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? T43020 some photos have unreadable EXIF info because it's not in Unicode
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some photos have unreadable EXIF info because it's not in Unicode
Closed, Declined Public Feature


Some photos have unreadable EXIF info because it's not in Unicode. This is not really a bug in MediaWiki, but in the photos. But it would be nice to have a way to specify the encoding of the photo somewhere and have it show correctly, or convert the image file to Unicode using MediaWiki interface.

Version : 1.21.x
Severity : enhancement



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Status Subtype Assigned Task
Open None
Declined Feature None

Event Timeline

? bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest . Nov 22 2014, 12:48 AM
? bzimport set Reference to bz41020.
? bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST) .

Note: The exif standard specifically states that most fields should be in ASCII (although some standards recommend assuming utf-8 instead), with exception of some fields which do specify their encoding.

However, the photo in question's metadata is not exif formatted, but uses iptc-iim metadata. That format for metadata has a specific mechanism for denoting what encoding the image data is in (which we have support for). [See page 20 of ] (Of course, that mechanism is somewhat newish and possibly comes after the image was created. Additionally lots of such images don't have the encoding data specified).

I don't feel we should put something in the mediawiki layer if the file format itself supports the feature. Hence I suggest wontfix.

Aklapper changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request". Feb 4 2022, 11:14 AM
Aklapper removed a subscriber: ? wikibugs-l-list .
TheDJ closed this task as Declined . Edited Tue, May 14, 10:00 AM
TheDJ subscribed.

It doesn't seem we have had a lot of complaints about this. Also "some files"and 1 example isn't really a lot to go on 9 years later..

Considering Brian's suggestion of WONTFIX, I'm closing this. If people have more specific examples that defy the WONTFIX that Brian suggested, then we can always file new tickets.