Hans-Georg Gadamer

HG Gadamer?- Information Theory, 2014 - books.google.com
HG Gadamer
Information Theory, 2014 ? books.google.com
Gadamer was born in Marburg, Germany, as the son of a pharmaceutical chemistry
professor who later also served as the rector of the university there. He resisted his father's
urging to take up the natural sciences and became more and more interested in the
humanities. He grew up and studied philosophy in Breslau under Richard Honigswald, but
soon moved back to Marburg to study with the Neo-Kantian philosophers Paul Natorp and
Nicolai Hartmann. He defended his dissertation in 1922.
Gadamer was born in Marburg, Germany, as the son of a pharmaceutical chemistry professor who later also served as the rector of the university there. He resisted his father’s urging to take up the natural sciences and became more and more interested in the humanities. He grew up and studied philosophy in Breslau under Richard Honigswald, but soon moved back to Marburg to study with the Neo-Kantian philosophers Paul Natorp and Nicolai Hartmann. He defended his dissertation in 1922.
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