RHONDDA MP Chris Bryant yesterday said he was pushing forward with plans to sue the publishers of the News of the World as the phone-hacking scandal surrounding Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper empire intensified.

Scotland Yard is now considering launching an investigation into illegal payments to police by newspapers following comments by the chief executive of News International in response to a question from Mr Bryant.

Back in March 2003, when Rebekah Brooks was editor of The Sun, she told the Culture, Media and Sport Committee: “We have paid the police for information in the past.”

Labour MP Mr Bryant had asked whether the News of the World, which she edited from May 2000 to January 2003, had ever given officers money for a story.

Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick said the Metropolitan Police was carrying out a “scoping exercise” into whether there were any grounds for beginning a criminal inquiry.

Meanwhile, a high court judge yesterday said that four test cases for alleged victims of phone hacking by the News of the World should go ahead later this year.

Mr Justice Vos said 20 cases going through the courts were resulting in the creation of thousands of documents.

He said it would be best to limit the civil action by having four test cases ? possibly actress Sienna Miller, interior designer Kelly Hoppen, commentator Andy Gray and sports agent Sky Andrew ? as these were well-advanced and covered a range of issues and levels of damage.

The main issue was not whether there was a conspiracy, which News Group denied, admitting only isolated incidents, but about whether there was interception, how much, what was done with the information and what damage was suffered.

The judge said: “Otherwise we will be going on forever. Some people may want to but I don’t.”

He added: “At the bottom of all this is a claim for damages and the most important thing for the claimants is to have a guide as to what damages they may be entitled.”

Mr Bryant, who believes he was a victim of phone-hacking and has called for a judicial review, is delighted that action is now being taken, but argues it should have started long ago.

Arguing that a wider investigation should have taken place at the time of the 2006 royal phone hacking scandal, he said: “If they’d done it properly in 2006 this should have been done and dusted.”

It was reported yesterday that actor Jude Law is the latest person planning to take legal action. He was in a relationship with Ms Miller between 2003 and 2005 and then again from 2009 before they split for the second time earlier this year.

Yesterday’s day-long hearing follows a series of recent rulings over the disclosure of information by the Metropolitan Police and Vodafone relating to material forfeited by private detective Glenn Mulcaire who, with News of the World reporter Clive Goodman, was jailed over royal phone taps in 2007, and data from other mobile phone users.

At the end of last week, eight claimants, including Ms Miller and former culture secretary Tessa Jowell, received apologies from the newspaper, but the actress’s lawyers said she was awaiting disclosure and would then consider her next steps.

News International has written to another nine claimants asking for further evidence that their voicemails had been intercepted so a decision can be made on whether they too are entitled to an apology and compensation.

An estimated £20m has been set aside for pay-outs.

Last week, detectives investigating the allegations arrested the paper’s chief reporter and its former head of news.

Neville Thurlbeck, 50, and Ian Edmondson, 42, were questioned by Scotland Yard detectives when they voluntarily attended separate police stations in south-west London.

Yesterday, senior reporter James Weatherup became the third journalist from the newspaper to be questioned. He was released on bail until September.