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Create a new Item - Wikidata

Create a new Item

Please make sure that the item you want to create complies with our notability policy and that it doesn't already exist .
If you want to create an item about a living person , be mindful of their privacy.
We appreciate it if you create a label and a description for all of your new items.
The first letter of your label should only be capitalized if it is a proper noun (Q147276) , and your description should not be phrased as a sentence.
To create a new lexeme ( read here first to learn how a lexeme is different from an item ), please use Special:NewLexeme .

By clicking "Create", you agree to the terms of use , and you irrevocably agree to release your contribution under the Creative Commons CC0 License .
Warning: You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you log in or create an account , your edits will be attributed to a username, among other benefits.
Create a new Item