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Ceadmere - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content


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Ceadmere and s? sandceosol

Cead mere is l?h onmiddan Affrice dr?goðan, on s?þan þæs D?ad?ylle Sand . H? nimþ his ?æter of Ceari ?a. For ofer þ?sand gearum ?æs Ceadmere s? st??e þær g?n camelgebornum ceapmannum of þæm Araba landum on Norþaffrice.

S? mere licþ on f?o?er landa mearcum; Ceades þæs landes (h?ærto Cead mere giefþ naman), Nigerie , Nigerlandes and Camerunes .

T?dæg is s? mere l?ssa þonne geo, forþæm micel ?æter t?eþ man of his str?amum for geb?ra æccrum.