Diocletian's Palace (Split)

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English: Diocletian's Palace is an ancient palace built by the Roman emperor Diocletian at the turn of the 4th century AD, that forms now about half the old town of Split, in Croatia.
Hrvatski: Dioklecijanova pala?a.

Diocletian Palace global images

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Diocletian Palace gates and walls

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Porta aurea - Golden gate

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Northern wall and gate, road to Salona.

Porta argentea - Silver gate

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Eastern wall and gate.

Bronze gate - Southern wall

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Southern wall, along the Riva. Has been deeply modified during centuries. The Bronze gate ( Porta aenea ) has long been sealed.

Porta ferrea - Iron gate

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West gate; above the gate: Our Lady of the Belfry (oldest romanesque bell-tower on the Adriatic coast, ca 1100). The Bell Tower is outside the perimeter.


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The Prothyron; contains also Our Lady of the Belt (1544); Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (1650); church of St Roch.

Frieze details

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The Egyptian sphynx with head (15th c BC)

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The cathedral entry with the lions of Radovan (13th c)

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Imperial temple - St John's baptistry

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Traditionally named Temple of Jupiter although this link is not confirmed.


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Sphinx without head

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Prominent houses

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