
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

root is the name of a database record of the root zone in the Domain Name System of the Internet that was occasionally used as a diagnostic marker. Its presence demonstrated the root zone was not truncated upon loading by a root nameserver .

According to technical observers the single .root entry was replaced in 2006 with just vrsn-end-of-zone-marker-dummy-record , to be reintroduced later in 2006 in its original form. [ citation needed ] The entry was deleted again during the preparations for the deployment of DNSSEC at the root zone in 2010. [1] [2]

The existence of the record was observed with the domain information groper (dig) utility by querying for a TXT Record for the domain name:

dig vrsn-end-of-zone-marker-dummy-record.root

This entry returned the word " plenus ", which is Latin for full or complete .

References [ edit ]

  1. ^ Arends, Roy (2010-05-05). "plenus no more" . dns-operations (Mailing list) . Retrieved 2010-05-05 .
  2. ^ "DNSSEC on all root servers" . The H . 2010-05-06. Archived from the original on 2010-05-09 . Retrieved 2010-05-07 .

External links [ edit ]