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페이지를 파싱하기 어렵습니다.@prefix schema: . @prefix nlloc: . @prefix geonames: . @prefix nlcon: . @prefix owl: . @prefix nllib: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix units: . @prefix nlfloc: . @prefix geo: . @prefix nlgov: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix vann: . @prefix event: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix cc: . @prefix nla: . @prefix org: . @prefix nlddc: . @prefix voaf: . @prefix nlkdc: . @prefix nluv: . @prefix nlk: . @prefix nlon: . @prefix tmon: . @prefix nls: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix vs: . @prefix bibframe: . @prefix nlsc: . @prefix dc: . nlk:KMO201521972 a bibo:Book , nlon:Book , nlon:OfflineMaterial ; rdfs:label "서울 永禧殿址 遺蹟 / 編輯·執筆: 윤선영, 박순영 ;鍾路區廳" ; bibframe:extent "117 p. (一部接地)" , "30 cm" , "天然色揷畵, 地圖" ; nlon:classificationNumberOfNLK "911.65" ; nlon:datePublished "2024-05-14T18:03:14"^^xsd:dateTime ; nlon:ddc "951.9" ; nlon:editionOfDDC "23" ; nlon:editionOfKDC "6" ; nlon:issuedYear "2013" ; nlon:itemNumberOfNLK "15-2" ; nlon:kdc "911.65" ; nlon:kdcn nlkdc:911_e6 ; nlon:localHolding "EM6051896, 2" , "EM6051895" ; nlon:publicationPlace "서울" ; nlon:remainderOfTitle "서울 景慕宮地 追加 發掘調査 報告書" ; nlon:titleOfSeries "學術調査報告" ; nlon:typeOfData nlk:dt_rp ; nlon:uniformTitleOfSeries "學術調査報告" , "Report of the research of antiquities" ; nlon:volumeOfSeries "第269冊" , "Vol. 269" , "第269冊" ; dc:creator "윤선영" , "박순영" ; dc:publisher "韓國文化財保護財團" ; dcterms:creator nlk:KAB201904077 ; dcterms:description "Yeonghuijeon hall site in Seoul : the excavation report of additory investigation of the Gyeongmogung sites in Seoul" , "卷末附錄: 서울 景慕宮地에서 出土된 鎭壇具 內部의 纖維質 分析 ; 出土遺物目錄" ; dcterms:isPartOf nlk:Reportoftheresearchofantiquities ; dcterms:issued "2013" ; dcterms:subject nlk:KSH1998010636 , nlk:KSH2003007621 , nlk:KSH1998032450 ; dcterms:title "서울 永禧殿址 遺蹟" ; bibo:isbn "9788964330845" ; owl:sameAs .