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Hloðeringa - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Chajouxdenu on Hloðeringum
Hloðeringa scild

Hloðeringa ( Frencisc : Lorraine , Germanisc : Lothringen ) is a land in Franclandes norþ?astdæle. Þis lands nama is of breges naman, se wæs Hloðere I C?sere oððe Hloðere II Cyning .

Hloðeringaland weard Ducd?m fore ðe he wæs gecnytted to þæm Francna r?ce in 1766.

Hloðeringa h?afodst?l is Mettis , oððæt ðe hiera mæste burg is Nancy .

Ælmæst ?n healfdæl onlang Francna landgemæro wiþ Germanie is Hloðeringa. ?ac l?þ þis land wiþ Belgice and wiþ Letseburg .

St?r [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

In 1871 an?m Willelm I Germanie C?sere Hloðeringa ?astdæl for his r?ce and he ab?d Germanie d?l, in Elsass-Hloðeringa þæm r?ceslande oð ðæm ende þære Forma Woruldg?ðe in 1918.

Walchere se wæs Biscop of Dunholme and þæm man ofsl?g in his agnum synoðe in 1080 wæs in Hloðera geboren. [1]

Fr?man [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Wikimedia Commons hæfþ m?ran gemyndþr?das sibb mid:
  1. On þisum geare wæs se biscop Walchere ofslagen on Dunholme æt anum gemote. 7 an hund manna mid him Frencisce 7 Flemisce. 7 he sylf wæs on Hloðeringa geboren. þis dydon Norðhymbran on Maies monðe