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I'm a dietitian ? this is what to eat and what to avoid while on Ozempic

If you’re on weight loss drugs, you may want to eat up these dietary recommendations.?

I’m a doc ? eye exercises to improve your vision won't help, here's what to do instead

"Eye" wouldn't waste your time, says doc.

Revolutionary new drug for sleep apnea could put an end to CPAP machines

This news should help you breathe easy.

Study reveals whom children really trust ? and it's not humans

Just call it a bot bias.

This common supplement could make you more well-behaved

Take a chill pill ? literally.?

I'm a dermatologist ? this is exactly how much sunscreen you need

You won't burn after reading.

2 foods, 1 drink tied to lower risk of Type 2 diabetes: study

Flavonoids ? chemical compounds found in fruits, vegetables, and other plants ? have been praised for their anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cheap and widely used cholesterol drug could reduce cancer risk: study

Chronic inflammation is a major cause of cancer worldwide ? and this could reduce the risk.

New research upends what we've been told about tech before bed

Does the glow of a phone really doom a good night's sleep? However, experts now say scrolling may not be as detrimental to slumber as previously thought.

8 habits may slow aging, reduce your risk of death: study

You don't have to do much to lower your risks in a big way.

Cycle syncing could be just the thing missing from your skin-care routine

Experts say syncing your skin care to your cycle can aid in keeping your complexion fresh, clear and under control all month long.

Going with the 'flow' could lead to longer life and better heart health

Get into your groove ? your life may depend on it.

YouTubers might cheer you up more than certain people, study

Here's when social media might be helpful.

Introducing peanuts early reduces kids' allergy risk: new study

"This safe, simple strategy could prevent tens of thousands of cases of peanut allergy among the 3.6 million children born in the United States each year," the director of the...

Rise and grind? Researchers reveal the best time to drink coffee

Better latte than never?

Fatherhood might be bad for your heart: study

Your kids may pull on your heartstrings in more ways than one.

Experts warn of dangerous weight loss drug side effect: reckless behavior

Add this to the growing list of bizarre side effects.

I shop in my sleep because of a rare disorder ? I've racked up thousands in debt

"It can be anxiety-inducing," the inadvertent shopaholic shared. "Everyone thinks it's funny but it's not. Some bits are, but some bits are quite serious."