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Gregorius P?pa I - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

Gregorius P?pa I

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Gregorius P?pa I

Nama Gregorius
L?den Nama Gregorius Dialogus
P?pd?m ongunnen 3 H?ligm?naþ , 590
P?pd?m geendod 12 Hr?þm?naþ , 604
F?regenga Pelagius II
Æftergenga Sabinianus
Geboren Ymbe 540
Stede byrde R?m , Italie

Bysen:Infobox p?pa/d?ad

Gregorius I P?pa , ?ac Sanct Gregorius oþþe Gregorius se Micela (ca. 540 ? 12 Hr?þm?naþ , 604 ) wæs p?pa Þ?re Catholic Cirice from 3 H?ligm?naþ , 590 oþ h? stearf. H? is eft sw? Gregory Dialogus ( the Dialogist ) in Eastern Orthodoxy ) gecn?wen, for þ?m þe of the Dialogues h? wr?t. H? wæs se ?resta p?pa ?fæstes h?da t? cumanne, and h? sc?p þone swæþ þe þ?m p?pd?me wolde on þ?m ?ðerum tw?m hundg?arum fylgan: selfd?m þæs C?seres and an alliance with the Benedictine abbots and mid þ?m Merovingisc cyner?cu þ?ra Francena .

Though he was not really a theologian, Gregory is considered a Doctor of the Church ; he was the true founder of the Early Medieval p?pd?m.

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