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Holt - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Missenl?c holt

Holt is heard sp?nig ?ebb þe maniga plantan habbaþ. Mann br?cþ hit t? timbrunge and bærnete. Tr?o?nu timbrung h?teþ tr?o??eorc . Hit is l?fig timber þe stent on geblendtimber cl?oftimbrenra sp?na þ? licgaþ in gesetednesse holttimbres. On lifigendum tr?o?e birþ holt ?æter and ?elf?dan t? þ?m l?afum and ?ðrum ?eaxendum ?ebbum, and ?ac a?reðaþ þæt tr?o?. For þissum cunnon holtplantan ?eorðan gr?ata and g?et standan selfl?ce.