한국   대만   중국   일본 
???????? - ??????????? Jump to content


???????????, ??? ????????? ???????????.
An acolyte lighting Advent candles
????????????? Christians
??? Christian, cultural
?????????? Preparation for the commemoration of the birth of Jesus
???????????? Church services , completing an Advent calendar and Advent wreath , [1] praying through a daily devotional , [1] erecting a Chrismon tree , [1] hanging of the greens , [1] lighting a Christingle , [2] gift giving, family and other social gatherings
????? Fourth or (in the Ambrosian and Mozarabic Rites ) sixth Sunday before Christmas
2023-?? ??????? ?????? 3, 2023
2024-?? ??????? ?????? 1, 2024
2025-?? ??????? ????? 30, 2025
2026-?? ??????? ????? 29, 2026
??????? Annual
??????????? Christmastide , Christmas Eve , Annunciation , Epiphany , Epiphanytide , Baptism of the Lord , Nativity Fast , Nativity of Jesus
????????? ????
???? ?????????
????? ?????????

?????????????? ????????? ( ????????? ??????????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? . ????????? ????? ? ???????? [3] ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????? ? ???????? [4] ???????????????? ????????? ???????????????. ???? ??????????? , ?????????? , ?????, ???????????????? ???? ??????????? ????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ?????? ???? ????????? ??????????? ?????????????. ???????? ?????? ????????? ???? (Liturgical Year) ??????????????? ????????????? ?????? ???????????? ????????. [5] ????? 27??? ?????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????????????? ??????? ???????? ?????? ????. ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????. ?????????? ????????? ? ??????? [6] 25 ??????? ?????? [7] ????? ??????? ?????? ????????????.?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ? ???????? ??????????????????

??????????? [ ????????? ]

?????????? ???????? ????????????? [8] ????? ???????????? ????????????????? ??????? (Παρουσ?α) ???? ???????? [9] ???????????? ???? (?????), ?????? ???? ??????????. ? ??????????? ??????? ??.?????? ???? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ????? ? ????????? ??????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????????? ( [10] Adventus) ?????? ????????? ????????? ( [11] Advent) ?????? ????????. ???????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????? ????????.

??????????? [ ????????? ]

. [12] ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? 24 ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?????????????. ????? ?????????? ???? ??????????? ?????? ?????????????????. ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ???? ???????????????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ????????????????? .?????? ???????? ?????????? , ????? , ???? ??????????? ???? ??????? ????????????? ?????????? ??????? ???? ????. ???????? ???????????, ???????? ???????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ????????. [13] ??????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ???????????????. [14] ???? ??????????? ???????? ??????? ??????? , ???????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????????.

????????? ???? [ ????????? ]

?????? ?????: ????????? ???????
?????????????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????????? 2500 ???????? tealights ?????????? ??????? Cretan ??????? ???? labyrinth ??????? ?????-Bornheim

????????? ?? ? ????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???? [15] ????? ??????? ???. ??????? ?????????????? ??????, ????? ??????, ??????? ????, ????????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ????? ??????? ??????????. [16] ???????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ??? ????????????????? ? ????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ??????????????? ???????????????????.

[17] ??????? ?????? [ ????????? ]

????????? ????? ??????????? ?????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????? ?????? ??????'? ???????? ??????? ?????? (Advent Wreath). ?????? ???????????? ????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????. ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??? ????? ???? ????????????????? ???????????. ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ?????? "??????? ????" ??????? ?????????????. [18] ?????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ????? ????????? ??????????????????? ? ???? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ??????????. ?????????????? ??????????? ??????????????????? ?????????? ???? '???? ???? ????' ??????? ?????????????. ??????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????. '??????????? ????' ????? ??????????? ? ???? ?????????????? ??????????. ????????? ???????? '??????????? ????' ?????????????? ?????????? ????????????. ?????? ????????? ??????? ?????? '?????????????? ????' ??????? ?????????????. ?????????? ??????????????? ? ???? ?????? 24 ?????????? ?????????????.

?????? [ ????????? ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 ???????????? ?????: ???????? <ref> ????; KennedyHatch2013 ???? ?????? ????????????? ???????????? ?????????????.
  2. ???????????? ?????: ???????? <ref> ????; GeddesGriffiths2001 ???? ?????? ????????????? ???????????? ?????????????.
  3. Advent, THE LITURGICAL YEAR EXPLAINED, Catholic Doors Ministry
  4. Nativity Fast, Wikipedia
  5. "The Definitive Guide to Advent and Christmas" . Archived from the original on 2013-01-10 . Retrieved 2012-12-28 .
  6. "????????? ?????????? 25 ?????? , Manorama Online" . Archived from the original on 2010-09-22 . Retrieved 2012-12-28 .
  7. Deepika Daily [ ???????????????? ????? ]
  8. [Matthew 24:3, 27, 37, 39; 1 Corinthians 15:23; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 8, 9; James 5:7, 8; 2 Peter 1:16; 3:4, 12; 1 John 2:28]
  9. Parousia, Wikipedia
  10. Adventus, Wikipedia
  11. Advent, Wikipedia
  12. "The Definitive Guide to Advent and Christmas" . Archived from the original on 2013-01-10 . Retrieved 2012-12-28 .
  13. Dates to Avoid, Catholic Wedding Help
  14. [# 124, Directory of Popular Piety and the Liturgy; Principles and Guidelines; Vatican City, December, 2001]
  15. [Ordo missae celebrandae et divini officii persolvendi secundum calendarium romanum generale pro anno liturgico 2005-2006, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005.]
  16. Gaudete Sunday, Wikipedia
  17. "Advent Wreath," . Archived from the original on 2013-01-17 . Retrieved 2012-12-28 .
  18. [Isaiah 9:6-7 [6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. ... 700 B.C.]