
Orri honek softwareak aldatzeko bezala marka ditzazkeen etiketak zerrendatzen ditu, eta berauen esanahia.

Etiketaren izena Aldaketa zerrenden itxura Esanahiaren deskribapen osoa Iturria Aktiboa? Etiketatutako aldaketak
visualeditor Ikusizko edizioa Edizio hau egiteko, ikusizko editorea erabili da Softwareak definitua Bai 425.995 aldaketa
wikieditor (hidden) Edit made using WikiEditor (2010 wikitext editor) Softwareak definitua Bai 238.359 aldaketa
visualeditor-wikitext 2017 wikitestu editorearekin 2017 wikitestu editorearekin egindako aldaketa Softwareak definitua Bai 173.867 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 4664 paws [2.2] granting access for paws users. Giving additional "Edit protected pages" grant as requested in T338023 Softwareak definitua Bai 159.338 aldaketa
mobile edit Mugikor edizioa Edit made from mobile (web or app) Softwareak definitua Bai 113.971 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1703 QuickCategories [1.1] A tool to add and remove categories from pages in batches. Inspired by the QuickStatements tool for Wikidata. Softwareak definitua Bai 101.409 aldaketa
mobile web edit Mugikor web edizioa Edit made from mobile website Softwareak definitua Bai 93.731 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1277 QuickCategories [1.0] A tool to add and remove categories from pages in batches. Inspired by the QuickStatements tool for Wikidata. Softwareak definitua Ez 74.578 aldaketa
mw-new-redirect Birbideratze berria Birbideratze berri bat sortzen duten aldaketak edo birbidaltzeko orrialdea aldatzen dutenak Softwareak definitua Bai 72.169 aldaketa
advanced mobile edit Advanced mobile edit Edit made by user with Advanced mode Softwareak definitua Bai 49.426 aldaketa
mw-reverted Lehengoratua Edits that were later reverted by a different edit Softwareak definitua Bai 38.805 aldaketa
contenttranslation [ [1] ] Edukia beste hizkuntza batetik itzulia izan da Eduki Itzulpena tresna erabilita. Softwareak definitua Bai 21.065 aldaketa
mobile app edit Mugikor app edizioa Edits made from mobile apps Softwareak definitua Bai 20.212 aldaketa
android app edit Android app edit Edits made from mobile app for Android Softwareak definitua Bai 19.150 aldaketa
contenttranslation-v2 ContentTranslation2 Edukia beste hizkuntza batetik itzulia izan da Content Translation tresnaren 2. bertsioa erabilita. Softwareak definitua Bai 18.895 aldaketa
visualeditor-switched Ikusizko Editorea: kommutatua Lankidea Ikusizko Editorearekin hasi eta gero wikitestu editorera aldatua. Softwareak definitua Bai 17.047 aldaketa
mw-changed-redirect-target Birbideraketaren helburua aldatu da Birbideraketa baten helburua eraldatzen duten aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 15.108 aldaketa
mw-rollback lehengoratzea Atzera itzultzeko linkaren bidez lehendik egindako aldaketak atzera botatzen dituzten aldaketak. Softwareak definitua Bai 13.629 aldaketa
mw-manual-revert Manual revert Edits that manually restore the page to an exact previous state Softwareak definitua Bai 13.073 aldaketa
editcheck-newreference (hidden) A reference was added to the page Softwareak definitua Bai 12.899 aldaketa
disambiguator-link-added Disambiguation links Edits that add links to disambiguation pages Softwareak definitua Bai 8.656 aldaketa
mw-undo Desegin Lehendik egindako aldaketak desegiten dituzten aldaketak desegin linka erabiliz Softwareak definitua Bai 8.037 aldaketa
editcheck-references (hidden) EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed Softwareak definitua Bai 5.782 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 429 PAWS [1.2] PAWS (Pywikibot: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other python code) online via a Jupyterhub instance, at OAuth integration allows people to edit / run automated processes without having to expose their passwords. This will make the consumer_secret and consumer_id public, until is fixed. I have talked to Chris Steipp about this and it is ok for the short term. Softwareak definitua Ez 5.124 aldaketa
editcheck-newcontent (hidden) EditCheck thinks new content was added to the page Softwareak definitua Bai 4.880 aldaketa
discussiontools-added-comment (hidden) A talk page comment was added in this edit Softwareak definitua Bai 3.307 aldaketa
mw-blank Husten Orria zuriz jartzen duten aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 2.903 aldaketa
discussiontools (hidden) DiscissionTools erabiliz egindako aldaketa. Softwareak definitua Bai 2.723 aldaketa
mw-replace Ordezkatuta Orrialde baten edukiaren %90a baino gehiagok ezabatzen duten aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 2.497 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1841 PAWS [2.1] PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords. Softwareak definitua Bai 2.450 aldaketa
mw-removed-redirect Birbideratzea ezabatu da Existitzen den birbidaltze bati ez birbidaltzeko bihurtzen duten aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 2.433 aldaketa
massmessage-delivery MassMessage delivery Message delivery using Extension:MassMessage Softwareak definitua Bai 2.357 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1805 SWViewer [1.4] App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see Softwareak definitua Bai 2.234 aldaketa
discussiontools-newtopic Gai berria Erabilzaileak gai berri bat gehitu du DiscussionTools erabilita Softwareak definitua Bai 1.643 aldaketa
discussiontools-source (hidden) DiscussionTools kode moduan zegoen Softwareak definitua Bai 1.496 aldaketa
discussiontools-source-enhanced (hidden) DiscussionTools modu hobetua zegoen tresna barrarekin Softwareak definitua Bai 1.360 aldaketa
discussiontools-visual (hidden) DiscussionTools ikusizko editore moduan zegoen Softwareak definitua Bai 1.227 aldaketa
discussiontools-reply Erantzun Erabiltzaileak DiscussionTools erabilita erantzun du Softwareak definitua Bai 1.080 aldaketa
newcomer task Iritsi berrientzako atazak Iritsi berrien orrialdeko proposatutako aldaketen moduluko proposatutako aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 675 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 6365 SWViewer [1.6] App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see Softwareak definitua Bai 644 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1352 SWViewer [1.3] App to monitor the recent changes of a wiki's in real-time. For more details, see Softwareak definitua Ez 583 aldaketa
ios app edit iOS app edit Edits made from mobile app for iOS Softwareak definitua Bai 350 aldaketa
emoji Emoji Used by global abuse filter 110. Softwareak definitua Bai 301 aldaketa
contenttranslation-high-unmodified-mt-text ContentTranslation: High unmodified machine translation usage Translation published using ContentTranslation has high percentage of unmodified machine translation Softwareak definitua Bai 222 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 3711 PAWS [2.1] PAWS (PAWS: A Web Shell) allows users to run Pywikibot (and other Python / R / bash code) online without needing an ssh login. The OAuth integration allows them to do so without having to expose their passwords. Softwareak definitua Bai 184 aldaketa
sectiontranslation [ [1] ] Edukia beste hizkuntza bateko atal batetik itzuli da Content Translation tresnaren Section Translation gailua erabilita. Softwareak definitua Bai 160 aldaketa
blanking blanking Ez da gehiago erabiltzen Ez 154 aldaketa
newcomer task copyedit Newcomer task: copyedit "Copyedit" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 149 aldaketa
newcomer task add link Suggested: add links "Add link" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 118 aldaketa
mentorship module question Mentoretza modulu galdera Hasiera orrialdeko mentoretza modulutik egindako aldaketek galdera bat egiten dute Softwareak definitua Bai 92 aldaketa
newcomer task links Newcomer task: links "Links" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 81 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1261 SWViewer [1.2] App to view recent changes on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, quick reverts, etc. See [[ru:User:Iluvatar/SWViewer]]. Softwareak definitua Ez 60 aldaketa
newcomer task references Newcomer task: references "References" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 37 aldaketa
T144167 T144167 Softwareak definitua Bai 32 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1188 SWViewer [1.0] SPA (but auth process in php) for viewing queue of edits on small wikis for SWMT. Diffs, whitelist, reverts. Will be hosted on Labs. Desktop version [[ru:user:Iluvatar/SWViewer]]. Softwareak definitua Ez 26 aldaketa
newcomer task expand Newcomer task: expand "Expand" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 19 aldaketa
mentorship panel question Mentorship panel question Edit made from the help panel's "Ask your mentor" feature Softwareak definitua Bai 16 aldaketa
meta spam id meta spam id Softwareak definitua Bai 10 aldaketa
newcomer task update Newcomer task: update "Update" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 8 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 1904 DiBabel [1.2] A tool to help users keep modules and templates in sync across multiple wikis. See Softwareak definitua Bai 7 aldaketa
mw-contentmodelchange Eduki eredu aldaketa Orri baten change the content model aldaketak Softwareak definitua Bai 7 aldaketa
visualeditor-needcheck Ikusizko editorea: egiaztatzea Edizio hau egiteko, ikusizko editorea erabili da. Sistemak detektatu du edizio honetan wikitestuan egindako zenbait aldaketa beharbada nahi gabe egin direla. Softwareak definitua Bai 6 aldaketa
possible link spam possible link spam Ez da gehiago erabiltzen Ez 4 aldaketa
possible vandalism possible vandalism Ez da gehiago erabiltzen Ez 3 aldaketa
repeated xwiki CoI abuse repeated xwiki CoI abuse Softwareak definitua Bai 3 aldaketa
OAuth CID: 8393 KenBurnsEffect tool [1.1] This tool allows Wikimedia users to apply Ken Burns Effect to Commons images and upload the generated video to Commons Softwareak definitua Bai 3 aldaketa
mentor list change mentor list change Softwareak definitua Bai 2 aldaketa
campaign-external-machine-translation campaign-external-machine-translation Softwareak definitua Bai 1 aldaketa
mw-server-side-upload Server-side upload Media files that were uploaded via a maintenance script Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
centralnotice Central Notice Edit created via the CentralNotice Admin UI Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
centralnotice translation Central Notice Translation Edit of CentralNotice content created via the Translate extension Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
disneynew disneynew Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member OTRS permission added by non-OTRS member Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
abusefilter-condition-limit Baldintzaren muga gaaindituta Edits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters ( help ). Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
editcheck-references-activated Edit Check (references) activated EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shown Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
editcheck-reference-decline-common-knowledge Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge) EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
editcheck-reference-decline-irrelevant Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant) EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
editcheck-reference-decline-uncertain Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain) EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
editcheck-reference-decline-other Edit Check (references) declined (other) EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
discussiontools-edit Iruzkina aldatu Erabiltzaileak DiscussionTools erabilita iruzkin bat aldatu du. Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
fileimporter-remote Modified by FileImporter Edits made by the FileImporter extension after successfully importing a file from this wiki. Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
help panel question Laguntza orrialdeko galdera Laguntza modulutik egindako aldaketek galdera bat egiten dute Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
help module question Laguntza moduluko galdera Hasiera orrialdeko laguntza modulutik egindako aldaketek galdera bat egiten dute Softwareak definitua Ez 0 aldaketa
newcomer task image suggestion Suggested: add images "Add images" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa
newcomer task section image suggestion Suggested: add images to sections "Add images to sections" task edit suggested by the suggested edits module of the newcomer homepage Softwareak definitua Bai 0 aldaketa