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MOTLEY CRUE's TOMMY LEE: 'At Some Point The Band Just Stopped Making New Music' - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

MOTLEY CRUE's TOMMY LEE: 'At Some Point The Band Just Stopped Making New Music'

May 31, 2016

In a brand new interview with , MOTLEY CRUE drummer Tommy Lee once again spoke of his disappointment over the way things ended between him and his bandmates after the conclusion of the group's final show.

"We had a super, super crazy afterparty, but none of the other guys came to it," said Lee . "It was interesting. I asked around, like, 'Hey, where are the guys at?' and they're like, 'Oh, they left.' 'Whoa! Okay...' Very disappointed, but in the same breath I kinda knew that was gonna happen, so I was prepared for it, y'know? And after a nearly two-year-long tour, I didn't blame them for wanting to just get the fuckin' out of there and go home. It's all good." Lee added that he hasn't spoken with bassist Nikki Sixx or frontman Vince Neil since the show, though he's in frequent contact with guitarist Mick Mars .

Even though MOTLEY CRUE has not officially broken up, "There won't be any new music or anything like that," Lee said. "It's clear that at some point the band just stopped making new music, and what are you supposed to do? Keep going around the country playing the same old songs? No way. In a world that was changing rapidly in all senses, musically and business and style and everything, people need to be really open and not really follow but forge ahead and make something new. That's a big challenge and you have to have a lot of open minds for that stuff. I can remember experimenting on a couple of our last CRUE album efforts and getting resistance from other band members, saying things like, 'Well, our fans, if it's a Harley-Davidson they know they're going to get a Harley-Davidson, and you can't give them a beefed-up weird version of that. And I just don't believe in that. So there was nowhere to go, really, except to stop."

The "Motley Crue: The End" concert movie will screen in theaters June 14. The 140-minute film includes footage from the CRUE 's farewell show on December 31, 2015 at the Staples Center along with "exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes footage of the last week of the tour."


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