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?risc spr?c - Wikip?dia, s?o fr?o w?sd?mb?c Jump to content

?risc spr?c

Fram Wikip?dian
Gaeltacht, ?riscsprecende landscipas on ?rlande t?dæg
?riscsprecendas on 1871

S?o ?riscan spr?c ( Gaeilge , englisc : Irish ) bið Goidelisc spr?c gesibbu Scyttisce and Manisce , þe gespr?cenu is on ?rlande . ?risc is forð in lytlum landscipum gesprecen, s??ðost in Connacht , s? ?estd?l ?rlandes . Landscipas þ?r ?risc bið forð gespr?cenu sindon Gaeltachta i nemnede ( ?nf. Gaeltacht), and þæt folc sindon Gaeilgeoiri nemnedu (?ordriht "?ynnnumne ?riscsprecendas").

?risc, ongeador mid Englisce, bið folclicu spr?c on ?rlande, and is in eallum folcsc?lum in þ?m Cyne??san ?rlandes læred.

Gaelach (?riscu stæfr??) ?r?ten wið clo Gaelach (?riscum st?fum)
Twispr?ce ??gt?cn on ?risc and N??e Englisc