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Wikip?dia:Gecorene gemynddagas/28 Searmonað - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

Wikip?dia : Gecorene gemynddagas/28 Searmonað

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28. dæg Searmonðes : Vidovdan in Serbie .

Sarajevo burgweard feng Gavrilo Princip, 1914

  • 1389 - In þ?re Cosofo Bead?e , habbaþ Turcas forh?endon Serbas and Bosnia?are .
  • 1914 - Iugoslafisc þ?od geþafa mann Gavrilo Princip ?c?ellode Fransicus Ferdinand H?ahheretoga ?astr?ces , s?ylce d?d ?æs se ?rspearca þ?re Forman ?oruldg?þe .
  • 1919 - Se Friðu??r Versailles was signed and endode þ?re ?rest ?oruldg?þ .
  • 1956 - ?yrhtan in Posne on Polum healdan micla sacunga demanding the lowering of food prices , raising of wages and revoking some recent law changes that worsened working conditions, but were violently repressed on ðæm æfterfolgendan dæge.
  • 1969 - Ongeagn to burg?eard onræs ?t þ?m St?n?eall Inn in N??eofor?icburg , bæddelh ?ap begannon sacunga ?iþ N??e Eofor?ic Burg?eard ger?fum, sparking the modern worldwide LGBT social movement .