User : Ningauble

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Some men's words I remember so well that I must often use them to express my thought.
Yes, because I perceive that we have heard the same truth, but they have heard it better.
? Ralph Waldo Emerson , Lectures and Biographical Sketches (1883), "Character"
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
? George Santayana , The Life of Reason , Vol. 5 (1906), Ch. 8
The art of quotation requires more delicacy in the practice than those conceive who see nothing more in a quotation than an extract.
? Isaac D'Israeli , Curiosities of Literature (1791?1824), "Quotation"
If it ain't cited, it ain't a quote.
? Ningauble (You can quote me on that.)
How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.
? Henry David Thoreau , Walden (1854), Ch. 3: "Reading"
Literature is news that stays news.
? Ezra Pound , ABC of Reading (1934), Ch. 8
This user is an administrator on the English Wikiquote . ( verify )
This user has a page on Wikipedia .
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This user has been on Wikiquote for
15 years, 9 months, and 25 days .
This user stamps out footnotes with interlinear citations .
This user thinks that registration should be required to edit articles.
en This user is a native English speaker .

Useful stuff

Interesting stuff

  • Wikiquote in the news ? not updated regularly
  • Most viewed Wikiquote pages ? not updated regularly (Don't be fooled if the title on this external tool still says Wikipedia)
  • "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted for him."
    ? Something my grandmother used to say, origin unknown

Useless stuff

Q: How many Wikimedians does it take to change a light bulb?

Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?


These are some articles where I made substantial contributions (un-stubbed, expanded, found citations, rescued from deletion, &tc.). Articles I created are in boldface . If they are still stubs, please improve them!

? Shirley Abbott ? Chinua Achebe ? Saul Alinsky ? Poul Anderson ? Theda Bara ? Joel Barlow ? Greg Bear ? Edward Bernays ? Charles Bernstein ? Yogi Berra ? Jorge Luis Borges ? Ray Bradbury ? Richard Brautigan ? Jacob Bronowski ? Fred Brooks ? John Brunner ? Fritjof Capra ? Anne Carson ? Ted Chiang ? Art Clokey ? E. F. Codd ? Fernando J. Corbato ? John Crowley ? J. V. Cunningham ? Stephen Decatur ? Lee De Forest ? Democritus ? Edsger W. Dijkstra ? Robert Floyd ? Carlos Fuentes ? Martin Gardner ? Kurt Hahn ? Richard Hamming ? John Heywood ? Sam Hinton ? C. A. R. Hoare ? Kenneth E. Iverson ? Josephine Jacobsen ? Donald Knuth ? Ronald David Laing ? Ursula K. Le Guin ? Stanisław Lem ? Benoit Mandelbrot ? John McCarthy ? Ian McDonald ? Josephine Miles ? Marvin Minsky ? Edna St. Vincent Millay ? Dwight Morrow ? Samuel F. B. Morse ? Bill Moyers ? Allen Newell ? Donald Norman ? William of Occam ? Charles Olson ? George Oppen ? Alan Perlis ? Mary Pickford ? Frederik Pohl ? George Polya ? William Poundstone ? Dennis Ritchie ? Kim Stanley Robinson ? Nassim Nicholas Taleb ? Edward Taylor ? Henry Timrod ? Frederick Goddard Tuckerman ? Mark Twain ? Jeff VanderMeer ? Jules Verne ? H. G. Wells ? Phillis Wheatley ? Maurice Wilkes ? James H. Wilkinson ? Eugene S.  Wilson ? Terry Winograd ? Gene Wolfe ? John Yau ?
? Ability ? Absence ? Action ? Admiration ? Advertising ? Ambition ? Americas ? Animal rights ? Autobiography ? Beauty ? Books ? Bureaucracy ? Candles ? Clay ? Common sense ? Community ? Dance ? Deja vu ? Exponential growth ? Fame ? Fiction ? Fireflies ? Future ? Go ? Grass ? Haste ? Hope ? Knowledge ? Labor ? Laughter ? Mathematics ? Means and ends ? Nasreddin ? Panic ? Paradox ? Procrastination ? Programming languages ? Quotations ? Randomness ? Reputation ? Rules ? Sauce ? Science fiction ? Sharing ? Shoes ? Silence ? Statistics ? Stone ? Strangers ? Television ? Vanity ? Wikipedia ? Worth ?

? The Book of the New Sun ? Childhood's End ? The Dispossessed ? How to Lie with Statistics ? ? Timequake ?