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Ligue 1 Connect | Data Protection Policy

Data protection policy

The Ligue de Football Professionnel and its subsidiary Filiale LFP 1 (hereinafter together referred to as the "LFP" or as "We" or "Our"), jointly process your personal data when you access or browse the LFP websites, use the LFP applications, participate in games, contests and other events offered by the LFP (hereinafter together referred to as the "Events"), interact on social media/network platforms and/or when you communicate with or contact LFP (hereinafter together referred to as the, or our "Sites, Apps, Events and other Media"). Where applicable and necessary, a link to this Policy is provided on these various Sites and Apps or other Communication Media, so that you may review it at any time.
This Data Protection Policy (or Policy) describes the operations carried out on your Data, the rights that you have in relation to your Data, applicable Data Protection Regulations, as well as the procedures for exercising these rights. This Data Protection Policy supplements the legal notices, the General Terms and Conditions and the Sales Terms and Conditions applicable to the Sites and Apps and any other documentation provided on the Sites, Apps, Events and other Media.
We invite you to read this Data Protection Policy carefully and regularly.


A brief reminder of some of the terms used in this Policy, to make it easier for you to read and understand what they mean. Please note that these terms have a well-defined meaning which, in certain cases, is dictated by the applicable Data Protection Regulations.

Data or Personal Data: means any information relating to a Data Subject which enables that Data Subject to be identified directly or indirectly (for example: your first name, your email address, your favourite club or players, the content of your messages and requests).

Data subject: means an identified or identifiable natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (example: as a natural person accessing one of our Sites, you are a data subject. We will refer to you either by this term or by the pronoun "you").

Applicable Data Protection Regulations: refers to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (known as the "RGPD"), as well as Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended (known as the "Data Protection Act") and all other applicable legal or regulatory provisions relating to the processing and/or protection of Personal Data.

Controller: means the entity (natural or legal person, public authority, department or any other body) which alone, or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data.

Sub-processor: refers to the entity (natural or legal person, public authority, department or any other body) which processes personal data on behalf of the Controller(s).

Processing: means any operation or set of operations, whether or not performed by automatic means, applied to Personal Data, such as collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.

Partners: click here for a list of our partners.


It is necessary to identify the Data Controller(s) so that you know who is responsible for and initiates the collection or processing of your Data in the context of your use and browsing of the Sites, the App and other Media, or your registration for Events.

Personal Data is collected and processed by: the Ligue de Football Professionnel, (Association loi 1901, located at 34 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75017 Paris) and its subsidiary Filiale LFP 1 (joint-stock company, located at 34 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75017 Paris).

LFP and its subsidiary Filiale LFP 1 are jointly responsible for the Data processing described in this Data Protection Policy, i.e. they are jointly involved, depending on their activity, in the implementation and management of such processing. For ease of reading, the two entities will be referred to above and below under the generic name "LFP".

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed by the LFP, whom you can contact:

  • by email:
  • by post: LFP, Attention: DPO, 34 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75017 Paris


How is your Data collected by the LFP whether through the Sites, Apps and Events, in the context of exchanges with you or in the context of the relationship that the LFP has with you as a user or visitor of the Sites and Apps?

We may collect your Data in various ways, in particular when you create an account on the Sites or on the Apps, you take part in/register for our Events, you browse Our Sites and/or use the Apps (by means of Cookies), you make one or more purchases, or when you contact us by email, post or telephone.

In addition, we may collect Data about you indirectly, through third parties, such as the LFP's commercial and media partners, the LFP's suppliers or from public sources, for example on the media and social networks. These data are the following: surname, first name, pseudonym, content of posts and messages, reactions following posts or broadcast content, preferences, any other data disclosed publicly and which could enable us to refine your user profile or better understand trends.

NB: If you were a user of MPG before 1 July 2023, your Data (i.e. user data) was transferred to the LFP as part of the LFP's takeover of Fantaleague.


This involves explaining to you why your Data is processed, what justifies such processing (on the basis of the legal grounds provided by the Regulation - article 6 of the RGPD) and how long your Data is kept.

We therefore set out below the purposes for which the data is processed, the legal bases envisaged as set out in the applicable Data Protection Regulations and the retention periods applied in relation to such processing:

Goals Legal basis Shelf life
Creation and management of a user account: management and monitoring of the creation and use of a user account; verification of identity or age where necessary: management of identification by SSO (Single sign out); management of the use of the user account allowing the use of the user account identifiers in order to access the various digital content offered by the LFP; management of purchases made on the Sites and App, management and monitoring of the transmission of the good(s) ordered, execution and monitoring of the associated sales contract, purchase history
  • For account management: performance of the contract - General Terms and Conditions and the Sales Terms and Conditions
  • As regards the conservation of the purchase history: legitimate interest of the LFP in promoting its activity

For user account management: as long as the user account is active, then for 3 years from the last user action.

For any verification of identity or age: for the time required for verification.

Payment management: management of online payments, management of bank card registration, management of accounting records; verification of payment cardholder identity
  • The performance of the contract - the General Terms and Conditions and the Sales Terms and Conditions
  • Compliance with a legal obligation to keep accounting records

For the duration of the transaction or as long as the card is valid when the details have been recorded.

NB: Certain data relating to purchases may be archived for the duration of the applicable legal statute of limitations for evidential purposes or due to legal (tax) obligations, such as the retention of accounting records.

Personalisation of content and audience measurement, improvement of content, Sites and Apps: monitoring the visitor/user path and experience on the Site(s) or App(s) and the frequency of visits; management of preferences defined by the user (e.g. heart club, favourite players, etc.); management of recordings of content and other favourite content; personalisation of the content of the Sites and/or Apps, according to the preferences and choices of the user; ensuring that the content of the Sites and/or Apps is personalised according to the preferences and choices of the user: improving content, Sites and Apps: tracking the visitor/user path and experience on the Site(s) or Apps and the frequency of visits; managing preferences defined by the user (e.g., favourite club, favourite players); managing recordings of content and other favourite content; personalising the content of the Sites and/or Apps according to the user's preferences and choices; ensuring that the content of the Sites and/or Apps, our pages on social networks and our e-mails are presented in the most effective way and adapted to the needs of our visitors and users; improving the quality of the Sites, Apps and other Media; carrying out statistical studies, surveys and polls
  • The legitimate interest of the LFP to provide users with personalised content, to promote its activity, to be able to improve and develop its Sites, Apps, Events and other Media
For the time necessary to study the audience and analyse it over a sufficient period with regard to the content of the Sites, Apps and the events or content in question.
For sending communications (for users): sending notifications, newsletters and general information alerts by the LFP; sending communications on its Partners , on competitions, offers or various events linked to Football; sending communications on the basis of your preferences and history of your participation in our Events; transmitting Data to its Partners for the purpose of sending communications
  • Your consent (which you may withdraw at any time - see 10. YOUR RIGHTS OVER YOUR DATA )
  • Legitimate interest of the LFP to promote its activity and MPG services to MPG users (nb: only for users registered to MPG before the implementation of the single sign-on system - SSO)
Unless consent is withdrawn, for 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject.
Management of various requests: responding to various requests from any visitor or user sent directly via one of the Sites or Apps or any other Medium or by any other means, including requests to exercise one or more rights in application of the applicable Data Protection Regulations (see 10. YOUR RIGHTS OVER YOUR DATA )
  • For various requests: legitimate interest of the LFP in responding to these requests
  • To respond to requests to exercise rights: compliance with a legal obligation (RGPD)
For the time required to process your request, then archived for evidential purposes for the duration of the applicable legal statute of limitations (NB: copies of identity documents are not kept after the request has been processed).
Managing registrations and entries for events organised by the LFP: monitoring registrations and managing entries for events, games or competitions; organising and monitoring prize draws; checking compliance with the rules of the game; monitoring relations with participants
  • For events: legitimate interest of the LFP in being able to monitor the Events it organises
  • For games and competitions: performance of the contract - applicable game rules

For the management of registrations and participations in games and competitions: for the duration of the game or competition, then archiving for the duration of the applicable legal statute of limitations.

For the management of registrations and participation in events organised by the LFP: for 3 years from the last contact with the Data Subject.


Why, in certain cases, are you required to provide us with one or more pieces of information about yourself, and what are the consequences if you fail to do so? For example, when creating an account on MyLigue, we require information that enables us to identify you: your first name, surname, email address and password, as well as your date of birth (protective measures provided for minors). This mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*) and obligatory.

When the provision of information is obligatory, this is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the collection forms. This information is required either as a result of a legal obligation, a contractual requirement or a need related to the purpose of the processing (e.g. contact details in order to be able to respond to your request for information). If you do not provide this "mandatory" information, the LFP may find it impossible to follow up your registration, the request or the form in question.

DATE OF BIRTH: Why is date of birth required to register? We need to be able to determine whether you are old enough to register (to accept the General Terms and Conditions, for example) and to consent, for example, to receiving communications (the applicable regulations stipulate that only minors aged 15 and over can give their consent without the agreement of their parents or legal representatives). Anyone giving a date of birth under the age of 16 will be refused an account. In addition, we use this date of birth to adapt the content sent to you as part of email communications, as some communications are reserved exclusively for adults (over 18). Proof of age may be requested by the LFP in case of doubt.

The fields in a form that are not compulsory are left to your discretion. It is up to you to decide whether or not to fill them in.


This is to inform you of the recipients of your data, so that you know to whom the LFP transmits your Data or who accesses your Data in the context of the processing covered by this Data Protection Policy.

We do not disclose the Data we collect about you, except in the following cases:

  • to the departments in charge of the aforementioned purposes within the LFP for internal reasons, mainly operational, in connection with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy;
  • to Partners of the LFP when you have consented to such transmission (in the preferences of your user account) or as part of the organisation of Events;
  • social networks when you accept the deposit of the associated cookies - for example, when you identify yourself to a Site or App using your Facebook, Google or other account and/or you click on the share buttons present on our Website;
  • our sub-contractors in the context of their services on behalf of the LFP.

We may share aggregated, pseudonym or anonymous information that does not or no longer allow you to be identified, as part of statistical analyses of our objectives, including in particular the number of visitors to Our Sites and the App, and the number of returns following email campaigns.


A cookie is a small text file that may be stored on the hard disk of your terminal (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet) when you visit an online service (website or application). It enables the issuer of the cookie to identify the terminal in which it has been stored and to keep a record, for the duration of the cookie's validity, of certain information relating to your visit, in order, for example, to simplify your browsing on a website, to secure your connection or to adapt the content of a page to your areas of interest. Other technologies with similar functionalities may also be used, particularly in environments that do not support cookies, such as mobile applications. The term "cookies" used in this Policy applies to all these technologies.

These cookies may come from various sources:

  • LFP cookies: these are cookies that may be placed by the LFP on your terminal when you browse our Sites and Apps. These cookies enable us in particular to personalise and continually improve your experience on our Sites and Apps.
  • Third-party cookies: these are cookies that may be placed by third-party companies (e.g. advertising agencies, social networks, LFP partners, etc.) on your terminal while you are browsing our Sites and Apps. In particular, they enable these third-party companies, during the period of validity of their cookies: to enable your connection when you log in using an account that you have with a social network or other (SSO system), to identify your centres of interest, to collect browsing information relating to the consultation of our Sites and the App and to personalise advertising likely to correspond to your centres of interest and user profile to which you may be exposed on our Sites and Apps.

Our Sites and Apps use the following cookies :

  • technical cookies: to enable you to use the Site/Application and its functionalities, to enable you to access the services of the Sites and Appliances. These cookies are deposited without your consent being required insofar as their purpose is purely technical. However, you may object to the deposit of these cookies and delete them by using the Cookie Manager (access link at the bottom of the Site or App pages) or by configuring your browser (in the absence of a Cookie Manager - for Sites and Apps containing only technical cookies). If you object to the deposit of these so-called "technical" cookies, we inform you that use of the Site/Application may be impaired.
  • advertising and audience cookies - subject to your prior consent to their deposit: audience measurement cookies, social network cookies and cookies for video content, in order to adapt the Sites and Apps and their content according to the use and browsing habits of visitors, to measure the number of visits, pages viewed, User activity on the Sites or Apps and the frequency of User returns. At any time, you may refuse to accept these cookies and delete them by using the Cookie Manager (access link at the bottom of the Site or App pages).

To find out more about the different cookies, their purpose and duration, and to manage your consent, please click on the Cookie Manager link at the bottom of the Site or App pages.


You are informed that some of your Data may be transmitted, in certain limited circumstances, by the LFP to countries outside the European Union. Where LFP transfers your personal data to a country outside the EU, we ensure that adequate security measures are put in place to provide protection for your personal data equivalent to that which you would enjoy within the EU and in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Regulation. We have put in place standard contractual clauses (SCC) based on the European Commission's model to provide adequate protection for transfers outside the EU to countries not recognised as adequate by the EU.

To date, the countries to which the LFP can make transfers are the following:

  • United States (supervision of transfers by the SCC and/or by the adequacy decision between the EU and this country)
  • China (supervision of transfers by SCC)
  • England (matching decision between the EU and England)
  • Monaco (supervision of transfers by SCC)
  • Switzerland (matching decision between the EU and this country)

For more details on how we protect Your Data transferred outside the EU, please contact us using the contact details set out in point 12 below.


On sharing Data via social networks and the precautions you should take when posting on our pages.

Our Sites and Apps have sharing buttons, which allow access to content that the LFP distributes on social networks. These sharing buttons lead to the collection of Data in particular when you are connected to these social networks, but also when you have accepted the deposit of social network cookies. Transmissions are also possible when you connect to the Sites and Apps using an account you have with a social network (SSO system). These transmissions are limited to your confirmation.

As a user of social networks, you can also post content on the LFP pages. We draw your attention to the fact that content presented on our social platforms may be seen by the public. This is why you must be careful when you provide certain Data (or information) on these platforms that you do not wish to be exposed to the public. We are not responsible for the actions of others if you post Data on our social platforms.


What rights do you have over your Data and how can you exercise them? The applicable Data Protection Regulations provide Data Subjects with rights so that they can have greater control over their Data.

In accordance with the applicable Data Protection Regulations and under the conditions set out in said Regulations (certain rights apply depending on the legal basis for processing, see 4. PURPOSE, LEGAL BASIS AND DURATION OF DATA PROCESSING ), you have the following rights with regard to your Data:

  • a right of access (in particular to find out what Data is processed by the LFP)
  • rectification (to modify Data that is incorrect, incomplete or out of date - e.g. a change of email address)
  • erasure (under the conditions laid down by the RGPD - article 17 - examples: if you have objected to the processing of your Data or withdrawn your consent)
  • the right to withdraw any consent given (when you give your consent, you should be aware that you can withdraw it at any time without having to give any reason - for example when you unsubscribe from our newsletters by clicking on the link provided for this purpose or via your user account on our Sites and App)
  • portability (subject to the conditions laid down by the RGPD - article 20 - when the processing is linked to the performance of a contract or consent, is automated and you wish to recover your Data or have it recovered by a third party)
  • limitation (under the conditions laid down by the RGPD - Article 18 - when you wish the processing of your Data to be temporarily suspended due to an event meeting the above conditions)
  • to object to the processing carried out by the LFP on the basis of its legitimate interests, such as the management of requests, the management of personalisation and at any time in relation to the sending of communications.

You may exercise these rights by contacting us as set out below in ≪ 12. Contacting us ≫. Please note that if necessary, we may ask you for a copy of your identity document (ID card or passport) before responding to your request.

Sending communications and canvassing . At all times and without justification, you have:

  • the right to withdraw any consent given;
  • but also a right to object to the processing of your data for the purposes of sending communications by email or other electronic means .

You may opt out of receiving these messages by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our communications emails , by logging into your account on our Sites and Apps, or by sending a request to the following email address:

You also have the option of lodging a complaint with any competent data protection authority - in France, this is the CNIL - either directly online , or by mail: 3 Place Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07.


This Data Protection Policy may be periodically updated to reflect changes in our Personal Data Processing practices. It is your responsibility to consult this document regularly. LFP reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. However, we will notify you by email if we make any significant changes.


For further information on the protection of your personal data, please contact us:

  • by email:
  • by mail: LFP, attention: DPO, 34 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75017 Paris.

Last update: [15/02/2024]