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Ride the Lightning - Wikipedia, tasanayt tilellit Aller au contenu

Ride the Lightning

Si Wikipedia, tasanayt tilellit.
Ride the Lightning
Metallica album (fr) Suqel
Azemz n ufsar 1984
Azwel a?aran Ride the Lightning
Format de distribution (fr) Suqel disque compact (fr) Suqel d streaming musical (fr) Suqel
Tawsit thrash metal (fr) Suqel
Tutlayt Taglizit
Tanzagt 47:23 minute
Label discographique (fr) Suqel Megaforce Records (fr) Suqel
Part of it albums de Metallica par ordre chronologique (fr) Suqel
discographie des albums de Metallica studio (fr) Suqel
Production (fr) Suqel
Afaris Metallica…

Ride the Lightning d isem n u?ebsi wis sin n Metallica , yeffe?-d deg useggas n 1984.

Umu? n tizlatin [ ?reg | ?reg a?balu ]

Akk awalen ttwuran s?ur James Hetfield ( Kirk Hammett yettiki da?en deg "Creeping Death"). 

Udem n u?ebsi
# Azwel Tanzagt
1. Fight Fire with Fire 4:45
2. Ride the Lightning 6:36
3. For Whom the Bell Tolls 5:09
4. Fade to Black 6:57
A?rur n u?ebsi
# Azwel Tanzagt
5. Trapped Under Ice 4:04
6. Escape 4:23
7. Creeping Death 6:36
8. The Call of Ktulu (instrumental) 8:53