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Cl?ðas - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Cild ?escr?tt mid mani?um ?intercl?ðum

Cl?ðas sind ?ht þe mann birþ on l?ce t? onhræ?le. Synderl?ce menn scr?daþ selfe mid cl?ðum, and se m?sta d?l heora s?? d?þ, on missenl?cum ??sum. Þ? cynn cl?ða mid þ?m þe mann s?e ?escr?tt habbaþ t? hefi?um intin?um br?cin?e and ?ef?rscipe.

Oftost sind menn un?el?cra ?ecynda ?escr?tt mid sundorl?cum cl?ðum, ac h??lum mann ?nes ?ecyndes scr?deþ selfne mid þ?m cl?ðum þæs ?ðres ?ecyndes.

On mani?um ?el?afum ?el?efþ mann t? missenl?cum re?olum cl?ða. T? b?sne, on þ?a?l?cum Allad?me and Iud?ad?me (and on sumum Cr?stnum ciricum) ?el?efþ mann þæt ??f scolde hire h?afod ?r?on.