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Iran gaining foothold in the region and nearing Israeli border

Photo: AP
Iranian troops
Photo: AP
Smadar Perry

Iran gaining foothold in the region and nearing Israeli border

Analysis: Tehran has completed the first stage of its 'annexation' plan in an effort to establish its hegemony in the region and create territorial contiguity all the way to Israel's border with Jordan.

Iran is about to complete the first stage of its "annexation" plan, with the third stage ending at Israel's borders, according to intelligence assessments.



The first stage includes taking over areas and creating a territorial contiguity from Iran, through Iraq and Syria, to Lebanon. After Lebanon, the Iranians plan to get to Sudan through the sea and take over that country as well.


The second stage includes expanding from Tehran through the Indian Ocean to the Gulf nations and then to Saudi Arabia?and take over that area as well.


Iranian troops at military parade in Tehran (Photo: AP) (Photo: AP)
Iranian troops at military parade in Tehran (Photo: AP)


The third and final stage includes expanding from Iran to Iraq and from there to Jordan?all the way to Israel's border.


As part of the first stage of the plan, Iranian forces in recent days have been fighting Syrian rebels on the Syria-Iraq border.


The Syrian rebels get support from the US-led coalition, and there is concern these battles could lead to a much bigger confrontation: Between the US and Russia, and the US and Iran.


According to intelligence sources, Iran is focusing the battles near the al-Tanf training base, where there's a big concentration of Syrian rebels.


The US, meanwhile, is aiding the rebels in their recruitment efforts and helps train new recruits in Jordan.


The Iranians seek to take over al-Tanf because of its strategic location on the highway connecting Baghdad and Damascus. Taking over al-Tanf will make it easier and faster to move troops and military equipment to Syria.


The Americans have been called to help over Jordanian fears ISIS or Iran supporters would indeed manage to take over the training base.


????? ?????: 06.14.17, 09:11
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