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Alexander VII b. 13 February 1599 d. 22 May 1667 - Rodovid EN
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Alexander VII b. 13 February 1599 d. 22 May 1667

From Rodovid EN

Lineage Chigi
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Alexander VII
Other given names Fabio Chigi

Flavio Chigi [ Chigi ] b. 1548 d. 1615

Laura Marsili [ Marsili ]

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Alexander VII.


13 February 1599 birth: Siena

19 February 1652 title: Kardinal , Innozenz X ( Pamphilj , b. 6 May 1574 d. 7 January 1655)

1655 title: Papst

22 May 1667 death: Rom


From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Alexander VII
birth: 13 February 1599, Siena
title: 19 February 1652, Kardinal, [[Person:933746]]
title: 1655, Papst
death: 22 May 1667, Rom
== 2 ==