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Mæterne - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Mæterne be Hauteville

Mæterne is ?a on Francum in þæs landes norðdæle. H?o ierneþ of ?asternum wongum norþweard in Sigene .

In 887 f?r Wicinga here up þurh ða brycge æt Paris and þa up andlang Sigene oð Mæterne and þa up on Mæterne oð Caziei .

In þ?re Fyrstan Woruldg?þe f?ahtedan Francas and Brettas wiþ Germaniefolc be Mæterne in 1914 and in 1918, and in swylcum f?oht sigefull wæron Brettas and Francas and gedrufen þæs C?seres here of Paris ecge.

Igoþ onmiddan Mæterne þ?re ?a
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