한국   대만   중국   일본 
??????????? - ????????????? ?????????? ???????????


???? ????????????? ???

??????????? (???????)??? ??? ??????? As ????? ????????????? ?? ????????????? ??????? ??????????????? ????????????? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ? ?????? ???????????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ?????????????????? ????????????? ?? ????????????? ????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????????????? ??????????? ???????????????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ??????????? ?????? ????? ??????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????????????? ???????????? ? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ????????????? ??????????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????? ????? ????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????? (arsenic trioxide)? ????????? ??????? ????????????? ?????????????????????????? (non metallic form) ?????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????

???????????,   33 As
???????????????? ?????????????
?????? ??????? ???????????, As
??????????? / ? ?ːr s ? n ? k / , also / ?ːr ? s ? n ? k / when attributive
AR -s?-nik , ar- SEN -ik
????????????? grey (most common), yellow, black
??????? metallic grey
??????? ????????? ????????? ??? ???????????
Element 1: Hydrogen (H), Other non-metal
Element 2: Helium (He), Noble gas
Element 3: Lithium (Li), Alkali metal
Element 4: Beryllium (Be), Alkaline earth metal
Element 5: Boron (B), Metalloid
Element 6: Carbon (C), Other non-metal
Element 7: Nitrogen (N), Other non-metal
Element 8: Oxygen (O), Other non-metal
Element 9: Fluorine (F), Halogen
Element 10: Neon (Ne), Noble gas
Element 11: Sodium (Na), Alkali metal
Element 12: Magnesium (Mg), Alkaline earth metal
Element 13: Aluminium (Al), Other metal
Element 14: Silicon (Si), Metalloid
Element 15: Phosphorus (P), Other non-metal
Element 16: Sulfur (S), Other non-metal
Element 17: Chlorine (Cl), Halogen
Element 18: Argon (Ar), Noble gas
Element 19: Potassium (K), Alkali metal
Element 20: Calcium (Ca), Alkaline earth metal
Element 21: Scandium (Sc), Transition metal
Element 22: Titanium (Ti), Transition metal
Element 23: Vanadium (V), Transition metal
Element 24: Chromium (Cr), Transition metal
Element 25: Manganese (Mn), Transition metal
Element 26: Iron (Fe), Transition metal
Element 27: Cobalt (Co), Transition metal
Element 28: Nickel (Ni), Transition metal
Element 29: Copper (Cu), Transition metal
Element 30: Zinc (Zn), Transition metal
Element 31: Gallium (Ga), Other metal
Element 32: Germanium (Ge), Metalloid
Element 33: Arsenic (As), Metalloid
Element 34: Selenium (Se), Other non-metal
Element 35: Bromine (Br), Halogen
Element 36: Krypton (Kr), Noble gas
Element 37: Rubidium (Rb), Alkali metal
Element 38: Strontium (Sr), Alkaline earth metal
Element 39: Yttrium (Y), Transition metal
Element 40: Zirconium (Zr), Transition metal
Element 41: Niobium (Nb), Transition metal
Element 42: Molybdenum (Mo), Transition metal
Element 43: Technetium (Tc), Transition metal
Element 44: Ruthenium (Ru), Transition metal
Element 45: Rhodium (Rh), Transition metal
Element 46: Palladium (Pd), Transition metal
Element 47: Silver (Ag), Transition metal
Element 48: Cadmium (Cd), Transition metal
Element 49: Indium (In), Other metal
Element 50: Tin (Sn), Other metal
Element 51: Antimony (Sb), Metalloid
Element 52: Tellurium (Te), Metalloid
Element 53: Iodine (I), Halogen
Element 54: Xenon (Xe), Noble gas
Element 55: Caesium (Cs), Alkali metal
Element 56: Barium (Ba), Alkaline earth metal
Element 57: Lanthanum (La), Lanthanoid
Element 58: Cerium (Ce), Lanthanoid
Element 59: Praseodymium (Pr), Lanthanoid
Element 60: Neodymium (Nd), Lanthanoid
Element 61: Promethium (Pm), Lanthanoid
Element 62: Samarium (Sm), Lanthanoid
Element 63: Europium (Eu), Lanthanoid
Element 64: Gadolinium (Gd), Lanthanoid
Element 65: Terbium (Tb), Lanthanoid
Element 66: Dysprosium (Dy), Lanthanoid
Element 67: Holmium (Ho), Lanthanoid
Element 68: Erbium (Er), Lanthanoid
Element 69: Thulium (Tm), Lanthanoid
Element 70: Ytterbium (Yb), Lanthanoid
Element 71: Lutetium (Lu), Lanthanoid
Element 72: Hafnium (Hf), Transition metal
Element 73: Tantalum (Ta), Transition metal
Element 74: Tungsten (W), Transition metal
Element 75: Rhenium (Re), Transition metal
Element 76: Osmium (Os), Transition metal
Element 77: Iridium (Ir), Transition metal
Element 78: Platinum (Pt), Transition metal
Element 79: Gold (Au), Transition metal
Element 80: Mercury (Hg), Transition metal
Element 81: Thallium (Tl), Other metal
Element 82: Lead (Pb), Other metal
Element 83: Bismuth (Bi), Other metal
Element 84: Polonium (Po), Metalloid
Element 85: Astatine (At), Halogen
Element 86: Radon (Rn), Noble gas
Element 87: Francium (Fr), Alkali metal
Element 88: Radium (Ra), Alkaline earth metal
Element 89: Actinium (Ac), Actinoid
Element 90: Thorium (Th), Actinoid
Element 91: Protactinium (Pa), Actinoid
Element 92: Uranium (U), Actinoid
Element 93: Neptunium (Np), Actinoid
Element 94: Plutonium (Pu), Actinoid
Element 95: Americium (Am), Actinoid
Element 96: Curium (Cm), Actinoid
Element 97: Berkelium (Bk), Actinoid
Element 98: Californium (Cf), Actinoid
Element 99: Einsteinium (Es), Actinoid
Element 100: Fermium (Fm), Actinoid
Element 101: Mendelevium (Md), Actinoid
Element 102: Nobelium (No), Actinoid
Element 103: Lawrencium (Lr), Actinoid
Element 104: Rutherfordium (Rf), Transition metal
Element 105: Dubnium (Db), Transition metal
Element 106: Seaborgium (Sg), Transition metal
Element 107: Bohrium (Bh), Transition metal
Element 108: Hassium (Hs), Transition metal
Element 109: Meitnerium (Mt), Transition metal
Element 110: Darmstadtium (Ds), Transition metal
Element 111: Roentgenium (Rg), Transition metal
Element 112: Copernicium (Cn), Transition metal
Element 113: Ununtrium (Uut)
Element 114: Ununquadium (Uuq)
Element 115: Ununpentium (Uup)
Element 116: Ununhexium (Uuh)
Element 117: Ununseptium (Uus)
Element 118: Ununoctium (Uuo)


?????????? ??????????? ?????????
??????? ??????????? ( Z ) 33
???? ? ????? group 15 (pnictogens)
????????? ????????? period  4
??????? ????   metalloid
?????????????? ??????????? ??????????   (±) ( A r ) 74.921595(6) [?]
??????????? ???????? [ Ar ] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 3
????????????? ?????? ??????????? 2, 8, 18, 5
????????????????? ??????????????????????
????? ??????????
Sublimation point 887 K ​(615 °C, ​1137 °F)
??????????? (?????????? ? ??????????????????) 5.727 g/cm 3
5.22 g/cm 3
????????????????????? 1090 K, ​3628 kPa [?]
Critical point 1673 K, ? MPa
?????????????? grey: 24.44  kJ/mol
??????????????? 34.76 kJ/mol (?)
????? ????????????? 24.64 J/(mol·K)
P   (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at  T   (K) 553 596 646 706 781 874
????????????? (?????????????????) ???????? 5 , 4, 3 , 2, 1, [?] ?1, ?2, ?3 ​(a mildly acidic oxide)
?????????????????? Pauling scale: 2.18
????????????????????????????? 1st: 947.0 kJ/mol
2nd: 1798 kJ/mol
3rd: 2735 kJ/mol
( more )
??????????? ???????????????? empirical: 119  pm
??????????????????????????? 119±4 pm
??????????? ???????????????? 185 pm
?????????????????? rhombohedral
Rhombohedral crystal structure for အာသဲန်းနေက်
???????????????? 5.6 μm/(m·K) [?] (at  r.t. )
?????????????? 50.2 W/(m·K)
?????????????? 333 nΩ·m (at 20 °C)
?????????????? diamagnetic [?]
?????????? ???????????????? ( χ mol ) −5.5·10 ?6  cm 3 /mol [?]
Young's modulus 8 GPa
Bulk modulus 22 GPa
Mohs hardness 3.5
Brinell hardness 1440 MPa
CAS Number 7440-38-2
?????????????? ????????? ?????????? ( ???? ???? )
????????????????????????? Albertus Magnus (1250)
??????????????? ?????????????? ????????????????
iso NA ??????????????? DM DE

( MeV )

73 As syn 80.3 d ε ? 73 Ge
γ 0.05 D , 0.01D, e ?
74 As syn 17.8 d ε ? 74 Ge
β + 0.941 74 Ge
γ 0.595, 0.634 ?
β ? 1.35, 0.717 74 Se
75 As 100% is stable with 42 neutrons
??????????? | | ????????

????? [ ????????? | ?????????????????? ]

??????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????? ?????????????????????????

???????? [ ????????? | ?????????????????? ]

  1. Standard Atomic Weights 2013 . Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  2. Gokcen, N. A (1989). "The As (arsenic) system". Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams 10 : 11?22. doi : 10.1007/BF02882166 .  
  3. "Stabilized Arsenic(I) Iodide: A Ready Source of Arsenic Iodide Fragments and a Useful Reagent for the Generation of Clusters" (2004). Inorganic Chemistry 43 (19): 5981?6. doi : 10.1021/ic049281s . PMID 15360247 .  
  4. Cverna, Fran (2002)? ASM Ready Reference: Thermal properties of metals ? ASM International? pp. 8?? ISBN   978-0-87170-768-0 ? pdf .
  5. Lide, David R., ed. (2000)? "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds"? Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (81 ed.)? CRC press? ISBN   0849304814 ?
  6. Weast? Robert (1984)? CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ? Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing? pp. E110? ISBN   0-8493-0464-4 ?