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Sir Anthony Leggett KBE FRS

Anthony Leggett is a physicist who has made pioneering contributions to our theoretical understanding of superfluids — matter that behaves like a fluid without viscosity at very low temperatures — and, in particular, of superfluid liquid helium. Anthony confirmed the unexpected existence of superfluidity in the light isotope of helium, helium-3, by explaining another research group’s unusual results.

Already observed in the abundant helium-4 isotope, Anthony established that superfluidity in 3He occurs at even lower temperatures. This is because helium-3, unlike helium-4, must pair with itself — in a similar manner to the electron pairing that facilitates superconductivity — in order for superfluidity to occur, something only possible at extremely low temperatures. The breakthrough resulted in him being jointly awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics .

Anthony has received many other honours in recognition of his insightful work. These include his election as a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences in 1997 and the 2003 Wolf Foundation Prize for his research into condensed matter physics. He received a knighthood for his services to physics in 2004.

Subject groups

  • Other

    Other interests


  • Nobel Prize in Physics

    Jointly with Alexei A. Abrikosov and Vitaly L. Ginzburg for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids.

  • Wolf Prize

    In the field of physics for key insights into the broad range of condensed matter physics.

Sir Anthony Leggett KBE FRS
Elected 1980