한국   대만   중국   일본 
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VIRUS ?????? Vital Information Resources Under Siege ???? ?????????? ????????????????.

??????? ??????? ????????????? ?????, ????? ???????, ??? ????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????????? , ????????????? ??????? ????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ????? ?????????. ?? ?????????????? ????????,????? ??????? ????? ?????????????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ????????????? ???????. ??????????? , ???????? ?????? , ??.??. , ??.???.?? ?????? ????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????????.1970 ???? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????????. ????? ??????? ??? ???????, ?????????????? ??????? ??????????? ????????????????????. ???????? ??????????????, ???????????, ???????????? ??? ???????????? ( ?????-?????? ??????????????? ) ?????????.

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"???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????????" ?????????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????? 1949-? ????? ?????????? ??????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????. ??? ?????????? ???? ???????? "????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ??????????" ???? ????? ???????????????????????. ??? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ????? ????????????????????? ??? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????????. [6] ????? ?????????????????? ??????????? ????????????????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????? ???????????????????, ?????? ??????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? "??????" ??? ???????????????????. [7] 1972-?, ???????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????? ????????????? ??????????? ???????? ??????????????, "?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ????? ?????????????????? ??????????" ???? ????? ????????????????. [8]

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  • ???????? Adware)

??????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??.

  • ???????????(Backdoors)
  • ?????? ???????(Boot viruses)
  • ???????????? (Bot-Net)
  • ????(Dialer)
  • ????????(Grayware)
  • ?????????? ??????(Keystroke logging)
  • ?????? ???????(Macro viruses?)
  • ????????? ???????(Polymorph viruses)
  • ????????? ???????(Program viruses)
  • ???????????? ???????(Script viruses)
  • ???(worms)
  • ????????(Spyware)
  • ?????? ?????(Trojan horses)
  • (Recycler)

??????????????? [ ????????? ]

?????????????? ??????? [ ????????? ] Archived 2006-10-16 at the Wayback Machine .

?????? [ ????????? ]

  1. "The Internet comes down with a virus" . The New York Times . August 6, 2014.
  2. "Worm vs. Virus: What's the Difference and Does It Matter?" . Avast Academy . Avast Software s.r.o . Retrieved 9 March 2021 .
  3. Yeo, Sang-Soo. (2012). Computer science and its applications : CSA 2012, Jeju, Korea, 22-25.11.2012 . Springer. p. 515. ISBN   978-94-007-5699-1 . OCLC   897634290 .
  4. Yu, Wei; Zhang, Nan; Fu, Xinwen; Zhao, Wei (October 2010). "Self-Disciplinary Worms and Countermeasures: Modeling and Analysis". IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems . 21 (10): 1501?1514. doi : 10.1109/tpds.2009.161 . ISSN   1045-9219 . S2CID   2242419 .
  5. von Neumann, John (1966). "Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata" (PDF) . Essays on Cellular Automata . University of Illinois Press: 66?87. Archived (PDF) from the original on June 13, 2010 . Retrieved June 10, 2010 .
  6. Eric Filiol, Computer viruses: from theory to applications, Volume 1 Archived 2017-01-14 at the Wayback Machine ., Birkhauser, 2005, pp. 19?38 ISBN   2-287-23939-1 .
  7. Risak, Veith (1972), "Selbstreproduzierende Automaten mit minimaler Informationsubertragung" , Zeitschrift fur Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik , archived from the original on 2010-10-05