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The MARS Journal Vol 5, pp 1-60 - An overview of the 1985-2006 Mars Orbiter Camera science investigation
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This Mars Orbiter Camera image taken in 2001 (image E05-00804) shows layered sedimentary rock outcrops in a crater in western Arabia Terra named in 2009 for G. Edward Danielson, the MOC Instrument Manager who guided the MOC from concept to design to flight hardware for both the Mars Observer and Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
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An overview of the 1985-2006 Mars Orbiter Camera science investigation

1 Michael C. Malin, 1 Kenneth S. Edgett, 1 Bruce A. Cantor 1 Michael A. Caplinger, 2 G. Edward Danielson, 1 Elsa H. Jensen, 1 Michael A. Ravine, 1 Jennifer L. Sandoval and 1 Kimberley D. Supulver

1 Malin Space Science Systems, P.O. Box 910148, San Diego, CA 92191-0148 USA
2 Deceased, 10 December 2005

Mars 5, 1-60, 2010 | doi:10.1555/mars.2010.0001
Received August 5, 2009 | Accepted November 15, 2009 | Published January 6, 2010

The Mars Observer Camera (MOC) investigation was proposed in 1985 and selected in 1986 for the Mars Observer mission, a spacecraft that was lost enroute to Mars in 1993. Re-named the Mars Orbiter Camera, MOC was re-flown on Mars Global Surveyor and successfully provided more than 4 Mars years (between September 1997 and October 2006) of daily global meteorological observations and observed ancient, water-lain sedimentary rock, present-day impact cratering, and youthful gullies (some of which may be showing evidence for present-day liquid water), among many other results from its more than 243,000 images.

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