World Trade Center Project Won't Be Finished Until 36 Years After 9/11 - PA

By Douglas Feiden | NY Daily News

The World Trade Center won't be fully rebuilt and occupied until 2037 - a full 36 years after terrorists reduced it to rubble, a new study says.

The endless delays that have plagued the site since 9/11 could drag on, pushing back the project's completion nearly a generation, said a marketing analysis prepared for the Port Authority and obtained by the Daily News.

Drafted by real estate titan Cushman & Wakefield, the study predicts that the site's centerpiece, the Port Authority's 1,776-foot Freedom Tower, won't be filled with tenants until 2019. Other troubling findings included:

- It could take 12 years to fully lease Silverstein's Tower 2, a 79-story, 1,270-foot giant that will be taller than the Empire State Building. It could be finished in 2014, but it won't be filled until 2026.

- Construction wouldn't even begin until 2,026 on Tower 3, a 71-story, 1,137-foot colossus that will climb higher than the Chrysler Building. Ribbon-cutting would come in 2030 and full leasing in 2037.

The survey, the gloomiest of several studies commissioned by the agency, based its projections on anticipated market demand for office space at the 16-acre site. It comes amid contentious talks between the PA and developer Larry Silverstein that threaten to unravel plans for his three signature office towers on Church St.

The builder and his landlord have been negotiating the financing and timetables of an emotionally charged project that's already years behind schedule and billions over budget.

The Port Authority calls the study a "market-driven analysis," not an agency proposal, but Silverstein's organization differed with the dour outlook.

"The Port Authority's position seems to be based on a totally pessimistic attitude about New York's economic future," said Janno Lieber, director of Silverstein's World Trade Center redevelopment effort.

"Out view is that New York will bounce back strongly over the next five years while we are building these buildings."

In a direct shot at the PA, Liber added, "Nobody at Silverstein is ever going to give up on New York. The city desperately needs the 30,000 jobs that building these towers will provide - right now."

PA spokeswoman Candace McAdams said the Agency is seeking a realistic forecast.

"The Port Authority's obligation is to rebuild the site in the public interest based on the economic reality today," McAdams said. "That starts with keeping the memorial and the other public infrastructure on the time line and budget we've committed to. It extends to building the right amount of office space to meet what is now a very different market downtown."

The latest budget-busting delays come with Wall Street jobs evaporating, credit markets shuttered and financial firms imperiled.

Since Silverstein couldn't swing the financing in a distressed economy, he asked the PA to help finance two of the towers.

The agency nixed that bid, but in a counteroffer, said it would kick in cash for just one of the three buildings and hold off construction on the other two until an economic rebound justifies rebuilding.



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