Sony unveils Playstation 3

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The new, sleek Playstation 3 design
The new, sleek Playstation 3 design

On Monday, President and CEO of Sony , Ken Kutaragi unveiled the next generation of the PlayStation game console.

The PlayStation 3 console is planned to:

  • Be based on IBM's Cell processor, containing nine separate processing cores, eight of which are to run at 3.2 GHz.
  • Contain six USB 2.0 ports and be compatible with a maximum of seven controllers through Bluetooth technology.
  • Use Blu-ray technology, with which a single disc can hold as much as 50 gigabytes.
  • Be able to play MP3s and display digital photographs.

Last week, there was a leak of details regarding Microsoft 's next console, the Xbox 360 . The Xbox 360 contains the same processor as the PlayStation 3, with three cores, also running at 3.2 GHz.

Nintendo , another competitor, is expected to show off the Nintendo Revolution as part of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) next week.

The PlayStation 3 is planned to be available in white, black, or silver color, in the spring of 2006.

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Bluetooth (up to 7), USB 2.0 (wired), Wi-Fi (PSP), Network (over IP)
