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Gearwung (plega) - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

Gearwung (plega)

Fram Wikip?dian
(Edl?ded of ?ear?ung (indryhtu) )

Gearwung is ?nig d?d þæs bodiges þe mannes gesynte wiext and ofereall h?lþ. Man h?e d?þ for missenlicum m?dgeþancum, beinnaþ m?s and bl?dædranendebyrdnesse bestrangende, indryhtecræft beterende, gewihtlyre, oþþe for luste. Gearwiende oft wiext þ? wiþ?dlan endebyrdnesse , and helpþ t? forstandenne " welan ?dlan " swelce heorts?ocnesse , ædrans?ocnesse , cynd 2 diabetes and fættnesse . [1] [2] H?o ?ac beteraþ myndh?lþe, helpþ unmyrhðe forstandan, and ?ac mannes fuccwilla oþþe bodigbiliþ weaxan. [3] Cildh?dfættnes is weaxende woruldw?d beh?f [4] and gearwung mæg helpan cildh?dfættnesse wanian.

Wikimedia Commons hæfþ m?ran gemyndþr?das sibb mid:
Physical exercise

Strengþugearwung [ adiht | adiht fruman ]


Strengþugearwung gestrangaþ and wiext manes m?s and b?n . Strengþugearwung hæfþ mænig gesc?ad, beinnaþ gewihta and græfitig br?cende mid gewihta r?dum. Strengþugearwung br?cþ missenlica syndriga gearwan for rihtm?sum and styrungcynnum.

Wikimedia Commons hæfþ m?ran gemyndþr?das sibb mid:

Fruman [ adiht | adiht fruman ]

  1. doi : 10.1056/NEJM200007063430103
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  2. Hu., F., Manson, J., Stampfer, M., Graham, C., et al. (2001). Diet, lifestyle, and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women. The New England Journal of Medicine, 345 (11), 790-797. Retrieved October 5, 2006, from ProQuest database.
  3. Strengthening exercise : (...) "Strengthening exercise increases muscle strength and mass, bone strength, and the body's metabolism. It can help attain and maintain proper weight and improve body image and self-esteem" (...)
  4. WHO: Obesity and overweight