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Photographic Studies in Hypnosis, Abnormal Psychology (1938)

Ofers?efn (on N??um Englisce and h??lum on Englisce hypnosis geh?ten) is m?dig byrdness oftost ge?orht þurh endebyrdnesse þe is ofers?efnlic settung geh?ten. Ofers?efnb?re c?idas magon fram ofers?efnsettende gegifen ?esan oþþe magon fram selfe gegifen ?esan. S?o nytt ofers?efnes t? h?lenne is "ofers?efnes h?lu" geh?ten (oþþe ?nfealdl?ce " ofers?efnh?lu ").

Þæt ?ord "ofers?efn" is ge?orht of þ?m geþ?hte þæt s?o byrdness is gesibb s?efne, ac on ?itunge is hit h?ere þonne s?efn, oþþe "ofer" s?efne. Hit is fram þ?m ?orde "hynosis" (þe is fram "neuro-hypnosis", ?ordl?ce "(f?lend)-seonu-s?efn", fram þ?m Scotiscan l?ce Jamese Braide ymb 1841 gemacod) selfe ?ðod; þæt ?ord "hypnosis" self is efne gebrocen on þ?m m?stum d?le ?ðerra spr?ca. James self sc?op his ?eorc on þ?m geforðod fram Franze Mesmere and his folgiendum ("Mesmerscipe" oþþe "d?ora bl?mt?ong" ), ac he ne gel?efde s?? s?? Franz ymb þ?re ??san be þ?re þe s?o endebyrdness ?orhte.

?iþ folclicne gel?afan þæt ofers?efn is gecynd un?itunge gel?c s?efne , and?eard cneordl?cung ?o?aþ þæt hit is s?þl?ce þurh?acol byrdness ?nm?des [1] and gr?atran befæstendes cræftes [2] , mid gelytlodre ?ran sihþe. [3] In þ?re forman b?c be þ?re l?re, Neurypnology (1843), Braid t?mearcod "hypnotism" ("ofers?efn") t? byrdnesse l?ch?mlicre slacunge gef?rl?ced and be?orht be m?digre ?nm?dsettunge ("abstraction"). [4]

Frumtrahtas [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

  1. "Information for the Public. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis." . Writen fram the original on 2009-08-05 . Begieten on 2010-04-21 .
  2. Lyda, Alex. "Hypnosis Gaining Ground in Medicine." Columbia News
  3. p. 22, Spiegel, Herbert and Spiegel, David. Trance and Treatment. Basic Books Inc., New York. 1978. ISBN 0-465-08687-X
  4. Braid, J. (1843) Neurypnology.