한국   대만   중국   일본 
Deathcore - ????????????? ?????????? ???????????


????????????? ??
?????????? ????? ???????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????? / ??????? ?????????????? ????????

Deathcore ??? extreme metal ? ??????????????????????????? death metal , metalcore ????? hardcore punk ????? ??????????????????? ???????????????? death metal ? riff ????? blast beat ????????? metalcore ? breakdowns ????????? ???????????? deathcore ??? ??????????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????? (?????????? ????????????????? ? ??????????? ??????????????? (?????????? Couchellva Valley) ) ????????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????????????

Musicianship [ ?????????? ]

Deathcore ???????? death metal ? ????????????? fast drumming (blast beat ?????????????) down-tuned guitar ????? tremolo picking ????? ??????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ??????????????? vocal ?????????????????? ????? extreme metal ? ??????????????????? deathcore guitar ??????????? down-tune guitar ????????? ??????????????? ?????????? ???????????? guitar solo ??????? ??????????

Vocals [ ?????????? ]

???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ????????????? deathcore ??????????????? pig squeals technique ??????? ??????????? ??????????????? deathcore ?????????????????????????????? pig squeals ???????????????? ??????????????????????

?????????????? [ ?????????? ]

Deathcore ????? ????????? ???? ?????? ??????????? Antagony ????? Despised Icon ??? deathcore ?????????????????????????? Decibel magazine ??? death metal ?????????????????????? Suffocation ???????????????????????????????? Suffocation ??? deathcore ??????????? ??????????????? ????? ???????

Deathcore ??? ??????????????????? (?????????? ????????? ????)???? ??????????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? Bring Me the Horizon ????? Suicide Silence ???????????? Suicide Silence ? No Time to Bleed ??? Billboard 200 ???? ?????? ??? Rock Albumd Chart ???? ?????? ??? Hard Rock Albums Chart ???? ?????? ? ???????? ??????????????? ??????? “The Black Crown” album ??? Billboard 200 ???? ?????? ??? Rock Albums Chart ???? ?????? ? ????? Hard Rock Albums Chart ???? ??????? ???????? ??????????????? ????????? Whitechapel ? “This is Exile” album ??????? ???????????????????????? Billboard 200 chart ???? ??? ???????? ??????????????? ??????? self-title album ??? Canadian Albums Chart ???? ?????? ?? ????????? Billboard 200 ???? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ??????? “A New Era of Corruption’’ album ??????? ?????? ??? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????? Billboard 200 chart ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????????????? British deathcore ????????? Bring Me the Horizon ??? ??????? “Count Your Blessings” album ????????????? Best British Newcomer ????? 2006 Kerrang! Awards ??????????? ??????????????? Bring Me Horizon ??? ??????? album ????????????? deathcore ????????????? ????????????????? San Diego ?? Carnifex ???????????? ??????? Dead in My Arms ???????? ??????????????????????? ??????? ??????????????????? ??????? non-stop touring ????? methodical songwriting ??????? Victory Records ???? ??????????????????????????

Deathcore ???????????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????? Fallujah ????????? deathcore ????? blackmetal ???????????????????????? Emmure ???????????? nu metal ??????????????????????????? Limp Bizkit ?????????? ????????????

????????????????? [ ?????????? ]

Deathcore ??? ????????????????? ??????????????? ??????? The Acacia Strain ?? Vincent Bennett ????? interview ???? Deathcore ????? ??????? “Deathcore ?? nu metal ????????’’ ???????????????

Through the Eyes of the Dead ?? Justin Longshore ????? interview deathcore ????? ??????? “??????????????? ??????????????????? death metal ????? hardcore ??????????????? ??????????? ????????????? ????? ?????????

???????? Bryce Lucien ????? ????????????? Lucien ? “???????????? metalcore ????????????????? deathcore ?????????????????????????????? heavy ???????????????????? Ion Dissonance ????? The Red Chord ???? ????? ????????????? ???????????? deathcore ????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????? ???????? Deathcore ????????? Carnifex ?? ???????????? ????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ????????? ??????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????????? ??????????? ???????? deathcore ????? ?????????????