Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t

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Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t ( rus. Контркульту?ра , ing. Counterculture ) ? subm?d?niyy?t novu. M?d?niyy?t?unaslıq noqteyi-n?z?rind?n, ?ks m?d?niyy?t, dominant m?d?niyy?tin d?y?rl?rini inkar ed?n bir c?r?yandır.

Sosioloq Con Milton Yinger, "Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t" termini 1960-cı ild? Amerika Sosioloji ?cmalındakı "Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t v? subkultura" m?qal?sind? i?l?tmi?dir. Yinger, h?r hansı bir qrupun normativ sisteminin ?sas elementi ??xsiyy?t d?yi??nl?rinin qrup d?y?rl?rinin inki?afında v? saxlanmasında bilavasit? i?tirak etdiyi v? onun normalarının yalnız munasib?tl?r? istinad etm?kl? ba?a du?ul? bil?c?yi butun c?miyy?tin d?y?rl?ri il? ziddiyy?t oldu?u yerd? "?ks-m?d?niyy?t" termini istifad? etm?yi t?klif etdi. ?trafındakı dominant bir m?d?niyy?t? sahib qruplar ” [1] .

"Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t" termini Amerikalı sosioloq Teodor Rozzak t?r?find?n populyarla?dı, o, bundan ?n?n?vi m?d?niyy?t? qar?ı cıxaraq s?n?td?ki yeni meyll?r? istinad etm?k ucun istifad? etdi [2] [3] [4] . ?ks etiqad, movcudlu?un duy?u-emosional t?crub?sini on plana cıxardı?ı, idrakın spekulyativ-m?ntiqi metodları c?rciv?sind?n k?narda qalması il? ziddiyy?t t??kil etdi.

Qar?ı m?d?niyy?t, bir qayda olaraq, yalnız dominant m?d?niyy?tin paradiqmasından f?rql?n?n bir paradiqmaya sahib deyil, eyni zamanda ozunu dominant m?d?niyy?t? acıq ??kild? qar?ı qoyur, dominant m?d?ni d?y?rl?ri, normaları v? m?n?vi t?m?ll?ri ?ubh? altına alır, ozun?m?xsus norma v? d?y?rl?r sistemini yaradır.

?ks m?d?niyy?t, 1960-cı ill?rin "g?ncl?r inqilabı" nda, hippi h?r?katında v? 1970-ci ill?rd? punk subkulturasında acıq ??kild? ifad? edildi.

SSR? -d? yeraltı anderqraund m?d?niyy?ti ?ks-m?d?niyy?t numun?si idi.

Yaranma prinsipi

[ redakt? | m?nb?ni redakt? et ]

?ks-m?d?niyy?t yalnız XX ?srin tanınmı? v? yuxarıda gost?ril?n g?nclik h?r?katlarına deyil, coxu ucun d? xarakterik bir fenomendir. Dominant m?d?niyy?t c?miyy?tin butun simvolik m?kanını ?hat? ed? bilmir. Bu m?kanın bir hiss?si alt v? ?ks m?d?niyy?tl?r arasında "bolunur". Muxt?lif t?dqiqatlardakı bu ?ks-m?d?niyy?tl?r? erk?n xristianlıq [ [5] , dig?r dinl?r, utopik komuniyalar v? bol?evik h?r?katı daxildir [6] .

Qarı?ı m?d?niyy?t? misal olaraq, qapalı v? t?crid olunmu? bir muhitd? ideoloji doktrinaların daim formala?dı?ı v? d?yi?dirildiyi, sozun h?qiqi m?nasında "t?rsin? cevrilmi?" umumilikd? q?bul edilmi? d?y?rl?r - durustluk, z?hm?t, ail? h?yatı v? s.

  1. John Milton Yinger. Contraculture and Subculture . 25 (American Sociological Review). 1960.
  2. Gollin, Andrea. "Social critic Theodore Roszak *58 explores intolerance in new novel about gay Jewish writer" . PAW Online. April 23, 2003. June 16, 2008 tarixind? arxivl??dirilib . ?stifad? tarixi: June 21, 2008 .
  3. Roszak, Theodore , The Making of a Counter Culture: Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition , 1968/1969, Doubleday, New York, ISBN   978-0-385-07329-5 .
  4. F. X. Shea, S. J., "Reason and the Religion of the Counter-Culture", Harvard Theological Review , Vol. 66/1 (1973), pp. 95?111, JSTOR-3B2-X Arxivl??dirilib 2020-04-11 at the Wayback Machine .
  5. Ирвинг Кристол Контркультуры Arxivl??dirilib 2010-02-15 at the Wayback Machine Декабрь, 1994 // Русский журнал, 28.09.2009 г.
  6. "Основные типы культуры" . 2010-10-19 tarixind? arxivl??dirilib . ?stifad? tarixi: 2010-02-19 .
rus dilind?
dig?r dill?rd?
  • Bennett, Andy. Reappraising "counterculture" . Volume ! la revue des musiques populaires, n°9-1, Nantes, Editions Melanie Seteun. 2012. ( #apostrophe_markup )
  • Curl, John (2007), Memories of Drop City, The First Hippie Commune of the 1960s and the Summer of Love, a memoir, iUniverse. ISBN   0-595-42343-4 .
  • Freud, S. (1905). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud. (Vol. 7, pp. 123?245). London: Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1905)
  • Gelder, Ken (2007), Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice, London: Routledge.
  • Goffman, Ken (2004), Counterculture through the ages Villard Books ISBN   0-375-50758-2
  • Heath, Joseph and Andrew Potter (2004) Nation of Rebels: Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture Collins Books ISBN   0-06-074586-X
  • Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo (2009), Daughters of Aquarius: Women of the Sixties Counterculture . University Press of Kansas. ISBN   978-0700616336
  • Hall, Stuart and Tony Jefferson (1991), Resistance Through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in Post-war Britain, London: Routledge.
  • Hazlehurst, Cameron and Kayleen M. Hazlehurst (1998), Gangs and Youth Subcultures: International Explorations, New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers.
  • Hebdige, Dick (1979), Subculture: the Meaning of Style, London & New York: Routledge .
  • Paul Hodkinson and Wolfgang Deicke (2007), Youth Cultures Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes, New York: Routledge .
  • Macfarlane, Scott (2007), The Hippie Narrative: A Literary Perspective on the Counterculture, Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co Inc, ISBN   0-7864-2915-1 & ISBN   978-0-7864-2915-8 .
  • McKay, George (1996), Senseless Acts of Beauty: Cultures of Resistance since the Sixties . London Verso. ISBN   1-85984-028-0 .
  • Nelson, Elizabeth (1989), The British Counterculture 1966-73: A Study of the Underground Press . London: Macmillan .
  • Isadora Tast (2009), Mother India. Searching For a Place. Berlin: Peperoni Books, ISBN   978-3-941825-00-0
  • Whiteley, Sheila. Countercultures: Music, Theories & Scenes . Volume ! la revue des musiques populaires, n°9-1, Nantes, Editions Melanie Seteun. 2012. ( #apostrophe_markup )
  • Whiteley, Sheila. Countercultures: Utopias, Dystopias, Anarchy . Volume ! la revue des musiques populaires, n°9-1&2, Nantes, Editions Melanie Seteun. 2012. ( #apostrophe_markup )
  • Whiteley, Sheila and Sklower, Jedediah (2014), Countercultures and Popular Music , Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, ISBN   978-1-4724-2106-7 .
  • Yinger, John Milton (1982). Countercultures: The Promise and Peril of a World Turned Upside Down . New York: Free Press.