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Nintendo Switch - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

Nintendo Switch

Fram Wikip?dian
H?r stent Nintendo Switch mid Joy-Con wealdsearwum

Nintendo Switch is þæt seofoðe micele ?wungplegt?l fram Nintendo . Nintendo geworhte hine þæs 2016. g?ares and þ? wæs h? on Hr?ðm?naðe þæs 2017. g?ares geypped. Nintendo sw? macode hine þæt h? manifealdl?ca nytta hæfde. N? mæg man þæs sw? h?mes ?wungplegt?l oftost br?can. Oððe hielt man hine bredspearctellende gel?ce oððe ?ac mæg man hine on borde d?n.

?r ð?re macunge þæs ?wungplegt?les hæfdon ?gðer ge Sega ge Square Enix ge Ubisoft ?ror bododon Just Dance 2017 ('Hl?pað L? 2017') and Sonic Forces ('Sw?gl?ce Mægenu') and Dragon Quest X ('Dracahuntaþ X') and Dragon Quest XI and manige swilce ?wungplegan. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ('Selan Spell: W?stenes G?st'), se ðe wæs frymþl?ce þurh Wii U getemprod, wearð for Nintendo Switch þæs 2017. g?ares geypped.

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