Vampire Knight

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Vampire Knight #1 biliþhelm.

Vampire Knight is mæ?þ manga and anime endebyrdnes þe Matsuri Hino ?r?t. S?o endebyrdnes on?ann in þ?m Æfterrum ??ole 2005 ?dihtende LaLa m?nðeb??, and ?iet ??unaþ. Hakusensha gaderaþ h?afod?earda and ?l?eseþ h?e in h?afod?eardgaderungb?cum. Þ?r sind n? nigon gaderunga in Iapane . Viz Media ?l?eseþ h?e on N??um Englisce. S?o Englisc ??endednes on?ann in þ?m M?dm?nðum 2006 ?dihtende Shojo Beat m?naþb??, þe ?l?eseþ him ?l? f?orðung??ar.

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Yuki Crosses ?rest ?emynd biþ in ?intre sn??i? niht, h?onne ?æmp?r h?e ?feaht, ac ?ðer, Kaname Kuran, ?hredde h?e. Yuki is ?em?drod dohtor h?afodealdormannes Cross Academes, h?æs nama is Cross Kaien, and hæfþ ?nne mæ?n m?d?eþanc: þ? mennisce dæ?t?de leornungcnihtas t? beorgenne and þ? ?æmp?risce nihtt?de leornungcnihtas ?iþ ?l? ?ðrum. Hire f?olga?eard, Zero Kiryu, þe biþ hire fr?ond siþþan ?ildh?d and h?æs ealdras þe hl?torbl?d ?æmp?r c?ealde, n? ?ille t? c?ellenne ealle hiera, and ?iþsæceþ h?e t? ?el?efenne. Forþ?m þe hl?torbl?d ?æmp?r, Shizuka Hio, hine b?t ?r f?o?er ??ar, Zero himself ?ierþ ?æmp?r.