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S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsandwic ?egland - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsandwic ?egland

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(Edl?ded of S?þgeorgia )
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Landscipes Cassock of Geatwe
Suþgeorgie and þara S?þsandwicieglanda stede

S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland sindon Bryttisc ofers? landscipe in þæm s?ðernum Garsecge. Hie sindon feorr and un?æstmb?re flocc of ?egena, h??rin sindon S?þgeorgia and ?r?sen of l?ssa ?ega, þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland . M?st þ?ra ?egena, þ? astigað ste?pe of brime, sind dynige. On d?ne sindon þ?s ?ega mid ?se and sna?e ??? be?rægode.

S?þgeorgia is 104 m?la lang and 23 m?la br?d and is þæs landscipes m?ste ?eg.

Þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland licað ymbe 323 m?la be s?þ?astan S?þgeorgie. Eall þære landscipes land is 1,507 feo?erscite-m?la. [1]

Þ?s ?ege nabbaþ ne landfolc and hiera begengan sind s? Bryttisc Leod?eard Ger?fa, Underærendþegnung Ger?fa, ?þ?itan, and folgeras þæs Bryttisca Antarctisca Geondscea?ung þ? gehealdaþ ?þ?itena ?icu æt Fugol?ege and æt ?ad?eard Cyning Næss (þæm h?afodst?l), and ?ac boldæfþ?cræften bigengeras æt n?am Grytvikne .

Þæt Ge?nede Cyner?ce onspr?c r?ce ofer S?þgeorgie in 1775 and þæm S?þsand?ic ?eglande in 1908. S? landscipe "S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland" gestaþolde man in 1985. ?r ?æron þ?s ?ege d?las þ?ra Folcland ?egland Ger?flanda.

Argentina þ?od macode crafinge ofer S?þgeorgie in 1927, and ofer þæm S?þsand?ic ?eglandum in 1938. Hie getimbrodon scipheres?ic on Thila-?ege in þæm S?þsand?ic ?eglande of 1976 oð 1982 þær s? Cynelica Sciphere fl?emede hit. Argentinisc d?das on S?þgeorgie begann þ? Folcland Ge?inne in 1982, h??rin Argentinisc þr?at scorte ofersæt þæt ?egland. Oððæt ðe Argentina ?æs in þæm ?ige sigeleas, noþyl?s giet onspricð h? r?ce ofer S?þgeorgie and þæm S?þsand?ic ?eglandum.

S?þgeorgia [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Middel S?þgeorgia: Cumbraland Byht ; Geþacasteort mid ?ad?eard Cyning Cofan ( Grytviken ); Allardycebeorgas mid Pagetbeorge topp (NASA biliþ).

S?þgeorgia l?þ æt 54°15′S 36°45′W  /  54.250°S 36.750°W  / -54.250; -36.750 54°15′S 36°45′W  /  54.250°S 36.750°W  / -54.250; -36.750 and hiere st?? is 1,450 m?la 2 . H?o is dynig and un?æstmb?re. Endleofon muntas standað to ofer 6,500 f?tum h?ah, hiera beorhliþ gegrufen mid d?opum ?s?a, h??rof is Fortuna ?sfl?d s?o m?ste. Hiere h?asta topp is Pagetbeorg in þæm Allardycebeorgflocce æt 9,626 f?tum.

H?ælhuntena ?icu ?eorcodon under b?cum gegiefen be þæm Ealdormenn þæm Folcland ?eglandum . Seofon ?icu ?æron on þæm ?ege, ealle in hæfnum on þæm norðr?man:

Þær endede h?ælhuntoþ þ?s ?icu forl?t man. B?ton f?a gebeogode boldas, to bysene þæt boldæfþ?cræften and s?o cirice æt Grytvikne, eall is n? hr?orige.

L?ssa ?ega [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

L?ssa ?ega be S?þgeorgie?ege sind:

Grytviken .

?ac sind þ?s lytlan cl?das mid S?þgeorgie flocce:

  • Scræf Cl?das 119 m?la be ?est-norþ?estan S?þgeorgie þære ?ege
  • Blæc Cl?d 105 m?la be ?est-norþ?estan S?þgeorgie þære ?ege and 10 m?la be s?þ?astan Scræf Cl?dum
  • Clerke Cl?das 35 m?la be ?ast-s?þ?astan S?þgeorgie þære ?ege.

Þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Montagu?eg on NASA biliþe

Þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland sind 11 ?ega (b?ton lytla ?t?earda ?ega and cl?das), h??rof mæst sind d?nas þe mid fyre aspringaþ. Be norþ?estan Zavodovski-?ege is Geborga Sceald, unders? berstendu beorg. Hie sind boga s? arecceþ of norþan to s?þan bet?uh 56°18'?59°27'S, 26°23'?28°08'W, ymbe 350 m?la to 500 m?la be s?þ?astan S?þgeorgie.

Þ? norþernmestan þ?ra S?þsand?ic ?eglanda sind þ? " Traversay?ega " and " Candelmæssan?ega ". Þ? s?þernmestan sind S?þern Thila . Þ? þrie m?stan ?egland, Saunders?eg , Montagu?eg and Brycgst???eg , licað bet?ux þæm t??m. Þ?s ?egslanda h?asta stede is Belindabeorg (4,495 f?t) on Montagu?ege.

Þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland sindon ?b?rod. Self?eorcende ge?ider?icu sind on Thila-?ege and Zavodovski-?ege.

?ega [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Þ? mægnan þ?ra S?þsand?ic ?eglanda of norðan oð s?ðan sind:

Traversay?ega :

Candelmæssan?ega :

Middle ?ega :

S?þern Thila :

St?r [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

S?þgeorgia [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Landscite be Iacobus Cook (1777, s?ð æt þæm heafde)

S?þgeorgia þæt ?egland secgþ man ?æs ærrest in 1675 geseon be Anthony de la Roche, Lunden mangere, and manig ealde landscitas nemnaþ hit Roche ?egland .

In 1775 ymbeseglode Iacobus Cook Sciphl?ford þ? ?ege and lendede (s? ?æs s? ?rrsta mann s? on þære ?ege lendede). He bespæc þ? ?ege for Brytene and nemnde hie Georgia?ege ("the Isle of Georgia") for Georgie III Cyninge.

Bryttisc gerec ?æs in S?þgeorgie gestaðoled in 1843 under b?c.

St?rlice and todæges t?nas on S?þgeorgie

Geond þæm 19. gearhundrede ?æs S?þgeorgia seolchuntan ?ic. In þæm 20. gearhundrede ?æs is h?ælhuntan ?ic oð h?ælhuntoð endede in 1965. S?o ?rrste landfæste h?ælhuntena ?ic, and s?o ?rrste ?onung, ?æs æt Grytvikne gestaðolede in 1904 be Norþmann Carl Anton Larsen. Þis ?ic ?eorced oð 1965. Æfter t?de ?æron seofon h?ælhuntena ?icu on þæm ?eglande.

Þær h?eorfede Uenus fore þaere Sunnan in 1882, sæt Germanisc færeld æt Cynelic Byht on þære ?ege s?þ?asternum ecge.

Of 1905 ?eorcede þæt Argentinisce Ge?idere Ambihth?s mid þæm ger?fan to heoldenne þæt ge?iderha?ungh?s æt Grytvikne under Bryttiscum landb?c niedum þæs h?ælhuntoþ?ices, oð 1949.

In 1908 geaf ?ad?eard VII Cyning furðru b?c to gestaðolienne ?eardlage for his agnungum in þæm s?þernum Garsecge. Þeos b?c ?æs be S?þgeorgie, S?þorcanegum , S?þhjaltlandum , þ?m S?þsand?ic ?eglandum, and Grahamland . (Þ?s onspræc ?æs in 1917 geastrecced ?ac to d?l Antarctice oþ þone S?þende þære eaxe .)

Of 1909 þegnung?ic and ?onung ?æron getimbrod æt ?ad?eard Cyning Næsse on S?þgeorgie, n?ah Grytviken h?ælhuntoþ?ic. H?ahfæstu st??licu Bryttiscu toþegnung and on?ondend burgealdor hæfde lahge?rit of ealla þinga in þæm landscipe, þæt ?æs þær geraced s?a þ? Folcland ?egland Ger?fland.

Ymbe 1912 feng man þone mæstan hr?n, s?a secgþ man, þe ? feng man, s? ?æs hæ?enh?æl 110 f?t lang, and ?æs gebrohted to lande æt Grytvikne. [2] [3]

In Easterm?naþ 1916 ?eardon Ernest Shackleton and his menn þæs ?oruldr?ces Geondantarctisca Færeld aseten on Elpend?ege , ymbe 800 m?la be s?þ?estan S?þgeorgie. Shackleton and f?f gesiþas selglodon ?t in lyltum b?te to findenne fullæst, and on 10 Þrimilcem?naþ, æfter miclum yðfare, hie lendedon æt Hacunes Cyninges Byht on S?þgeorgie s?þr?man. Þr?e b?d æt þæm Byht, h?ilum Shacketon and t?egen gisiþas astigodon ofer þ?ra beorgum 22 m?la to aræccenne fullæst æt Stromnæsse h?ælhuntena ?ice. Þæs færeldes l?f, t?egen and t?eontig menn þ? hæfde ab?d on Elpend?ege, eall ?hreddede h?. In þæm Æfterrum G?ola 1922, during his later Shackleton?Ro?ett Færeld , forþferde Shackleton on his scipe be S?þgeorgie. He l?þ gebyged æt Grytvikne.

Argentinacynn macode crafing for S?þgeorgie in 1927. [4]

Binnan þæm ?ðrum ?oruldg?þe , sendede s? Cynelica Sciphere ?æpned mangeres scip to S?þgeorgie and Antarctisce gesunde ?ið Germaniscum flotmenn, and ?ac onsteallode t?egen feo?er-ynce staþ gunnas (þ? bitt) þe beorgedon Cumbraland Byht and Stromnæs Byht, mid Norðmenn of þæm h?ælhuntum s?a ?erod. Þæt ?ic æt ?ad?aerd Cyning Næsse ?eax s?a ?spyrung?ic in 1949/1950 under þære Bryttisce Antarctisce Geondscea?ung (s? ?æs oþ 1962 þ?ra Folcland ?egland Ger?flanda Geongscea?ung).

Cirice æt Grytvikne.

Þ? forman d?das þære Folcland Ge?inne ?lumpon on 19 Hreþm?naþ 1982 þær Argentinisc feðaflocc, þ? gebrudgon þe hie ?æron ?sernspilling mangeras, ofersæton þæt eald h?ælhuntoþ?ic æt Leþ Hæfne on S?þgeorgie. On 3 Easterm?naþ þ?s feðan onfeahton and ofersæton Grytviken.

Bryttisc þr?at eftf?n þ? ?ege on 25 Easterm?naþ.

Of 1985, S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland a?urþon s?a Folcland ?eglanda Ger?fland and ?urdon ætgædre n?? landscipe. Þæt ?ad?eard Cyning G?ra ?ic hæfde gebeon gemannod æfter þæm g?ðe, ac s? ?erod abeag in 2001 and on þæm stede timbrode s?o Bryttisce Antarctisce Geondscea?ung hiere ?gan ?icst??, and þes abitt.

S?þsand?ic ?egland [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Biliþ ge?eorced be Frank Hurley on þæm ?oruldr?ces Geondantarctisca Færelde

Þ? s?þernan eahta ?ega þæs Sand?ic ?egena flocc af?nden Iacobus Cook Sciphere in 1775, oððæt ðe h? hogode ðe þ? s?þernmestan þreo ?ega ?æron ?n, genemned S?þern Thila ; in 1820 Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen f?nd þe þ?s ?æron ?nl?pe ?ega [5] ). Bellingshausen f?nd ?ac þ? norþernan þr?o ?ega in 1819. Cook geaf þære ?egum þone naman Sand?icland ( Sandwich Land ) æfter þæm Feo?erþan Eorl of Sand?ic , Forma Hl?ford þæs Scipheretoganern. Þæt ?ord "S?þ" namon hie forþæm þe man m?t hie t?cn??an of þæm Sand?ic ?eglandum þæs Sericus Garsecges se n? heteþ man Ha?aii .

Þæt Ge?nede Cyner?ce nam þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland in his r?ce be þære 1908 b?c, h??rin þ? ?ega mid oðrum ?egum and Antarticiscum landum s?a þ? Folcland ?egland Ger?fland.

Argentina onspræc þ? S?þsand?ic ?egland in 1938, and beclypede Bryttisc onstinge in the ?egum. Of 25 Æfterra G?ola 1955 oþ sumer 1956 heald Argentina here?ic Teniente Esquivel æt Ferguson Bihte on Thila-?ege s?þ?asternan s?r?man. Of 1976 oþ 1982, heald Argentina sciphere?ic Corbeta Uruguay , in þære ilcan ?ege leo?e. Oððæt ðe Bret?are af?ndon þis Argentinisc here?ic in 1978, and spr?c mid þæm Argentiniscan leod?eard ?iþ him, næfre mid sæcce c??m Bretenþeod ?iþ þæm ?ice oþ æfter þæm Folcland G?þe . Þæt ?ic fl?emed s? Cynelica Sciphere on 20 Serem?naþ 1982.

Gl?sing [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

  1. CIAs ‘’World Factbook’’ 2002
  2. S?þgeorgia Archived 2011-05-16 at the Wayback Machine , Hwælhuntoþ Boldæfþ?cræften, Sandefjord, Norþweg
  3. Whaling Archived 2009-12-12 at the Wayback Machine , S?þgeorgia Befæstscipe
  4. R.K. Headland, The Island of South Georgia , Cambridge University Press, 1984. p. 238.
  5. Exploring polar frontiers: a historical encyclopedia , Volume 2, p. 157 , William James Mills, 2003
  • George Forster, A Voyage Round the World in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop Resolution Commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the Years 1772, 3, 4 and 5 (2 vols.) , London, 1777.
  • R.K. Headland, The Island of South Georgia , Cambridge University Press, 1984.

?t?eard hlencas [ adiht | adiht fruman ]


General information


UK S?þgeorgia and þ? S?þsand??c ?egland SGSSI
Sūþsandƿīc Īegland
S?þsand??c ?egland
S?þgeorgie ?ega : Annenkov?eg  ? Fugol?eg  ? Clerke Cl?das  ? Cooper?eg  ? Gærs?eg  ? Kupriyanov?ega  ? Pickersgill?ega  ? Sadol?eg  ? Scræf Cl?das  ? S?þgeorgia  ? ?ilcuman?ega  ? ?illis?ega

S?þsand??c ?egland : Bellingshausen?eg  ? Brycgst???eg  ? Candelmæsse  ? C?c?eg  ? Leskov  ? Montagu  ? Saunders?eg  ? Thila-?eg  ? Vindication?eg  ? Visokoi-?eg  ? Zavodovski-?eg  ? Traversay?ega  ?