James S. Fishkin

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James S. Fishkin

James S. Fishkin (* 1948 ) ist ein Professor fur Kommunikation und politische Wissenschaften an der Stanford University . Er ist bekannt durch seine Arbeiten zur Deliberativen Demokratie . Er entwickelte in diesen Zusammenhang auch eine Methode zu Deliberative Polling . Er ist Direktor am neuen Center fur Deliberative Democracy an der Stanford University.

James S. Fishkin erreichte seinen Bachelor und seinen Ph. D. an der Yale University . Einen zweiten Ph. D. erwarb er an der Universitat Cambridge .

2014 wurde er in die American Academy of Arts and Sciences aufgenommen.

Deliberative Demokratie

  • Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform (1991)
  • The Dialogue of Justice: Toward a Self-Reflective Society (1992)
  • The Voice of the People: Public Opinion and Democracy (1995)
  • Deliberation Day (Yale University Press, 2004) (with Bruce Ackerman )
  • Debating Deliberative Democracy (mit Peter Laslett) (Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2003)

Politische Theorie und Philosophie

  • Tyranny and Legitimacy: A Critique of Political Theories (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979)
  • Beyond Subjective Morality: Ethical Reasoning and Political Philosophy (Yale University Press, 1986)
  • Limits of Obligation (Yale University Press, 1982)
  • Justice, Equal Opportunity and the Family (Yale University Press, 1984)

Veroffentlichungen in Fachzeitschriften

  • Considered Opinions: Deliberative Polling in Britain (With RC Luskin, R Jowell) (British Journal of Political Science, 2002)
  • Moral Reasoning and Political Ideology (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973)
  • Experimenting with a Democratic Ideal: Deliberative Polling and Public Opinion (with RC Luskin) (Acta Politica, 2005)
  • Can Deliberation Induce Greater Preference Structuration? Evidence from Deliberative Opinion Polls (With C List, I McLean, R Luskin) (Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, 2000)
  • The Quest for Deliberative Democracy (with RC Luskin) (The Good Society, 1999)