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Bruria Kaufman ? Wikipedia, a enciclopedia livre Saltar para o conteudo

Bruria Kaufman

Origem: Wikipedia, a enciclopedia livre.
Bruria Kaufman
Bruria Kaufman
Nascimento 21 de agosto de 1918
Nova Iorque
Morte 7 de janeiro de 2010  (91 anos)
Nacionalidade israelense Israelense
Campo(s) fisica

Bruria Kaufman ( Nova Iorque , 21 de agosto de 1918 ? 7 de janeiro de 2010 ) foi uma fisica israelense nascida nos Estados Unidos

E conhecida por ter contribuido com a teoria da relatividade geral de Albert Einstein , com a fisica estatistica , onde aplicou a analise de spinores para rederivar os resultados de Lars Onsager sobre a funcao de particao do modelo Ising bidimensional, e o estudo do efeito Mossbauer , este ultimo em trabalho colaborativo com John von Neumann e Harry Lipkin .

Carta de Albert Einstein, Bruria Kaufman e outros criticando Menachem Begin e seu partido na epoca, Herut .

Obras [ editar | editar codigo-fonte ]

  • "Crystal Statistics. II. Partition Function Evaluated by Spinor Analysis," Phys. Rev. 76: 1232 (1949).
  • "Crystal Statistics. III. Short-Range Order in a Binary Ising Lattice," Phys. Rev. 76: 1244 (1949), with L. Onsager.
  • "Transition Points," Physical Society Cambridge International Conference on Low Temperatures (1946), with L. Onsager.
  • The Meaning of Relativity with A. Einstein and E.G. Strauss, Princeton University Press (1953)
  • "Algebraic Properties of the Field in the Relativistic Theory of the Asymmetric Field," Annals of Mathematics 59: 230-244 (1954), with A. Einstein.
  • "A New Form of the General Relativistic Field Equations," Annals of Mathematics 62: 128-138 (1955), with A. Einstein.
  • "Mathematical Structure of the Non-symmetric Field Theory," Proceedings of the Fiftieth Anniversary Conference on Relativitiy 227-238 (1955).
  • "Neighbor Interactions and Symmetric Properties of Polyelectrolytes," Journal of Chemical Physics 27: 1356-1362 (1957), with S. Lifson and H.Lifson.
  • "The Stability of a Rotating Viscous Jet," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 19: 301-308 (1962), with J. Gillis.
  • "Momentum Transfer to Atoms Bound in a Crystal," Annals of Physics 18:249-309 (1962), with H.J. Lipkin.
  • "Unitary Symmetry of Oscillators and the Talmi Transformation," Journal of Mathematical Physics 6: 142-152 (1965), with C.C. Noack.
  • "Special Functions of Mathematical Physics from the Viewpoint of Lie Algebra," Journal of Mathematical Physics 7: 447-457 (1966). [ 1 ]


  1. ≪Bruria Kaufman≫ . CWP at UCLA  
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