Актуализация зрительного восприятия в языке: когнитивный аспект (на материале английского и русского языков)

ИЮ Колесов?- URL: http://www. vak. ed. gov. ru (дата?…, 2009 - static.freereferats.ru
Реферируемая работа выполнена в рамках семантикокогнитивного на правления и по
своим установкам соответствует широкому подходу к анализу языка, обращенному к?…

Reading relationships: Parents, adolescents, and popular fiction by Stephen King

K Chandler?- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 1999 - JSTOR
Results of this study suggest ways secondary English teachers might tap strong reading
relationships between parents and high school students. have always shared my reading?…

[冊] [B] Проблемы концептуализации и языковой репрезентации зрительного восприятия

ИЮ Колесов - 2008 - elibrary.ru
Когда человек воспринимает доступные его зрению признаки, по которым опознается
(видится) конкретный предмет, он соотносит его с уже известной его разуму моделью?…

[冊] [B] Cowboy Politics: Myths and Discourses in Popular Westerns from The Virginian to Unforgiven and Deadwood

JS Nelson - 2017 - books.google.com
The politics of popular westerns are surprising in substance and significance, especially of
late. Cowboy Politics shows how westerns in literature, cinema, and television face the?…

The Once and Future Earth: Ecology and Narrative in Stephen King's Dark Tower Series.

A Swann ?- Journal of Popular Culture, 2015 - search.ebscohost.com
The article examines the relationship between narrative and ecology in the" Dark Tower"
book series of Stephen King. Topics covered include the relationship between memory?…

[冊] [B] Stephen King's Contemporary Classics: Reflections on the Modern Master of Horror

PL Simpson, P McAleer - 2014 - books.google.com
Many readers know Stephen King for his early works of horror, from his fiction debut Carrie
to his blockbuster novels The Shining, The Stand, and Misery, among others. While he?…

Tarot and TS Eliot in Stephen King's Dark Tower Novels

EE Auger?- Mythlore, 2018 - JSTOR
UTHORS CREATE MYTHOPOEIC NOVELS by developing a new or pre-existing mythology
or fairytale. This development is not about static references to Arthur, Merlin, and Excalibur; it?…

[冊] [B] King Arthur's Children: A Study in Fiction and Tradition

TR Tichelaar - 2010 - books.google.com
Did you know King Arthur had many other children besides Mordred? Depending on which
version of the legend you read, he had both sons and daughters, some of whom even?…

The Hero's Journey: The Miltonian Satan of the British Epic in Opposition to the Kingian Roland of the American fictional West

RM Gilete , B Galvan Rodriguez?- Journal of Literary Studies, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This article focuses on the concept of “monomyth” or “the hero's journey”, applied to the
character of Satan in the poem Paradise Lost (1667) by John Milton and Roland in the saga?…

Stephen King and vampires

S Brown?- The Palgrave Handbook of the Vampire, 2023 - Springer
Abstract In 1975, author Stephen King invited the vampire into modern-day America in his
second novel Salem's Lot. Thirty-five years later, he was instrumental in the creation of the?…