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Feedback | tell me what's on your mind

Path // → FEEDBACK


It’s true — we really do care what you think. When you work so closely with a site, you sometimes find it hard to see the faults that are probably really getting to your readers. That’s why this page exists.

If you’ve come across something on HTML Source that you’d like to see explained better, or have a general suggestion for the site, or want to complain about anything; fill out the form below and we’ll get ‘right on it’. Cheers.

1. Your Comments

Right, let’s get straight to it — what is it you want to say? Please give me your general comments on HTML Source .

Please don’t abuse this form to see if it works. It does, and it emails me every time something is submitted! So please, no junk submissions. :)

Time to get negative — give me one thing you don’t like about it.

2. Your Valued Opinion

On a scale of one to five, how would you rate the lovely HTML Source ?


3. Your Skill Level

How would you describe your HTML skills?

4. Tracking Information

In case I have to send you back an irate message...

5. The Buttons


If your browser starts giving you grief over a simple form, just  send on your comments. Thanks.

Depressingly Necessary Privacy Policy:
Your name and address will never be given out to anybody, and I will only use them if I feel the need to reply to you.