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Parenting News ? Expert Advice for Moms and Dads | New York Post


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Mom influencer ripped for asking for donations ? after spending $17,000 in one month

Did she put the "con" in contribution?

Introducing peanuts early reduces kids' allergy risk: new study

"This safe, simple strategy could prevent tens of thousands of cases of peanut allergy among the 3.6 million children born in the United States each year," the director of the...

Girls become fixated on their looks at a shockingly young age, new study reveals

"Across all of the measures that we assessed, girls on average greatly valued their appearances. Girls said that to be a girl they needed to be pretty, and looking pretty...

My wife is mad at me for backing her up to our kids ? I don't know what I did wrong

A father who shared his story on the popular Reddit page, known as AITA ("Am I the a--hole?"), has not been getting much love from others about what happened.

The scientific reason why babies say 'dada' before 'mama'

Children who refer to their mother as "dada" may not actually be showing paternal preference.

Influencer's 2-year-old son drowns while parents napped

Malaysian influencer Jasmine Yong revealed the heartbreaking news that her 2-year-old son, Enzo, drowned last week in a "tragic accident."

I'm the Kardashians' party planner ? these 3 tips for events will take them to the next level

Want to party like a Kardashian? The family's personal planner reveals how.

I'm dating someone with kids the same age me

A woman took to an advice Facebook group to ask a simple question about her age-gap relationship.

‘Entitled’ dad blasted for sending kids to hug mom before she reaches marathon finish line: ‘I’d have a divorce lawyer on the phone’

A father has been labeled “entitled” online after he reportedly sent his kids out to hug their mom while she was running a race ? nearly spoiling her chances of...

Mom melts down after first-grade son snubbed at award ceremony: 'Single these motherf?king kids out!'

“I can’t imagine how humiliating that must of been for that child,” one person proclaimed of the mom's expletive-filled outburst.

Teen girls' stunning smartphone usage revealed in new study: 'Serious'

This news is nothing to cell-ebrate.

I'm pregnant and looking for baby names ? so I went to a cemetery

She was dying to find a great name.

Fluoride in pregnancy may harm child's brain development: study

The research team suggests pregnant women drink filtered tap water ? "even some tabletop pitcher filters do a pretty good job of filtering fluoride."

The startling truth about teen caffeine consumption revealed: 'It's adding up'

These national poll results may give you a jolt.?

Influencers are giving their babies bizarre names to 'stand out' on Instagram: Heart, Afternoon and Stone are hot monikers

Once reserved for A-list newborns ? like Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple ??the eccentric, and occasionally absurd, monikers are no longer only assigned to nepobabies.

Kids who do this for an hour a day are 4 times more likely to vape

This latest study on social media isn't blowing smoke.

Mom rails against school's reaction to her daughter's nose piercing: 'That's a tad too far'

Influencer Tink is known for allowing her daughter and niece to express themselves through vibrant hair colors and facial piercings, which she shares in videos online.

I dreaded being around my children due to burnout ? these 7 habits turned my life around

Another day of dirty diapers, screaming tantrums and sour milk spit-up ? you gotta be?kidding!