Family Guy/Season 3

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Family Guy : Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Family Guy is an animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for FOX in 1999. The show was canceled in 2002, but after a positive response to DVDs and reruns on Adult Swim , production of new episodes for FOX resumed in 2005.

Joe : [to Brian] Nice work, rookie!
Cop 1 : You're a credit to the force.
Cop 2 : Additional generic cop compliment, Brian!

Rehab Counselor : Wait a minute, Brian, you have a pre-existing relationship with this degenerate?
Peter : A degenerate, am I? Well, you are a festisio! See? I can make up words too, sister.
Brian : Hey, what might be a thrill for you guys?
Chris : Ooh! Ooh! Eating a pebble!

Cosby : [wears Stewie's hypnotic goggles] So you're going to just sit here and enjoy it.
Stewie : [hypnotized] I'm going to sit here and enjoy it. And I like pudding. And Ghost Dad was the best movie I've seen since Leonard Part 6 .
Peter : Hey, since I became President, profits have been higher than Alyssa Milano . [laughs]
[cut to Alyssa Milano in reality, watching the show]
Milano : What kinda cheap shot...?! [to her lawyer] Joel!
Joel : I'm suing. I'm suing. I'm on it. I'm on it.
Quagmire : [to a lesbian couple] So, have any of you ladies ever been penetrated?
Lois : [after seeing Chris' penis] Oh, my! Well, no wonder he's always slouching.
Peter : How the hell did this happen? I'm supposed to be the man of the house. You must be so ashamed of me.
Lois : Oh, Peter, I care as much about the size of your penis as you care about the size of my breasts.
Peter : OH, MY GOD! [runs away]
Diane : A tragic accident today in the north Providence area. A family of four lost their lives when their minivan swerved off the road and into a ravine, exploding on impact. [Tom snickers] You find this funny, Tom?
Tom : No, no, no. I was remembering, I accidentally put my shirt on inside out this morning. It's fine now, though. So, so, what were you saying? A fashion show?

Death's Mother : Death! Put your jacket on, or you'll get frostbite!
Death : I don't have skin!
Death's Mother : That's 'cause you didn't eat your beans!
Lois : Okay. The psychologist wants us to try an exercise called "role reversal," where we pretend to be the person who makes us angry. I'll go first. [imitating Peter] Don't listen to your mother, kids. She's worthless and dumb and ignore her and only listen to me, Peter.
Peter : [imitating Lois] I'm Lois. I break for yard sales. But I don't let Peter buy anything he likes, like that Narragansett Beer sign where the hot chick has two mugs for jugs. It was eight freaking dollars and we have a dozen places to put it!
Stewie : Ooh, ooh, me next, me next. [imitating Brian] I'm the dog. I'm well read and have a diverse stock portfolio. But I'm not above eating grass clippings and regurgitating them on the small braided rug near the door.
Brian : [imitating Stewie] I'm a pompous little Anti-Christ who will probably abandon my plans for world domination when I grow up and fall in love with a rough trick named Jim.

Peter : You just hit me!
Lois : That's right!
[Peter punches her back, knocking her onto the floor]
Lois : You can't hit me, I'm a girl!
Peter : Sometimes I wonder.
Connie : Hey, everybody! Mr. Lazenby's getting arrested!
[all the students in Meg's classroom exit and watch as the police arrest, Mr. Lazenby]
Principal Shepherd : Now, what in God's name…? [opens door] Mr. Lazenby, what the hell's going on here?!
Lazenby : Apparently, there's some law against teaching the evolutionary theory that Gil Gerard used a time machine, went back, and ejaculated into the primordial ooze.
Principal Shepherd : This stupid country...

Meg : I just wanna kill myself! I'm going upstairs right now, and eating a whole bowl of peanuts! [blank stares from Peter and Lois] I'm allergic to peanuts! [more blank stares] You don't know anything about me! [runs upstairs]
Peter : Who was that guy?
[Peter paces back and forth just as Mr. Weed is on his way over for dinner]
Lois : Peter, calm down. Everything's gonna be fine.
Peter : I hope so, 'cause if I blow this, I'm gonna have to go back to my old job at the Electric Company.
[cut to the Electric Company with Peter and another man as Soft-Shoe Silhouettes]
Man : D.
Peter : -ot.
Peter and the man : Dot.
Man : B.
Peter : -et.
Man : Bet.
Peter : Bet. I knew that. Slow it down, will ya?
Man : P.
Peter : -it.
Man : Pit.
Peter : Pit. C'mon, pal. It's my first day?
Man : F.
Peter : -at.
Man : Fat.
Peter : Oh, that's it, buddy?
[a fight breaks out between the two]
[The boys are sitting on chairs in a semicircle, in gentlemen's outfits, talking very quickly.]
Stewie : The port is quite good.
Brian : Yes, quite good.
Chris : Indeed.
Peter : Most certainly.
Brian : What year is it?
Chris : '51.
Brian : Ah.
Peter : Delectable.
Stewie : Indeed.
Chris : Yes.
Peter : [catches fire] Oh, dear!
Brian : What is it?
Peter : I've spontaneously combusted.
Stewie : Oh, I am sorry.
Peter : Oh, it's quite all right. I've grown tired of living.
Stewie : Ah, very good then.
Chris : For the best.
Brian : Yes, indeed.
Stewie : Oh, is it raining again?
Peter : [after Carol has given birth] Oh, my God!
Lois : What? What?!
Peter : [holds a crying baby] It's a beautiful baby girl.
Carol : Oh, a baby girl! I'm so happy!
Peter : But she has a penis. Well, we're gonna have to do something about that. [grabs a scalpel]
Lois : [takes the scalpel] Peter, no! It's a boy!
Peter : [at the police station, where the convicts are held] Hi, uh, excuse me, you guys. Yeah, I'm here to pick up my son, Chris Griffin. Uh, he's here to finger the guy who held up that convenience store. M-maybe you've seen him, his name is Chris Griffin . Oh, wait a second. I think I got a picture of him, somewhere...h-here you go. [gives the picture to the one who robbed the store] Yeah, you can go ahead and hang on to that, I got a ton of 'em at home. I was gonna throw that one out anyway 'cause Chris messed it up by writing his school schedule and a list of his fears all over the back of it.
[Brian dives into the race track and tackles Seabreeze]
Meg : Oh, my God!
Carter : He's violating Seabreeze!
Peter : Oh, no, he's just awkwardly positioning himself... [shocked] Now he's violating Seabreeze.

[Peter plays poker with Carter and his poker buddies]
Ted Turner : Aces high or low?
Peter : They go both ways.
[Bill Gates and Michael Eisner laugh]
Bill Gates : He said, "They go both ways".
[all except Ted laugh]
Ted : Like a bisexual.
Michael : Thank you, Ted. That was the joke.
Miller : Now, I don't want to go on a rant here, but America's foreign policy makes about as much sense as Beowulf having sex with Robert Fulton at the first battle of Antietam. I mean, when a neo-conservative defenestrates, it's like Raskolnikov filibuster deoxymonohydroxinate.
Peter : What the hell does "rant" mean?

[Chris is watching a rap video on TV]
Peter : Hey Chris, what are you doing? I am sittin' here shittin' myself! Give me some Dr. Peppa!
Chris : Just layin' back in the cot, peepin' at this here homie. Yo, Pops, get me some cheddar. Some player-hater be throwin' salt in my game and grillin' me over my gear, and I need to be making style.
Peter : You be trippin', my man. Go hed and take 'ya dump, sun.
Peter : Well, uh... the important thing is you tried, son.
Announcer : We now return to Touched By An Angel .
[courtroom scene; a boy is on the stand]
Prosecutor : [shows the boy a doll] Now, where exactly did the angel touch you?
Boy : [points at the doll's crotch] Here.
Angel : Oh, come on, who are you gonna believe? I got a freakin' halo !

[Peter enters Tom Tucker's office, falsely handicapped]
Peter : Mr. Tucker, I have just become handicapped like Joe Swanson. And I demand commercial endorsements and a TV movie based on me starring Valerie Bertinerni.
Tom : But, Mr. Griffin,...
Peter : Ah-ah. [extracts tape] I even got the first piece you're gonna run: exclusive video footage of my tragic accident.
[he inserts the tape in the TV/VCR, and video of him is shown]
Peter : [on tape] Oh, no! A car going too fast to stop in time! AIEEEEE!
[the tape cuts to a shot of a scarecrow getting hit by the approaching car, then cuts back to Peter, who is on the ground, wailing and flailing]
Peter : I'm handicapped now!
[Tom pauses the tape]
Tom : Mr. Griffin, you can't possibly expect me to believe this. That was a scarecrow dressed in your clothes.
Peter : Oh, come on!
Tom : [runs the tape back] And when I freeze-frame,...
[he pauses at a point where the car hit the scarecrow, and behind the wheel is...]
Tom : That's you driving the car.
Peter : Well, there's your hook!
Tom : Get out.
Lois : Brian, you're not wearing the sweater I made you.
Brian : Uh, w-well, it's a little warm in here...
Lois : "Don we now our gay apparel."
Brian : [puts his sweater on] Doesn't get much gayer than this.

Peter : My couch! My TV! [to Brian] What the hell did you do?!
Brian : Me?! Who the hell buys a novelty fire extinguisher?
Peter : I'll tell you who: someone who cares enough about physical comedy to put his entire family at risk.
Goodman : It's a very rare species, the endangered White-Rump Swallow.
Chris : [laughs] Rump.
Peter : This isn't funny, Chris! [laughs] Swallow.

[at a movie theater, the swallow in Peter's beard continuously eats Peter's popcorn]
Peter : Damn it all!
Patrons : SHH!
Peter : Sorry! Sorry.
[the swallow squawks loudly]
Patron 1 : Hey, shut up! Keep it down!
Peter : Look, there's nothin' I can do. All right?
Patron 2 : Take it outside, pal!
Patron 3 : Have you ever heard of a sitter?!
Peter : [jumps out of his seat] Look, it's an endangered species! What am I supposed to do?
Patron 4 : I'll make you an endangered species!
Peter : Oh, good comeback, Potsie!
Patron 5 : I'll kick your ass! That's what I'll do!
[all patrons clamor indistinctly until the swallow recedes into Peter's beard]
Peter : Look, everybody just shut up! Shut up! He has stopped squawking! He's receded into my beard! We can all watch the movie! Shut up!
[he sits back down, and all is silent for a moment]
Voice : Eric, if you're in here, we're all goin' to Marty's after the movie.
Jeff : [about his trophy, which is over his crotch] Is this the biggest thing you've ever seen?
Dave : Hey, don't get too cocky. I had a big one like that when I was your age.
Dottie : Oh, you were a show-off yourself, Dave. He brought it out on our first date.
Peter : Lois, I'm scared. [drops his hot dog] Oh, I'll get that. [reaches under the table]
Dave : Hey!
Peter : Oh! Oh! Oh God, oh, Dave, sorry! Oh, oh, God!

Chris : Boobies!
Lois : Chris, that's enough! Well, I'm sure glad to be out of there!
Peter : You said it, Lois. What those people are doing just ain't natural.
Chris : Boobies!
Lois : Did you hear me, young man?
Meg : I don't know what the big deal was! I thought they were nice!
Chris : Boobies!
Lois : Peter?
Peter : Do it. [everybody besides Chris puts on sunglasses; Lois reveals the Neutralizer from Men in Black , and uses it on Chris]
Lois : Did you have fun at the circus today, Chris?
Chris : Elephants are bigger in person!
[Peter is in front of a mirror, preparing for a party]
Meg : Look at that handsome man.
Peter : You son of a bitch! [punches the mirror]

Peter : Why are you holding that infant's hand?
Stewie : Oh, we met on the Internet.
Brian : Shut up!
Stewie : Yes, he lured me down to the park with promises of candy and funny stories.
Stewie : [encounters Pengrove Pig] Pengrove! I've come to live on Jolly Farm! Oh my, the Magic Tome! [opens the book] Well, it's... it's cardboard. And there are no words, there are just... What is it you've drawn here?
Pengrove : Oh, that's Oswald Owl slamming Mother Maggie in one of them Chinese baskets, eh? [removes his mask to reveal a hideous laughing elderly man] Ah, dead brill, eh?
Stewie : [yells; runs up to a smoking Mother Maggie] Oh, Mother Maggie, thank God! Something's wrong!
Maggie : [in a heavier English accent than on T.V.] Whose stinky brat is this?
Stewie : That's not your voice. Your voice is lyrical, like the gentle strum of a lute!
Maggie : Piss off, ya grotty little wanker! [kicks Stewie off the set and resumes smoking]
Stewie : It's a fake. It's not real.
Brian : I thought it'd be best for you to find out on your own, kid.
Stewie : I feel like such a fool. Don't even look at me!
Brian : Hey, come on. Do you want to get some ice cream? That'd make ya feel better. Right? [Stewie shakes his head no] You wanna get some McDonald's? [Stewie shakes his head no again] You wanna take a dump in Mother Maggie's shoes? [Stewie nods his head yes] Okay. Let's go take a dump in Mother Maggie's shoes.
Dr. Hartman : Mayor West, you have lymphoma.
West : Oh, my...
Dr. Hartman : Probably from rolling around in that toxic waste.
West : I see...
Dr. Hartman : What in God's name were you trying to prove?
West : I was trying to gain superpowers.
Dr. Hartman : Well, that's just silly.
West : Silly, yes. Idiotic, yes...
Lois : Peter, did you take the money from the family jar?
Peter : [dances] Who, me? Yes, me. Couldn't be. Then who? [stops] Yeah, I did it. I bought us volcano insurance.

Peter : Lois, no one needs glasses.
Meg : You wear glasses.
Peter : That's only to fool the man from the draft board.
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