
Amerika Birl??mi? ?tatları prezidentl?rinin siyahısı

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( AB? prezidentl?rinin siyahısı s?hif?sind?n istiqam?tl?ndirilmi?dir)
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Amerika Birl??mi? ?tatlarının prezidenti ? AB? icraedici hakimiyy?tinin ba?cısı. V?zif? Konstitusiya konventinin (m?clis) 1787-ci ild? q?bul etdiyi AB? Konstitusiyası t?r?find?n t?sis edilib [1] . 1789-cu ild? Corc Va?inqton AB?-nin ilk prezidenti secildi. Onun bu v?zif?ni tutmasından onc?, "prezident" sozu " Kontinental konqresin prezidenti" [K 1] birl??m?sind? istifad? olunurdu.

Amerika Birl??mi? ?tatlarında prezidentl?r 1789-cu ild?n secilirl?r. Ardıcıl secilm?l?r eyni hakimiyy?t dovru kimi q?bul olunur (m?s?l?n, 2 d?f? ardıcıl olaraq secil?n Corc Va?inqton 1-ci v? 2-ci deyil, yalnız 1-ci prezident hesab olunur), hazırda AB? tarixind? fasil? il? prezident v?zif?sini tutmu? yegan? ??xs Qrover Klivlend olmu?dur v? o, 22-ci v? 24-cu prezident hesab olunur. Franklin Ruzvelt  4 d?f? AB? Prezidenti secilmi? yegan? ??xsdir, h?mcinin o, bu v?zif?ni 12 il (1933-cu ild?n 1945-ci il? q?d?r) tutaraq prezident postunda ?n uzun mudd?t qalan ??xs sayılır. ?n qısamudd?tli prezidentlik dovru is? Uilyam Harrisona m?xsusdur (1841-ci ilin mart?aprel ayları).

Amerika prezidentl?rinin s?kkizi v?zif?d? olark?n v?fat etmi?dir. Onlardan dordu s?lahiyy?tl?rinin icrası zamanı t?bii s?b?bl?rd?n ( Uilyam Henri Harrison [2] , Zakari Teylor [3] , Uorren Hardinq [4] v? Franklin D. Ruzvelt ) v?fat etmi?dir, dordu is? q?tl? yetirilmi?dir: Linkoln (1865-ci ild? teatrda Konfederativ ?tatlarının t?r?fdarı t?r?find?n), Qarfild (1881-ci ild? va?zalda ruhi x?st? t?r?find?n), Mak-Kinli (1901-ci ild? s?rgid? anarxist t?r?find?n) [5] v? Kennedi (1963-cu ild? Li Harvi Osvald t?r?find?n). Ricard Nikson v?zif?d?n istefa vermi? ilk v? yegan? prezidentdir. [6]

AB?-nin ilk prezidenti Corc Va?inqton secicil?rin 100% s?sini alan yegan? prezident olub. Cerald Ford is? secicil?rin s?si il? secilm?yib, bel? ki, Ricard Nikson onu Spiro Aqnyunun istefasından sonra vitse-prezident t?yin etdi v? t?yinatı Konqresin h?r iki palatası t?sdiql?di, Niksonun istefasından sonra is? Ford avtomatik olaraq 38-ci prezident oldu. 1824-cu il seckil?rind? secicil?rin mutl?q s?s coxlu?unu yı?a bilm?y?n qalib Numay?nd?l?r Palatasının s?sverm?sind?n sonra prezidenti postunu uduzdu. ?kinci v? altıncı prezidentl?r, habel? qırx birinci v? qırx ucuncu prezidentl?r ata v? o?ul olmu?dular, iyirmi altıncı v? otuz ikinci is? bir-biril?rin? uzaq qohum idil?r. Martin van Buren ingilis must?ml?k?l?rinin deyil must?qil ?tatların ?razisind? do?ulmu? ilk prezident idi v? h?m d? do?ma dili ingilisc? olmayan yegan? prezident idi. V?zif? ba?ında oldu?u zaman oldurul?n iki prezidenti Conson soyadlı vitse-prezidentl?r ?v?z edibl?r. Barak Obama ilk afroamerika m?n??li prezident olmu?dur. V?t?nda? muharib?si zamanı c?nub ?tatları must?qillik elan etdikd?n v? ozunu AB?-nin t?rkibind?n cıxardıqdan sonra, 1861-ci ild?n 1865-ci il?d?k Amerika Konfederativ ?tatlarının prezidenti v?zif?si movcud olmu?dur. AK?-nin ilk v? yegan? prezidenti  Cefferson Devis olmu?dur. O bu v?zif?ni 18 fevral 1861-ci ild?n 10 may 1865-ci il?d?k (bu dovrl?rd? vitse-prezident Aleksandr Stivens idi) tutub.

Prezidentl?rin siyahısı [ redakt? | m?nb?ni redakt? et ]


   Partiyasız     Federalist     Demokratik-respublikacı     Demokrat     Viq     Respublikacı

??kil Prezident V?zif?y? g?lib V?zif?d?n gedib Partiya Vitse-prezident
1 Corc Vaşinqton Corc Va?inqton [7] [8] [9] 30 aprel 1789 4 mart 1797 Partiyasız Con Adams
2 Con Adams Con Adams [10] [11] [12] 4 mart 1797 4 mart 1801 Federalist Tomas Cefferson
3 Tomas Cefferson Tomas Cefferson [13] [14] [15] 4 mart 1801 4 mart 1809 Demokratik-respublikacı Aaron Burr
Corc Klinton
4 Ceyms Medison Ceyms Medison [16] [17] [18] 4 mart 1809 4 mart 1817 Demokratik-respublikacı Corc Klinton
Elbric Cerri
5 Ceyms Monro Ceyms Monro [19] [20] [21] 4 mart 1817 4 mart 1825 Demokratik-respublikacı Daniel Tompkins
6 Con Kuinsi Adams Con Kuinsi Adams [22] [23] [24] 4 mart 1825 4 mart 1829 Demokratik-respublikacı
Milli respublikacı
Con Kelhun
7 Endrü Cekson Endru Cekson [25] [26] [27] 4 mart 1829 4 mart 1837 Demokrat Con Kelhun
Martin Van Buren
8 Martin Van Buren Martin Van Buren [28] [29] [30] 4 mart 1837 4 mart 1841 Demokrat Ricard Conson
9 Uilyam Harrison Uilyam Harrison [31] [32] [33] 4 mart 1841 4 aprel 1841 [34] Viq Con Tayler
10 Con Tayler Con Tayler [35] [36] [37] 4 aprel 1841 4 mart 1845 Viq olmayıb
Partiyasız [38]
11 Ceyms Noks Polk Ceyms Noks Polk [39] [40] [41] 4 mart 1845 4 mart 1849 Demokrat Corc Dallas
12 Zakari Teylor Zakari Teylor [42] [43] [44] 4 mart 1849 9 iyul 1850 [34] Viq Millard Filmor [45] [46] [47]
13 Millard Filmor Millard Filmor 9 iyul 1850 4 mart 1853 Viq olmayıb
14 Franklin Pirs Franklin Pirs [48] [49] [50] 4 mart 1853 4 mart 1857 Demokrat Uilyam Kinq
15 Ceyms Byukenen Ceyms Byukenen [51] [52] [53] 4 mart 1857 4 mart 1861 Demokrat Con Brekinric
16 Avraam Linkoln Avraam Linkoln [54] [55] [56] 4 mart 1861 15 aprel 1865 [57] Respublikacı [58] Hannibal Hamlin
Endru Conson
17 Endrü Conson Endru Conson [59] [60] [61] 15 aprel 1865 4 mart 1869 Demokrat
Milli ittifaq [58]
18 Uliss Qrant Uliss Qrant [62] [63] [64] 4 mart 1869 4 mart 1877 Respublikacı ?ayler Kolfaks
Henri Uilson
19 Raterford Heys Raterford Heys [65] [66] [67] 4 mart 1877 4 mart 1881 Respublikacı Uilyam Uayler
20 Ceyms Qarfild Ceyms Qarfild [68] [69] [70] 4 mart 1881 19 sentyabr 1881 [57] Respublikacı Cester Artur
21 Çester Artur Cester Artur [71] [72] [73] 19 sentyabr 1881 4 mart 1885 Respublikacı olmayıb
22 Qrover Klivlend Qrover Klivlend [74] [75] 4 mart 1885 4 mart 1889 Demokrat Tomas Hendriks
23 Bencamin Harrison Bencamin Harrison [76] [77] [78] 4 mart 1889 4 mart 1893 Respublikacı Levi Morton
24 Qrover Klivlend Qrover Klivlend
(2-ci d?f?) [74]
4 mart 1893 4 mart 1897 Demokrat Adlay Stivenson
25 Uilyam Mak-Kinli Uilyam Mak-Kinli [79] [80] [81] 4 mart 1897 14 sentyabr 1901 [57] Respublikacı Qarret Hobart
Teodor Ruzvelt
26 Teodor Ruzvelt Teodor Ruzvelt [82] [83] [84] 14 sentyabr 1901 4 mart 1909 Respublikacı olmayıb
Carlz Ferbenks
27 Uilyam Taft Uilyam Taft [85] [86] [87] 4 mart 1909 4 mart 1913 Respublikacı Ceyms ?erman
28 Vudro Vilson Vudro Vilson [88] [89] [90] 4 mart 1913 4 mart 1921 Demokrat Tomas Mar?al
29 Uorren Hardinq Uorren Hardinq [91] [92] [93] 4 mart 1921 2 avqust 1923 [94] Respublikacı Kalvin Kulic
30 Kalvin Kulic Kalvin Kulic [95] [96] [97] 2 avqust 1923 4 mart 1929 Respublikacı olmayıb
Carlz Daues
31 Herbert Huver Herbert Huver [98] [99] [100] 4 mart 1929 4 mart 1933 Respublikacı Carlz Kortis
32 Franklin Delano Ruzvelt Franklin Delano Ruzvelt [101] [102] 4 mart 1933 12 aprel 1945 [34] Demokrat Con Qarner
Henri Uolles
Harri Trumen
33 Harri Trumen Harri Trumen [103] [104] [105] 12 aprel 1945 20 yanvar 1953 Demokrat olmayıb
Olben Barkli
34 Dvayt Eyzenhaver Dvayt Eyzenhaver [106] [107] [108] 20 yanvar 1953 20 yanvar 1961 Respublikacı Ricard Nikson
35 Con Kennedi Con Kennedi [109] [110] [111] 20 yanvar 1961 22 noyabr 1963 [57] Demokrat Lindon Conson
36 Lindon Conson Lindon Conson [112] [113] 22 noyabr 1963 20 yanvar 1969 Demokrat olmayıb
Hyubert Hamfri
37 Riçard Nikson Ricard Nikson [114] [115] [116] 20 yanvar 1969 9 avqust 1974 [117] Respublikacı Spiro Aqnyu
Cerald Ford
38 Cerald Ford Cerald Ford [118] [119] [120] 9 avqust 1974 20 yanvar 1977 Respublikacı olmayıb
Nelson Rokfeller
39 Ceyms Karter Cimmi Karter [121] [122] [123] 20 yanvar 1977 20 yanvar 1981 Demokrat Volter Mondeyl
40 Ronald Reyqan Ronald Reyqan [124] [125] [126] 20 yanvar 1981 20 yanvar 1989 Respublikacı Corc Herbert Uoker Bu?
41 Corc Herbert Uoker Buş Corc Herbert Uoker Bu? [127] [128] [129] 20 yanvar 1989 20 yanvar 1993 Respublikacı Den Kueyl
42 Bill Klinton Bill Klinton [130] [131] [132] 20 yanvar 1993 20 yanvar 2001 Demokrat Albert Qor
43 Corc Uoker Buş Corc Uoker Bu? [133] [134] [135] 20 yanvar 2001 20 yanvar 2009 Respublikacı Ricard Ceyni
44 Barak Obama Barak Obama [136] [137] [138] 20 yanvar 2009 20 yanvar 2017 Demokrat Co Bayden
45 Donald Con Trump Donald Tramp 20 yanvar 2017 20 yanvar 2021 Respublikacı Mayk Pens
46 Co Bayden Co Bayden 20 yanvar 2021 TBT Demokrat Kamala Harris

Hazırda ya?ayan sabiq prezidentl?r [ redakt? | m?nb?ni redakt? et ]

Hazırda kecmi? AB? prezidentl?rinin 5-i sa?dır:

Prezident Prezidentlik dovru Do?um tarixi
Cimmi Karter 1977 ? 1981 1 oktyabr 1924
Bill Klinton 1993 ? 2001 19 avqust 1946
Corc Uoker Bu? 2001 ? 2009 6 iyul 1946
Barak Obama 2009 ? 2017 6 avqust 1961
Donald Tramp 2017 ? 2021 14 iyun 1946

Prezidentl?rd?n sonuncu d?f? 30 noyabr 2018 -ci ild? 94 ya?ında Corc Herbert Uoker Bu? v?fat etmi?dir (Prezidentlik dovru 1989 -cu ild?n 1993 -cu il?d?k olmu?dur).

H?mcinin bax [ redakt? | m?nb?ni redakt? et ]

?stinadlar [ redakt? | m?nb?ni redakt? et ]

  1. Constitution of the United States of America
  2. Cleaves Freeman.  Old Tippecanoe: William Henry Harrison and His Time. ? C. Scribner's Sons, 1939. ? P. 152.
  3. Ingersoll, Jared   Death of the President Arxivl??dirilib 2014-01-16 at the Wayback Machine . University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs. 21 iyun 2013-cu il tarixind?.
  4. Russell Francis.  The Shadow of Blooming Grove ? Warren G. Harding in His Times. ? Easton Press, 1962. ? P. 591. ? ISBN 0070543380.
  5. Big Ben Parker and President McKinley's Assassination Arxivl??dirilib 2019-01-18 at the Wayback Machine . Math.buffalo.edu. 21 iyun 2013-cu ild?..
  6. Nixon Resigns Arxivl??dirilib 2016-11-25 at the Wayback Machine The Washington Post
  7. The White House.   Biography of George Washington Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007).21 iyun 2013-cu ild?
  8.   George Washington ? no Political Party ? 1st President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  9.   George Washington (February 22, 1732 ? December 14, 1799) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-28 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portraits . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  10.   Biography of John Adams Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007).21 iyun 2013-cu ild?. 
  11. John Adams ? Federalist Party ? 2nd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-25 at the Wayback Machine . History. 21 iyun 2013-cu ild? Arxivl??dirilib  
  12. John Adams (October 30, 1735 ? July 4, 1826) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-14 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu ild?.
  13. Biography of Thomas Jefferson Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  14. Thomas Jefferson ? Democratic-Republican Party ? 3rd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  15. Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 ? July 4, 1826) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  16. Biography of James Madison Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il
  17.   James Madison ? Democratic-Republican Party ? 4th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  18. James Madison (March 16, 1751 ? June 28, 1836) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  19.   Biography of James Madison Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  20.   James Monroe ? Democratic-Republican Party ? 5th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  21. James Monroe (April 28, 1758 ? July 4, 1831) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  22. Biography of John Quincy Adams Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  23.   John Quincy Adams ? Federalist, Democratic-Republican, National Republican, WHIG Party ? 6th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  24.   John Quincy Adams (July 11, 1767 ? February 23, 1848) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-31 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  25.   Biography of Andrew Jackson Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  26. Andrew Jackson ? Democratic-Republican Party ? 7th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  27. Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 ? June 8, 1845) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  28. Biography of Martin Van Buren Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-22 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  29.   Martin Van Buren ? Democratic-Republican, Democratic, and Free Soil Party ? 8th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  30.   Martin Van Buren (December 5, 1782 ? July 24, 1862) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  31.   Biography of William Henry Harrison Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  32. William Henry Harrison ? WHIG Party ? 9th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  33. William Henry Harrison (February 9, 1773 ? April 4, 1841) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  34. 1 2 3 Prezident postunda oz ?c?li il? v?fat etmi?dir.
  35.   Biography of John Tyler Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  36.   John Tyler ? No Party ? 10th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  37. John Tyler (March 29, 1790 ? January 18, 1862) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  38. Demokratlar partiyasının kecmi? uzvu, Viql?r partiyasından vitse-prezident secilmi?dir. Konqresd? viql?r fraksiyasını d?st?kl?m?kd?n imtina etdiyi ucun 1841-ci ild? partiyadan xaric edilmi?dir.
  39.   Biography of James Polk Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  40.   James Polk ? Democratic Party ? 11th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  41.   James K. Polk (November 2, 1795 ? June 15, 1849) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-13 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  42.   Biography of Zachary Taylor Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  43.   Zachary Taylor ? WHIG Party ? 12th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  44. Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 ? July 9, 1850) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  45.   Biography of Millard Fillmore Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  46. Millard Filmore ? WHIG Party ? 13th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  47. Millard Fillmore (January 7, 1800 ? March 8, 1874) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  48. Biography of Franklin Pierce Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  49.   Franklin Pierce ? Democratic Party ? 14th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  50.   Franklin Pierce (November 23, 1804 ? October 8, 1869) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  51.   Biography of James Buchanan Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  52.   James Buchanan ? Democratic Party ? 15th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  53. James Buchanan (April 23, 1791 ? June 1, 1868) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  54. Biography of Abraham Lincoln Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  55.   Abraham Lincoln ? Republic, National Union Party ? 16th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  56. Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 ? April 15, 1865) Arxivl??dirilib 2015-02-06 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  57. 1 2 3 4 Q?tl? yetirilib
  58. 1 2 Avraam Linkoln v? Endru Conson 1864-cu il seckil?rind? Milli ittifaq partiyasından secilmi?dil?r.
  59. Biography of Andrew Johnson Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  60. Andrew Johnson ? National Union Party ? 17th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  61.   Andrew Johnson (December 29, 1808 ? July 31, 1875) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  62. Biography of Ulysses S. Grant Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  63. Ulysses S. Grant ? National Union Party ? 18th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  64.   Ulysses S. Grant (April 27, 1822 ? July 23, 1885) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  65. Biography of Rutherford B. Hayes Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  66.   Rutherford B. Hayes ? Republican Party ? 19th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  67.   Rutherford B. Hayes (October 4, 1822 ? January 17, 1893) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  68. Biography of James Garfield Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il
  69. James Garfield ? Republican Party ? 20th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  70.   James A. Garfield (November 19, 1831 ? September 19, 1881) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  71. Biography of Chester Arthur Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  72. Chester A. Arthur ? Republican Party ? 21st President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il
  73. Chester A. Arthur (October 5, 1829 ? November 18, 1886) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  74. 1 2 Grover Cleveland ? Democratic Party ? 22nd and 24th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  75. Grover Cleveland (March 18, 1837 ? June 24, 1908) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  76.   Biography of Benjamin Harrison Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  77. William Henry Harrison ? Whig Party ? 23rd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  78.   Benjamin Harrison (August 20, 1833 ? March 13, 1901) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  79. Biography of William McKinley Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  80. William McKinley ? Republican Party ? 25th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  81. William McKinley (January 29, 1843 ? September 14, 1901) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  82. Biography of Theodore Roosevelt Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  83. Theodore Roosevelt ? Republican, Bull Moose Party ? 26th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-26 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  84. Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 ? January 6, 1919) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-03 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  85. Biography of William Howard Taft Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (13 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il
  86. William Howard Taft ? Republican Party ? 27th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  87. William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 ? March 8, 1930) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  88. Biography of Woodrow Wilson Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (13 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  89. Woodrow Wilson ? Democratic Party ? 28th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  90. Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 ? February 3, 1924) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  91. Biography of Warren G. Harding Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  92. Warren Harding ? Republican Party ? 29th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  93. Warren G. Harding (November 2, 1865 ? August 2, 1923) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  94. Prezident v?zif?sind? v?fat edib.
  95. Biography of Calvin Coolidge Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (13 mart 2007).. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  96. Calvin Coolidge (July 4, 1872 ? January 5, 1933) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-29 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  97. Biography of Herbert Hoover Arxivl??dirilib 2011-09-16 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (13 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  98.   Herbert Hoover ? Republican Party ? 31st President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History. Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  99. Herbert Hoover (August 10, 1874 ? October 20, 1964) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-14 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  100. iography of Franklin D. Roosevelt Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (20 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  101. Franklin D. Roosevelt ? Democratic Party ? 32nd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.
  102. Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 ? April 12, 1945) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-16 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013 год
  103. Biography of Harry S Truman Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  104. Harry S Truman ? Democratic Party ? 33rd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.
  105. Harry S Truman (May 8, 1884 ? December 26, 1972) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-05 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  106. Biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  107.   Dwight D. Eisenhower ? Democratic Party ? 34th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.
  108. Dwight D. Eisenhower (October 14, 1890 ? March 28, 1969) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-05-01 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il
  109. Biography of John F. Kennedy Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  110. John F. Kennedy ? Democratic Party ? 35th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-26 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  111. John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 ? November 22, 1963) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-08 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  112. Lyndon B. Johnson ? Democratic Party ? 36th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-26 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  113. Lyndon B. Johnson (August 27, 1908 ? January 22, 1973) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  114. Richard M. Nixon Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  115.   Richard Nixon ? Republican Party ? 37th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-02-25 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  116. Richard M. Nixon (January 9, 1913 ? April 22, 1994) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-11 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  117. ?stefa vermi?dir
  118. Biography of Gerald R. Ford Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  119. Gerald Ford ? Republican Party ? 38th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il
  120. Gerald R. Ford (July 14, 1913 ? December 26, 2006) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  121. Biography of Jimmy Carter Arxivl??dirilib 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  122. Jimmy Carter ? Democratic Party ? 39th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  123. Jimmy Carter (October 1, 1924 ?) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  124. Biography of Ronald Reagan Arxivl??dirilib 2015-01-08 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (25 iyun 2008). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  125. Ronald Reagan ? Republican Party ? 40th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-05 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  126. Ronald Reagan (February 6, 1911 ? June 5, 2004) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-06-06 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  127. Biography of George Herbert Walker Bush Arxivl??dirilib 2015-01-09 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  128. George H. W. Bush ? Republican Party ? 41st President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2009-03-29 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  129. George Bush (June 12, 1924 ?) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-24 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  130. Biography of William J. Clinton Arxivl??dirilib 2011-07-22 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (12 mart 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  131. Bill Clinton ? Democratic Party ? 42nd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2010-02-09 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  132. Bill Clinton (August 19, 1946 ?) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-07-26 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il
  133. Biography of President George W. Bush Arxivl??dirilib 2015-01-08 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (25 fevral 2007). 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  134. George W. Bush ? Republican Party ? 43rd President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2010-02-09 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  135. George W. Bush (July 6, 1946 ?) Arxivl??dirilib 2013-08-23 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  136. President Barack Obama Arxivl??dirilib 2009-01-22 at the Wayback Machine . Whitehouse.gov (20 yanvar 2009). Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  137. Barack Obama ? Democratic Party ? 44th President ? American Presidents Arxivl??dirilib 2010-02-10 at the Wayback Machine . History.  Arxivl??dirilib  21 iyun 2013-cu il.
  138.   Barack Obama (August 4, 1961 ?) Arxivl??dirilib 2014-03-28 at the Wayback Machine American Presidents: Life Portrait . C-SPAN. 21 iyun 2013-cu il.

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