(a) Before
(b) Aer
neural network
y c
neural network
block (locked)
Figure 2: A neural block takes a feature map x as input and
outputs another feature map y, as shown in (a). To add a
ControlNet to such a block we lock the original block and
create a trainable copy and connect them together using zero
convolution layers, i.e., 1 × 1 convolution with both weight
and bias initialized to zero. Here c is a conditioning vector
that we wish to add to the network, as shown in (b).
2.3. Image-to-Image Translation
Conditional GANs [ 15 , 34 , 62 , 89 , 92 , 96 , 97 , 98 ] and trans-
formers [ 13 , 19 , 67 ] can learn the mapping between different
image domains, e.g., Taming Transformer [ 19 ] is a vision
transformer approach; Palette[ 76 ] is a conditional diffu-
sion model trained from scratch; PITI [ 88 ] is a pretraining-
based conditional diffusion model for image-to-image trans-
lation. Manipulating pretrained GANs can handle specific
image-to-image tasks, e.g., StyleGANs can be controlled
by extra encoders [ 70 ], with more applications studied in
[ 3 , 22 , 38 , 39 , 55 , 59 , 64 , 70 ].
3. Method
ControlNet is a neural network architecture that can en-
hance large pretrained text-to-image diffusion models with
spatially localized, task-specific image conditions. We first
introduce the basic structure of a ControlNet in Section 3.1
and then describe how we apply a ControlNet to the image
diffusion model Stable Diffusion[ 71 ] in Section 3.2 . We
elaborate on our training in Section 3.3 and detail several
extra considerations during inference such as composing
multiple ControlNets in Section 3.4 .
3.1. ControlNet
ControlNet injects additional conditions into the blocks of
a neural network (Figure 2 ). Herein, we use the term network
block to refer to a set of neural layers that are commonly
put together to form a single unit of a neural network, e.g.,
resnet block, conv-bn-relu block, multi-head attention block,
transformer block, etc. Suppose F(·; Θ) is such a trained
neural block, with parameters Θ, that transforms an input
feature map x, into another feature map y as
y = F(x; Θ).

Page 4
In our setting, x and y are usually 2D feature maps, i.e., x ∈
h×w×c with {h, w, c} as the height, width, and number of
channels in the map, respectively (Figure 2 a).
To add a ControlNet to such a pre-trained neural block,
we lock (freeze) the parameters Θ of the original block and
simultaneously clone the block to a trainable copy with
parameters Θ c (Figure 2 b). The trainable copy takes an
external conditioning vector c as input. When this structure
is applied to large models like Stable Diffusion, the locked
parameters preserve the production-ready model trained with
billions of images, while the trainable copy reuses such large-
scale pretrained model to establish a deep, robust, and strong
backbone for handling diverse input conditions.
The trainable copy is connected to the locked model with
zero convolution layers, denoted Z(·; ·). Specifically, Z(·; ·)
is a 1 × 1 convolution layer with both weight and bias ini-
tialized to zeros. To build up a ControlNet, we use two
instances of zero convolutions with parameters Θ z1 and Θ z2
respectively. The complete ControlNet then computes
y c = F(x; Θ) + Z(F(x + Z(c;Θ z1 ); Θ c ); Θ z2 ),
where y c is the output of the ControlNet block. In the first
training step, since both the weight and bias parameters of
a zero convolution layer are initialized to zero, both of the
Z(·; ·) terms in Equation ( 2 ) evaluate to zero, and
y c = y.
In this way, harmful noise cannot influence the hidden states
of the neural network layers in the trainable copy when the
training starts. Moreover, since Z(c;Θ z1 ) = 0 and the train-
able copy also receives the input image x, the trainable copy
is fully functional and retains the capabilities of the large,
pretrained model allowing it to serve as a strong backbone
for further learning. Zero convolutions protect this back-
bone by eliminating random noise as gradients in the initial
training steps. We detail the gradient calculation for zero
convolutions in supplementary materials.
3.2. ControlNet for Text-to-Image Diffusion
We use Stable Diffusion [ 71 ] as an example to show how
ControlNet can add conditional control to a large pretrained
diffusion model. Stable Diffusion is essentially a U-Net [ 72 ]
with an encoder, a middle block, and a skip-connected de-
coder. Both the encoder and decoder contain 12 blocks,
and the full model contains 25 blocks, including the middle
block. Of the 25 blocks, 8 blocks are down-sampling or
up-sampling convolution layers, while the other 17 blocks
are main blocks that each contain 4 resnet layers and 2 Vi-
sion Transformers (ViTs). Each ViT contains several cross-
attention and self-attention mechanisms. For example, in
Figure 3 a, the “SD Encoder Block A” contains 4 resnet lay-
ers and 2 ViTs, while the “×3” indicates that this block is
repeated three times. Text prompts are encoded using the
Prompt c t
Output ? θ (z t , t, c t , c f )
SD Decoder Block A
SD Decoder Block B
SD Decoder Block C
SD Decoder
Block D 8×8
Time t
Input z t
SD Encoder Block A
SD Encoder Block B
SD Encoder Block C
SD Encoder
Block D 8×8
SD Middle
Block 8×8
zero convolution
Condition c f
zero convolution
zero convolution
zero convolution
zero convolution
zero convolution
SD Encoder Block A
64×64 (trainable copy)
SD Encoder Block B
32×32 (trainable copy)
SD Encoder Block C
16×16 (trainable copy)
SD Encoder Block D
8×8 (trainable copy)
SD Middle Block
8×8 (trainable copy)
(a) Stable Diffusion
(b) ControlNet
Figure 3: Stable Diffusion’s U-net architecture connected
with a ControlNet on the encoder blocks and middle block.
The locked, gray blocks show the structure of Stable Diffu-
sion V1.5 (or V2.1, as they use the same U-net architecture).
The trainable blue blocks and the white zero convolution
layers are added to build a ControlNet.
CLIP text encoder [ 65 ], and diffusion timesteps are encoded
with a time encoder using positional encoding.
The ControlNet structure is applied to each encoder level
of the U-net (Figure 3 b). In particular, we use ControlNet
to create a trainable copy of the 12 encoding blocks and 1
middle block of Stable Diffusion. The 12 encoding blocks
are in 4 resolutions (64 × 64, 32 × 32, 16 × 16, 8 × 8) with
each one replicated 3 times. The outputs are added to the
12 skip-connections and 1 middle block of the U-net. Since
Stable Diffusion is a typical U-net structure, this ControlNet
architecture is likely to be applicable with other models.
The way we connect the ControlNet is computationally
efficient ? since the locked copy parameters are frozen, no
gradient computation is required in the originally locked
encoder for the finetuning. This approach speeds up train-
ing and saves GPU memory. As tested on a single NVIDIA
A100 PCIE 40GB, optimizing Stable Diffusion with Control-
Net requires only about 23% more GPU memory and 34%

Page 5
more time in each training iteration, compared to optimizing
Stable Diffusion without ControlNet.
Image diffusion models learn to progressively denoise
images and generate samples from the training domain. The
denoising process can occur in pixel space or in a latent
space encoded from training data. Stable Diffusion uses
latent images as the training domain as working in this space
has been shown to stabilize the training process [ 71 ]. Specif-
ically, Stable Diffusion uses a pre-processing method similar
to VQ-GAN [ 19 ] to convert 512 × 512 pixel-space images
into smaller 64 × 64 latent images. To add ControlNet to
Stable Diffusion, we first convert each input conditioning
image (e.g., edge, pose, depth, etc.) from an input size of
512 × 512 into a 64 × 64 feature space vector that matches
the size of Stable Diffusion. In particular, we use a tiny
network E(·) of four convolution layers with 4 × 4 kernels
and 2 × 2 strides (activated by ReLU, using 16, 32, 64, 128,
channels respectively, initialized with Gaussian weights and
trained jointly with the full model) to encode an image-space
condition c i into a feature space conditioning vector c f as,
c f = E(c i ).
The conditioning vector c f is passed into the ControlNet.
3.3. Training
Given an input image z 0 , image diffusion algorithms
progressively add noise to the image and produce a noisy
image z t , where t represents the number of times noise is
added. Given a set of conditions including time step t, text
prompts c t , as well as a task-specific condition c f , image
diffusion algorithms learn a network ? θ to predict the noise
added to the noisy image z t with
L = E z 0 ,t,c t ,c f ,?∼N(0,1)
∥? ? ? θ (z t , t, c t , c f ))∥ 2
, (5)
where L is the overall learning objective of the entire dif-
fusion model. This learning objective is directly used in
finetuning diffusion models with ControlNet.
In the training process, we randomly replace 50% text
prompts c t with empty strings. This approach increases
ControlNet’s ability to directly recognize semantics in the
input conditioning images (e.g., edges, poses, depth, etc.) as
a replacement for the prompt.
During the training process, since zero convolutions do
not add noise to the network, the model should always be
able to predict high-quality images. We observe that the
model does not gradually learn the control conditions but
abruptly succeeds in following the input conditioning image;
usually in less than 10K optimization steps. As shown in Fig-
ure 4 , we call this the “sudden convergence phenomenon”.
3.4. Inference
We can further control how the extra conditions of Con-
trolNet affect the denoising diffusion process in several ways.
Test input
training step 100
step 1000
step 2000
step 6100
step 6133
step 8000
step 12000
Figure 4: The sudden convergence phenomenon. Due to the
zero convolutions, ControlNet always predicts high-quality
images during the entire training. At a certain step in the
training process (e.g., the 6133 steps marked in bold), the
model suddenly learns to follow the input condition.
(a) Input Canny map
(b) W/o CFG
(c) W/o CFG-RW (d) Full (w/o prompt)
Figure 5: Effect of Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) and the
proposed CFG Resolution Weighting (CFG-RW).
Multiple condition (pose&depth)
Figure 6: Composition of multiple conditions. We present
the application to use depth and pose simultaneously.
Classifier-free guidance resolution weighting. Stable Dif-
fusion depends on a technique called Classifier-Free Guid-
ance (CFG) [ 29 ] to generate high-quality images. CFG is
formulated as ? prd = ? uc + β cfg (? c ? ? uc ) where ? prd , ? uc ,
? c , β cfg are the model’s final output, unconditional output,
conditional output, and a user-specified weight respectively.
When a conditioning image is added via ControlNet, it can
be added to both ? uc and ? c , or only to the ? c . In challenging
cases, e.g., when no prompts are given, adding it to both ? uc
and ? c will completely remove CFG guidance (Figure 5 b);
using only ? c will make the guidance very strong (Figure 5 c).
Our solution is to first add the conditioning image to ? c and

Page 6
Normal map
Depth map
Canny[ 11 ] edge
M-LSD[ 24 ] line
HED[ 90 ] edge
ADE20k[ 95 ] seg.
Human pose
Figure 7: Controlling Stable Diffusion with various conditions without prompts. The top row is input conditions, while all
other rows are outputs. We use the empty string as input prompts. All models are trained with general-domain data. The model
has to recognize semantic contents in the input condition images to generate images.
Result Quality ↑ Condition Fidelity ↑
PIPT [ 88 ](sketch)
1.10 ± 0.05
1.02 ± 0.01
Sketch-Guided [ 87 ] (β = 1.6)
3.21 ± 0.62
2.31 ± 0.57
Sketch-Guided [ 87 ] (β = 3.2)
2.52 ± 0.44
3.28 ± 0.72
3.93 ± 0.59
4.09 ± 0.46
4.22 ± 0.43
4.28 ± 0.45
Table 1: Average User Ranking (AUR) of result quality and
condition fidelity. We report the user preference ranking (1
to 5 indicates worst to best) of different methods.
then multiply a weight w i to each connection between Stable
Diffusion and ControlNet according to the resolution of each
block w i = 64/h i , where h i is the size of i th block, e.g.,
h 1 = 8,h 2 = 16, ..., h 13 = 64. By reducing the CFG guid-
ance strength , we can achieve the result shown in Figure 5 d,
and we call this CFG Resolution Weighting.
Composing multiple ControlNets. To apply multiple con-
ditioning images (e.g., Canny edges, and pose) to a single
instance of Stable Diffusion, we can directly add the outputs
of the corresponding ControlNets to the Stable Diffusion
model (Figure 6 ). No extra weighting or linear interpolation
is necessary for such composition.
4. Experiments
We implement ControlNets with Stable Diffusion to
test various conditions, including Canny Edge [ 11 ], Depth
Map [ 68 ], Normal Map [ 86 ], M-LSD lines [ 24 ], HED soft
edge [ 90 ], ADE20K segmentation [ 95 ], Openpose [ 12 ], and
user sketches. See also the supplementary material for ex-
amples of each conditioning along with detailed training and
inference parameters.
4.1. Qualitative Results
Figure 1 shows the generated images in several prompt
settings. Figure 7 shows our results with various conditions
without prompts, where the ControlNet robustly interprets
content semantics in diverse input conditioning images.
4.2. Ablative Study
We study alternative structures of ControlNets by (1)
replacing the zero convolutions with standard convolution
layers initialized with Gaussian weights, and (2) replacing
each block’s trainable copy with one single convolution layer,
which we call ControlNet-lite. See also the supplementary
material for the full details of these ablative structures.
We present 4 prompt settings to test with possible be-
haviors of real-world users: (1) no prompt; (2) insufficient
prompts that do not fully cover objects in conditioning im-
ages, e.g., the default prompt of this paper “a high-quality,
detailed, and professional image”; (3) conflicting prompts
that change the semantics of conditioning images; (4) perfect
prompts that describe necessary content semantics, e.g., “a
nice house”. Figure 8 a shows that ControlNet succeeds in

Page 7
zero conv
zero conv
(w/o zero conv)
(initialize lightweight
layers from scratch)
No prompt
Insufficient prompt
(w/o mentioning “house”)
“high-quality and detailed masterpiece”
Conflicting prompt
“delicious cake”
Perfect prompt
“a house, high-quality,
extremely detailed, 4K, HQ”
Figure 8: Ablative study of different architectures on a sketch condition and different prompt settings. For each setting, we
show a random batch of 6 samples without cherry-picking. Images are at 512 × 512 and best viewed when zoomed in. The
green “conv” blocks on the left are standard convolution layers initialized with Gaussian weights.
ADE20K (GT) VQGAN [ 19 ]
LDM [ 71 ]
PIPT [ 88 ]
0.58 ± 0.10
0.21 ± 0.15
0.31 ± 0.09
0.26 ± 0.16
0.32 ± 0.12
0.35 ± 0.14
Table 2: Evaluation of semantic segmentation label recon-
struction (ADE20K) with Intersection over Union (IoU ↑).
all 4 settings. The lightweight ControlNet-lite (Figure 8 c) is
not strong enough to interpret the conditioning images and
fails in the insufficient and no prompt conditions. When zero
convolutions are replaced, the performance of ControlNet
drops to about the same as ControlNet-lite, indicating that
the pretrained backbone of the trainable copy is destroyed
during finetuning (Figure 8 b).
4.3. Quantitative Evaluation
User study. We sample 20 unseen hand-drawn sketches, and
then assign each sketch to 5 methods: PIPT [ 88 ]’s sketch
model, Sketch-Guided Diffusion (SGD) [ 87 ] with default
edge-guidance scale (β = 1.6), SGD [ 87 ] with relatively
high edge-guidance scale (β = 3.2), the aforementioned
ControlNet-lite, and ControlNet. We invited 12 users to rank
these 20 groups of 5 results individually in terms of “the
quality of displayed images” and “the fidelity to the sketch”.
In this way, we obtain 100 rankings for result quality and 100
for condition fidelity. We use the Average Human Ranking
(AHR) as a preference metric where users rank each result
on a scale of 1 to 5 (lower is worse). The average rankings
are shown in Table 1 .
Comparison to industrial models. Stable Diffusion V2
Depth-to-Image (SDv2-D2I) [ 82 ] is trained with a large-
FID ↓ CLIP-score ↑ CLIP-aes. ↑
Stable Diffusion
VQGAN [ 19 ](seg.)* 26.28
LDM [ 71 ](seg.)*
PIPT [ 88 ](seg.)
Table 3: Evaluation for image generation conditioned by
semantic segmentation. We report FID, CLIP text-image
score, and CLIP aesthetic scores for our method and other
baselines. We also report the performance of Stable Diffu-
sion without segmentation conditions. Methods marked with
“*” are trained from scratch.
scale NVIDIA A100 cluster, thousands of GPU hours, and
more than 12M training images. We train a ControlNet for
the SD V2 with the same depth conditioning but only use
200k training samples, one single NVIDIA RTX 3090Ti, and
5 days of training. We use 100 images generated by each
SDv2-D2I and ControlNet to teach 12 users to distinguish
the two methods. Afterwards, we generate 200 images and
ask the users to tell which model generated each image. The
average precision of the users is 0.52 ± 0.17, indicating that
the two method yields almost indistinguishable results.
Condition reconstruction and FID score. We use the test
set of ADE20K[ 95 ] to evaluate the conditioning fidelity.
The state-of-the-art segmentation method OneFormer [ 35 ]
achieves an Intersection-over-Union (IoU) with 0.58 on the
ground-truth set. We use different methods to generate
images with ADE20K segmentations and then apply One-

Page 8
Input (sketch)
Ours (w/o prompts)
Ours (“electric fan”)
Input (seg.)
Input (sketch)
Input (canny)
Taming Tran.
Ours (default) “golden retriever”
Ours (default)
“white helmet
on table”
Figure 9: Comparison to previous methods.We present the
qualitative comparisons to PITI [ 88 ], Sketch-Guided Diffu-
sion [ 87 ], and Taming Transformers [ 19 ].
Former to detect the segmentations again to compute the
reconstructed IoUs (Table 2 ). Besides, we use Frechet Incep-
tion Distance (FID) [ 28 ] to measure the distribution distance
over randomly generated 512×512 image sets using differ-
ent segmentation-conditioned methods, as well as text-image
CLIP scores [ 65 ] and CLIP aesthetic score [ 78 ] in Table 3 .
See also the supplementary material for detailed settings.
4.4. Comparison to Previous Methods
Figure 9 presents a visual comparison of baselines and our
method (Stable Diffusion + ControlNet). Specifically, we
show the results of PTIT [ 88 ], Sketch-Guided Diffusion [ 87 ],
and Taming Transformers[ 19 ]. We observe that Control-
Net can robustly handle diverse conditioning images and
achieves sharp and clean results.
4.5. Discussion
Influence of training dataset sizes. We demonstrate the
robustness of the ControlNet training in Figure 10 . The
training does not collapse with limited 1k images, and allows
the model to generate a recognizable lion. The learning is
scalable when more data is provided.
1k images
50k images
3m images
Figure 10: The influence of different training dataset sizes.
See also the supplementary material for extended examples.
“a high-quality and extremely detailed image”
Figure 11: Interpreting contents. If the input is ambiguous
and the user does not mention object contents in prompts,
the results look like the model tries to interpret input shapes.
Comic Diffusion
Protogen 3.4
SD 1.5
Figure 12: Transfer pretrained ControlNets to community
models [ 16 , 60 ] without training the neural networks again.
Capability to interpret contents. We showcase Control-
Net’s capability to capture the semantics from input condi-
tioning images in Figure 11 .
Transferring to community models. Since ControlNets do
not change the network topology of pretrained SD models,
it can be directly applied to various models in the stable
diffusion community, such as Comic Diffusion [ 60 ] and Pro-
togen 3.4 [ 16 ], in Figure 12 .
5. Conclusion
ControlNet is a neural network structure that learns con-
ditional control for large pretrained text-to-image diffusion
models. It reuses the large-scale pretrained layers of source
models to build a deep and strong encoder to learn specific
conditions. The original model and trainable copy are con-
nected via “zero convolution” layers that eliminate harmful
noise during training. Extensive experiments verify that Con-
trolNet can effectively control Stable Diffusion with single
or multiple conditions, with or without prompts. Results on
diverse conditioning datasets show that the ControlNet struc-
ture is likely to be applicable to a wider range of conditions,
and facilitate relevant applications.

Page 9
This work was partially supported by the Stanford In-
stitute for Human-Centered AI and the Brown Institute for
Media Innovation.
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