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Genf is miclu burg s?o l?þ æt Genfmeres h?afde, and h? giefþ his naman ?ac þæm lande h?ærin standeþ s?o ceaster. Genf is S?itsa burg siððan 1814, þær acnyht Genf Cyne??se þone S?itsisc ?þgebeorscipen s?a mægþ þæs r?ces.

In Genfceastre and in Genfland spricaþ menn Frencisc þæs Arpitan aganspræce.

Genfburg [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Genf ( Frencisc : Geneve ) is S?itsena mæste burg æfter Turice , and is hiera m?ste burg on S?itsiscum Francum.

Eormenlofful is Genf for his feohport, and ?ac mæg hit to ?oruld??d stede for r?cecræfte and forþæm þe manig gegaderunga þ?ra eorþe r?ca sittaþ h?r. ?ac in þ?re byrig c?aþ man þ? Genf Sehtas, ymbe ?igdihte and herenuman .

Æfter Lundene and Turice is Genf Europan mæste feohport, and siexte þære ?orulde.

Genfland [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Genf s?o Cyne??se and Mægþ ( Frencisc : la republique et canton de Geneve ) is S?isslandes ?esternmeste mægþ. Genf ?æs his ?gan r?ce oð 1798 and for t?æm gearum oð 1815, þone ?eard hit S?isslandes mægþ.

Iohannes Caluin br?htede þ? Cirice Edn??unge on Genf?arum in 1536 and þær staþolede gear?utle Onc?eðend cirice s?o þegnede s?a gelicnes for manig Caluiniscum cirican on Europan and eallum middangearde. In Genfe heald s?o cirice þæt land fæst under Godlicum r?ce and onc?eðendum þurh manige gearas. In Genf c??mon manig leorningcnihtas and pr?ostas forþæm þe hie m?t leonan fram Genfes cirice and ?itum.

In 1798 ins??g s?o Frencisc Forma Cyne??se his land and hit ?eard Frencisc department . Æfter Napoleon ?iþt?ah ?æs Genfland eft fr?oh and S?issland ?ac and in 1814 ger?d s? Wien Gegædrung þe Genf sceall ?eorþan S?itsisc. In 1815 mid S?issum Genf ?nlæhtede.

Mære Genf?are [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

Bysen:Switsena mægþ