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Hominini - Wikipedia Sari la con?inut


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Fosil?: 7?0 mln. ani in urm?
Doi hominini: Un om ( Homo sapiens ) ?inand un pui de cimpanzeu ( Pan troglodytes )
Clasificare ?tiin?ific?
Regn: Animalia
Increng?tur?: Chordata
Clas?: Mammalia
Subclas?: Eutheria
Ordin: Primates
Subordin: Haplorrhini
Infraordin: Simiiformes
Suprafamilie: Hominoidea
Familie: Hominidae
Subfamilie: Homininae
Trib: Hominini
Arambourg , 1948
Specia tip
Homo sapiens
Linnaeus, 1758




Hominini formeaz? un trib taxonomic din subfamilia Homininae (?hominine“). Hominini include genurile existente Homo (oameni) ?i Pan (cimpanzei ?i bonobo), dar exclude genul Gorilla (gorile).

Termenul a fost introdus ini?ial de Camille Arambourg (1948). Arambourg a combinat categoriile Hominina ?i Simiina datorate lui Gray (1825) in noul s?u subtrib. Crearea tribului a rezultat din ideea c?, de?i admite o rela?ie puternic? intre cele trei genuri vii ale subfamiliei Homininae ( Homo , Gorilla ?i Pan ), omul ?i cimpanzeul erau mai strans legate intre ele decat erau cu gorila: descoperirile fosile au confirmat aceast? teorie, datand separarea complet? dintre aceste dou? linii evolutive intre 6 ?i 5,5 milioane de ani in urm?, dup? un proces de specia?ie care a durat aproximativ patru milioane de ani. [2] Pentru a imp?r?i genurile Homo ?i Pan , este necesar s? se cobore la rangul de subtrib. [3]

Aceast? defini?ie este inc? respectat? in propunerea lui Mann ?i Weiss (1996), care imparte Hominini in trei subtriburi: Panina (care con?ine Pan ), Hominina (?homininani“, care con?ine Homo ?oameni“) ?i Australopitecina (care con?ine mai multe genuri extincte australopitecine). [3]

Terminologie ?i defini?ie [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

Prin conven?ie, termenul adjectival ?hominin” se refer? la tribul Hominini, in timp ce membrii subtribului Hominina (?i, prin urmare, toate speciile umane arhaice) sunt denumi?i ?homininan” (?homininani”). [4] Aceasta urmeaz? propunerii lui Mann ?i Weiss (1996), care prezint? tribul Hominini ca fiind atat Pan , cat ?i Homo , plasat in subtriburi separate. Genul Pan este denumit subtribul Panina , iar genul Homo este inclus in subtribul Hominina (vezi mai sus). [3] Totu?i, exist? o conven?ie alternativ? care folose?te ?hominin” excluzand membrii Panina, adic? doar pentru Homo sau pentru Homo ?i Australopitecine . Aceast? conven?ie alternativ? este men?ionat? de exemplu in Coyne (2009) [5] ?i in Dunbar (2014). [6] Potts (2010) folose?te in plus numele Hominini intr-un sens diferit, excluzand Pan , in timp ce un trib separat (mai degrab? decat subtrib) pentru cimpanzei este introdus, sub numele Panini. [7] In aceast? conven?ie recent?, contra Arambourg, termenul "hominin" este aplicat la Homo , Australopithecus , Ardipithecus , ?i altele care au ap?rut dup? desp?r?irea de linia care a dus la cimpanzei (a se vedea cladograma de mai jos); [8] [9] adic? ei disting membrii fosili de pe partea uman? a diviz?rii, ca ?hominini”, de cei de pe partea cimpanzeului, ca ?non hominini” (sau ?hominizi non-hominini”). [5]

Cladogram? [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

Acest cladogram? arat? clada superfamiliei Hominoidea ?i subtipurile sale descendente, axat? pe diviziunea homininilor (omi?and detalii privind increng?turi care nu sunt ancestrale la hominini). Familia Hominidae (?hominizi“) cuprinde triburile: Ponginae (urangutani), Gorillini (gorile) ?i Hominini, ultimele dou? formand subfamilia Homininae. Hominini este imp?r?it in Panina (cimpanzei) ?i Australopithecina (australopithecine). De obicei, Hominina (oameni) este considerat? a fi ap?rut in Australopithecina (care ar corespunde aproximativ defini?iei alternative a lui Hominini conform defini?iei alternative care exclude Pan ).

Analiza genetic? combinat? cu dovezi fosile indic? faptul c? hominoizii s-au separat de maimu?ele Lumii Vechi cu aproximativ 25 de milioane de ani in urm? (Ma), lang? limita Oligocen - Miocen . [10] Cei mai recen?i str?mo?i comuni din subfamiliile Homininae ?i Ponginae au tr?it acum aproximativ 15 milioane de ani. [11] In urm?toarea cladogram?, timpul aproximativ in care cladele au iradiat clade mai noi este indicat acum milioane de ani in urm? (Ma).

Hominoidea  (20,4 Ma)

Hylobatidae (giboni)

Hominidae  (15,7)

Ponginae (urangutani)

Homininae   (8,8)

Gorillini (gorile)

Hominini  (6,3)

Istorie evolutiv? [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

Modelul filogeniei lui Hominini in ultimii 10 milioane de ani.

Atat Sahelanthropus , cat ?i Orrorin au existat pe durata estimat? a specia?iei cimpanzeu-om, in intervalul de 8 pan? la 4 milioane de ani in urm? (Ma). S-au g?sit foarte pu?ine exemplare fosile care pot fi considerate direct ancestrale genului Pan . ?tirile despe primul cimpanzeu fosil, g?sit in Kenya, au fost publicate in 2005. Totu?i, fosilele au fost datate din vremuri foarte recente ? intre 545 ?i 284 de mii de ani in urm?. [12]

Divergen?a unei descenden?e ?proto-umane” sau ?pre-umane” separate de Pan pare s? fi fost un proces de specia?ie complex? - hibridizare mai degrab? decat o desp?r?ire curat?, care s-a desf??urat in perioada cuprins? intre 13 Ma (aproape de varsta tribului Hominini in sine) ?i aproximativ 4 Ma. Conform Patterson ?i colab. (2006), cromozomi diferi?i se pare c? s-au imp?r?it in momente diferite, cu activitate de hibridizare pe scar? larg? care s-a produs intre cele dou? linii emergente pan? in perioada 6,3 - 5,4 Ma. [13] Acest grup de cercetare a observat c? o perioad? ipotetic? de hibridizare tarzie s-a bazat in special pe asem?narea cromozomilor X la proto-oameni ?i cimpanzeii stem, sugerand c? divergen?a final? a fost de dat? recent? (4 milioane de ani in urm?). Wakeley (2008) a respins aceste ipoteze; el a sugerat explica?ii alternative, inclusiv presiunea de selec?ie asupra cromozomului X la popula?iile ancestrale anterioare ultimului str?mo? comun cimpanzeu-om. [14]

Majoritatea studiilor ADN au descoperit c? oamenii ?i Pan sunt identici in propor?ie de 99%, [15] [16] dar un studiu a constatat doar 94% puncte comune, unele dintre diferen?e aparand in ADN necodificat . [17] Este cel mai probabil ca australopitecinele, datand de la 4,4 la 3 Ma, s? fi evoluat in primii membri ai genului Homo . [18] [19] In anul 2000, descoperirea Orrorin tugenensis , datat? la 6,2 Ma, a contestat elementele critice ale acestei ipoteze, [20] intrucat sugereaz? c? Homo nu deriv? de fapt din str?mo?ii australopitecini. [21] Toate genurile fosile enumerate sunt evaluate pentru:

  1. probabilitatea de a fi str?mo?i ai Homo , ?i
  2. dac? sunt mai strans legate de Homo decat de orice alt primat viu ? dou? tr?s?turi care i-ar putea identifica ca hominini.

Unele, inclusiv Paranthropus , Ardipithecus ?i Australopithecus , sunt considerate, in general, ancestrale ?i strans legate de Homo ; [22] altele, in special genurile anterioare, inclusiv Sahelanthropus (?i poate Orrorin ), sunt sus?inute de o comunitate de oameni de ?tiin??, dar contestate de alt? comunitate. [23] [24]

Lista speciilor de hominin cunoscute [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

Vezi ?i [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

Referin?e [ modificare | modificare surs? ]

  1. ^ Fuss, J; Spassov, N; Begun, DR; Bohme, M ( ). ?Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe” . PLoS ONE . 12 : e0177127. Bibcode : 2017PLoSO..1277127F . doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0177127 Accesibil gratuit. PMC   5439669 Accesibil gratuit. PMID   28531170 .  
  2. ^ ?Human and chimp genomes reveal new twist on origin of species” , EurekAlert! , accesat in  
  3. ^ a b c Mann, Alan; Mark Weiss ( ). ?Hominoid Phylogeny and Taxonomy: a consideration of the molecular and Fossil Evidence in an Historical Perspective”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution . 5 (1): 169?181. doi : 10.1006/mpev.1996.0011 . PMID   8673284 .  
  4. ^ ?Reconstructing human evolution: Achievements, challenges, and opportunities” , PNAS , arhivat din original la , accesat in  
  5. ^ a b Coyne, Jerry A. (2009) Why Evolution Is True , pp.197-208, 244, 248. ISBN: 978-0-670-02053-9 (hc), ISBN: 978-0-14-311664-6 (pbk). Penguin Books Ltd, London. "Anthropologists apply the term hominin to all the species on the "human" side of our family tree after it split from the branch that became modern chimps." (p.197)
  6. ^ "Conventionally, taxonomists now refer to the great ape family (including humans) as 'hominids', while all members of the lineage leading to modern humans that arose after the split with the [ Homo - Pan ] LCA are referred to as 'hominins'. The older literature used the terms hominoids and hominids respectively." Dunbar, Robin ( ). Human evolution . ISBN   9780141975313 .  
  7. ^ Potts (2010). “What Does It Mean to Be Human?”, pp. 34. ISBN: 978-1-4262-0606-1 . National Geographic Society, Washington.
  8. ^ ?Reconstructing phylogenies and phenotypes: a molecular view of human evolution” , Wiley Online Library , accesat in  
  9. ^ Wood and Richmond.; Richmond, BG ( ). ?Human evolution: taxonomy and paleobiology” . Journal of Anatomy . 197 (Pt 1): 19?60. doi : 10.1046/j.1469-7580.2000.19710019.x . PMC   1468107 Accesibil gratuit. PMID   10999270 . Thus human evolution is the study of the lineage, or clade, comprising species more closely related to modern humans than to chimpanzees. Its stem species is the so-called ‘common hominin ancestor’, and its only extant member is Homo sapiens. This clade contains all the species more closely related to modern humans than to any other living primate. Until recently, these species were all subsumed into a family, Hominidae, but this group is now more usually recognised as a tribe, the Hominini.  
  10. ^ ?Fossils May Pinpoint Critical Split Between Apes and Monkeys” . .  
  11. ^ The most well-known fossil genus of Ponginae is Sivapithecus , consisting of several species from 12.5 million to 8.5 million years ago. It differs from orangutans in dentition and postcranial morphology. > Taylor, C. ( ). ?Old men of the woods” . Palaeos . Accesat in .  
  12. ^ McBrearty, Sally; Nina G. Jablonski ( ). ?First fossil chimpanzee”. Nature . 437 (7055): 105?108. Bibcode : 2005Natur.437..105M . doi : 10.1038/nature04008 . PMID   16136135 .  
  13. ^ Patterson N, Richter DJ, Gnerre S, Lander ES, Reich D (iunie 2006). ?Genetic evidence for complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees”. Nature . 441 (7097): 1103?8. Bibcode : 2006Natur.441.1103P . doi : 10.1038/nature04789 . PMID   16710306 .  
  14. ^ Wakeley J (martie 2008). ?Complex speciation of humans and chimpanzees”. Nature . 452 (7184): E3?4; discussion E4. Bibcode : 2008Natur.452....3W . doi : 10.1038/nature06805 . PMID   18337768 .   "Patterson et al. suggest that the apparently short divergence time between humans and chimpanzees on the X chromosome is explained by a massive interspecific hybridization event in the ancestry of these two species. However, Patterson et al. do not statistically test their own null model of simple speciation before concluding that speciation was complex, and?even if the null model could be rejected?they do not consider other explanations of a short divergence time on the X chromosome. These include natural selection on the X chromosome in the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, changes in the ratio of male-to-female mutation rates over time, and less extreme versions of divergence with gene flow. I therefore believe that their claim of hybridization is unwarranted."
  15. ^ Mary-Claire King (1973) Protein polymorphisms in chimpanzee and human evolution , Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
  16. ^ Wong, Kate ( ). ?Tiny Genetic Differences between Humans and Other Primates Pervade the Genome” . Scientific American.  
  17. ^ Minkel JR ( ). ?Humans and Chimps: Close But Not That Close” . Scientific American .  
  18. ^ Coyne, Jerry A. (2009) Why Evolution Is True , pp.202-204. ISBN: 978-0-670-02053-9 (hc), ISBN: 978-0-14-311664-6 (pbk). Penguin Books Ltd, London. "After A. afarensis , the fossil record shows a confusing melange of gracile australopithecine species lasting up to about two million years ago. … [T]he late australopithecines, already bipedal, were beginning to show changes in teeth, skull, and brain that presage modern humans. It is very likely that the lineage that gave rise to modern humans included at least one of these species."
  19. ^ Cameron, D. W. ( ). ?Early hominin speciation at the Plio/Pleistocene transition”. HOMO: Journal of Comparative Human Biology . 54 (1): 1?28. doi : 10.1078/0018-442x-00057 . PMID   12968420 .  
  20. ^ Potts, Richard and Sloan, Christopher. “What Does It Mean to Be Human?”, pp. 38-39. ISBN: 978-1-4262-0606-1 . National Geographic Society, Washington.
  21. ^ Reynolds, Sally C; Gallagher, Andrew ( ). African Genesis: Perspectives on Hominin Evolution . ISBN   9781107019959 .   :"The discovery of Orrorin has ... radically modified interpretations of human origins and the environmental context in which the African apes/hominoid transition occurred, although ... the less likely hypothesis of derivation of Homo from the australopithecines still holds primacy in the minds of most palaeoanthropologists."
  22. ^ Potts, Richard and Sloan, Christopher. “What Does It Mean to Be Human?”, pp. 31-42. ISBN: 978-1-4262-0606-1 . National Geographic Society, Washington.
  23. ^ Brunet, Michel; Guy, F; Pilbeam, D; MacKaye, H. T.; Likius, A; Ahounta, D; Beauvilain, A; Blondel, C; Bocherens, H; Boisserie, JR; De Bonis, L; Coppens, Y; Dejax, J; Denys, C; Duringer, P; Eisenmann, V; Fanone, G; Fronty, P; Geraads, D; Lehmann, T; Lihoreau, F; Louchart, A; Mahamat, A; Merceron, G; Mouchelin, G; Otero, O; Pelaez Campomanes, P; Ponce De Leon, M; Rage, J. C.; et al. (iulie 2002), ?A new hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad, Central Africa”, Nature , 418 (6894): 145?151, Bibcode : 2002Natur.418..145B , doi : 10.1038/nature00879 , PMID   12110880 , Sahelanthropus is the oldest and most primitive known member of the hominid clade, close to the divergence of hominids and chimpanzees.  
  24. ^ Wolpoff, Milford; Senut, Brigitte; Pickford, Martin; Hawks, John (octombrie 2002), ? Sahelanthropus or ' Sahelpithecus '?” (PDF) , Nature , 419 (6907): 581?582, Bibcode : 2002Natur.419..581W , doi : 10.1038/419581a , PMID   12374970 , Sahelanthropus tchadensis is an enigmatic new Miocene species, whose characteristics are a mix of those of apes and Homo erectus and which has been proclaimed by Brunet et al. to be the earliest hominid. However, we believe that features of the dentition, face and cranial base that are said to define unique links between this Toumai specimen and the hominid clade are either not diagnostic or are consequences of biomechanical adaptations. To represent a valid clade, hominids must share unique defining features, and Sahelanthropus does not appear to have been an obligate biped.  

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